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Last active October 9, 2021 03:30
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Require Import Lia
Import VectorNotations.
Local Open Scope vector_scope.
Local Open Scope N_scope.
Section Wf_proof.
Let f (a : N) := N.to_nat a.
Definition zwf (x y : N) := (f x < f y)%nat.
Lemma zwf_well_founded : well_founded zwf.
exact (well_founded_ltof _ f).
Lemma N_acc (x : N) : forall a, a < x -> Acc a.
induction (zwf_well_founded x) as [z Hz IHz].
intros ? Hxa.
constructor; intros y Hy.
eapply IHz with (y := a).
unfold zwf. unfold f.
nia. nia.
Lemma N_lt_wf : well_founded
red; intros ?.
constructor; intros y Hy.
eapply N_acc with (x := a).
exact Hy.
Lemma N_Lt_wf : forall up, Acc (fun x y => x < y) up.
intros up.
pose proof (N_lt_wf up).
exact H.
End Wf_proof.
Section Util.
Definition np_total (np : N) (H : np < 256) : byte.
refine (match (np <? 256) as npp return _ = npp -> _ with
| true => fun H => match (of_N np) as npw return _ = npw -> _ with
| Some x => fun He => x
| None => fun He => _ (* impossible *)
end eq_refl
| false => fun H => _
end eq_refl).
apply of_N_None_iff in He.
abstract nia. (* abstract or transparent? *)
apply N.ltb_ge in H.
abstract nia.
Lemma nmod_256 : forall np, np mod 256 < 256.
intros ?. apply N.mod_lt. intro. inversion H.
Lemma N_eq_gt : forall up t : N, 256 <= up -> t = up / 256 -> 0 <= t / 256 < t.
intros up t Hup Ht.
apply N.le_0_l.
apply N.div_lt_upper_bound.
(* I know that 1 <= t *)
assert (Hot: 1 <= t).
rewrite Ht.
apply N.div_le_lower_bound. nia.
simpl. exact Hup. nia.
Fixpoint guard A (R : A -> A -> Prop) (n : nat) (wfR : well_founded R) : well_founded R :=
match n with
| 0%nat => wfR
| S n => fun x => Acc_intro x (fun y _ => guard A R n (guard A R n wfR) y)
(* Let's go with List :) *)
Definition length_byte_list (np : N) : list byte.
refine ((fix length_byte_list up (H: Acc (fun x y => (* 0 <= *) x < y) (N.div up 256)) {struct H} :=
match (up <? 256) as upp return _ = upp -> _ with
| true => fun Hnp => List.cons (np_total up _) List.nil
| false => fun Hnp =>
let r := N.modulo up 256 in
let t := N.div up 256 in
List.cons (np_total r _) (length_byte_list t _)
end eq_refl
) np (N_Lt_wf _ ) (*(guard _ (fun x y => 0 <= x < y) 100 (N.lt_wf 0)) (N.div np 256))*)).
+ apply N.ltb_lt in Hnp; exact Hnp.
+ apply (nmod_256 up).
+ eapply Acc_inv with (x := t). exact H.
apply N.ltb_ge in Hnp.
eapply N_eq_gt with (up := up); auto.
Theorem length_correctness : forall np : N, List.length (length_byte_list np) = N.to_nat (N.div np 256 + 1).
intro np.
induction (N.lt_wf 0 np) as [up Hacc IHup].
refine(match (up <? 256) as upp return _ = upp -> _ with
| true => fun Hnp => _
| false => fun Hnp => _
end eq_refl).
+ apply N.ltb_lt in Hnp.
assert (Hup : up/256 = 0).
rewrite N.div_small;
[reflexivity | exact Hnp].
rewrite Hup.
unfold length_byte_list.
simpl. apply N.ltb_lt in Hnp.
(* rewrite Hnp is not working
which is ill-typed.
Reason is: Incorrect elimination of "N.ltb_lt up 256" in the inductive type
"and": ill-formed elimination predicate. *)
unfold length_byte_list. simpl. rewrite Hnp.
apply N.ltb_ge in Hnp.
(* divide the up by 256 for next call *)
remember (N.div up 256) as t.
remember (N.modulo up 256) as r.
assert (Hup: up = 256 * t + r).
subst. rewrite <-N.div_mod with (b := 256);
[reflexivity | nia].
assert (Hot: 1 <= t).
rewrite Heqt.
apply N.div_le_lower_bound. nia.
simpl. exact Hnp.
assert (Htup: up = 256 + 256 * (t - 1) + r).
(* now I am going to remember
256 * (t - 1) + r as y, for subsequent recursive
calls *)
remember (256 * (t - 1) + r) as y.
assert (Hyp: 0 <= y < up). nia.
specialize(IHup y Hyp).
rewrite Htup. rewrite Heqy in IHup.
assert (Hz : 0 <= t - 1). nia.
assert (Hr : r < 256). rewrite Heqr.
apply nmod_256.
assert (Ht: (256 * (t - 1) + r) / 256 + 1 = t).
rewrite N.mul_comm, N.div_add_l, N.div_small.
nia. exact Hr. nia.
rewrite Ht in IHup.
(* at this point, I want
length (length_byte_list (256 + 256 * (t - 1) + r)) =
S (length (length_byte_list (256 * (t - 1) + r))).
Then I can infer
length (length_byte_list (256 * (t - 1) + r)) =
N.to_nat t.
Now from IHup, y/256 = t - 1 and therefore
y/256 + 1 = t and we are home *)
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