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Created November 20, 2020 14:18
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class LambdaTestGrid{
Setting up remote driver in LambdaTestGrid
platform : Supported platform - (Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, macOS High Sierra, macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan, OS X Yosemite, OS X Mavericks)
browserName : Supported platform - (chrome, firefox, Internet Explorer, MicrosoftEdge, Safari)
version : Supported list of version can be found at
protected static $driver;
public function searchTextOnGoogle() {
# username: replace your username that can be found in your LambdaTest dashboard
$LT_USERNAME = "{username}";
# accessKey: replace your access token that has been generated once you signed up
$LT_APPKEY = "{accessKey}";
$LT_BROWSER = "chrome";
$LT_PLATFORM = "windows 10";
# URL: https://{username}:{accessToken}
$url = "https://". $LT_USERNAME .":" . $LT_APPKEY ."";
# setting desired capabilities for the test
$desired_capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('version', $LT_BROWSER_VERSION);
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('platform', $LT_PLATFORM);
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('name', "Php");
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('build', "Php Build");
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('network', true);
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('visual', true);
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('video ', true);
$desired_capabilities->setCapability('console', true);
self::$driver = RemoteWebDriver::create($url, $desired_capabilities);
//specify the browser URL
//specify the locator of the search box
$element = self::$driver->findElement(WebDriverBy::name("q"));
if($element) {
//type the name to be searched in the google search box
print self::$driver->getTitle();
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