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Created February 18, 2014 23:55
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Translation directive for AngularJS
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ng.directive:translate
* @element ANY
* @description
* Angular icin ceviri directive'i
* Ayrintili bilgi:
* @link:
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<span translate="messageKey">Varsayılan dil karşılığı</span>
(function (ng) {
'use strict';
/* Services */
ng.module('translate', [], ['$provide', function ($provide) {
$provide.factory('translate', ['$log', 'config', 'translations', function ($log, config, translations) {
var localizedStrings = translations,
log = config.logMissingTranslations,
translate = function (sourceString, lang) {
if (!sourceString) {
return '';
if (!lang) {
lang = config.defaultLanguage;
sourceString = sourceString.trim();
if (localizedStrings[lang] && localizedStrings[lang][sourceString]) {
return localizedStrings[lang][sourceString];
} else {
if (log) {
$log.warn('Missing localisation for "' + sourceString + '"');
return sourceString;
return translate;
/* Directives */
ng.module('translate.directives', [], ['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {
$compileProvider.directive('translate', ['$compile', 'translate', '$rootScope', 'config', function ($compile, translate, $rootScope, config) {
return {
priority: 10, //Should be evaluated befor e. G. pluralize
restrict: 'ECMA',
compile: function compile(el, attrs) {
var translateInnerHtml = false,
translateAttributes = [],
if (attrs.translate) {
attrsToTranslate = attrs.translate.split(';');
ng.forEach(attrsToTranslate, function (v) {
var parts = v.split(' ');
if (parts.length > 1) {
} else {
translateInnerHtml = v;
} else {
translateInnerHtml = el.html();
return function preLink(scope, el) {
$rootScope.$watch('lang', function (lang) {
if (lang && lang !== config.defaultLanguage) {
if (translateInnerHtml) {
var value = translate(translateInnerHtml, lang);
if (translateInnerHtml != value) {
ng.forEach(translateAttributes, function (attr) {
console.log(attr[0], translate(attr[1], lang));
el.attr(attr[0], translate(attr[1], lang));
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