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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
* @title IERC721 Non-Fungible Token Creator basic interface
interface IERC721Creator {
* @dev Gets the creator of the token
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token
* @return address of the creator
function tokenCreator(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address payable);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
* @title IERC721 Non-Fungible Token Creator basic interface
interface IERC721TokenCreator {
* @dev Gets the creator of the token
* @param _contractAddress address of the ERC721 contract
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token
* @return address of the creator
function tokenCreator(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address payable);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
* @title IMarketplaceSettings Settings governing a marketplace.
interface IMarketplaceSettings {
// Marketplace Min and Max Values
* @dev Get the max value to be used with the marketplace.
* @return uint256 wei value.
function getMarketplaceMaxValue() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Get the max value to be used with the marketplace.
* @return uint256 wei value.
function getMarketplaceMinValue() external view returns (uint256);
// Marketplace Fee
* @dev Get the marketplace fee percentage.
* @return uint8 wei fee.
function getMarketplaceFeePercentage() external view returns (uint8);
* @dev Utility function for calculating the marketplace fee for given amount of wei.
* @param _amount uint256 wei amount.
* @return uint256 wei fee.
function calculateMarketplaceFee(uint256 _amount)
returns (uint256);
// Primary Sale Fee
* @dev Get the primary sale fee percentage for a specific ERC721 contract.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @return uint8 wei primary sale fee.
function getERC721ContractPrimarySaleFeePercentage(address _contractAddress)
returns (uint8);
* @dev Utility function for calculating the primary sale fee for given amount of wei
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _amount uint256 wei amount.
* @return uint256 wei fee.
function calculatePrimarySaleFee(address _contractAddress, uint256 _amount)
returns (uint256);
* @dev Check whether the ERC721 token has sold at least once.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token ID.
* @return bool of whether the token has sold.
function hasERC721TokenSold(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
returns (bool);
* @dev Mark a token as sold.
* Requirements:
* - `_contractAddress` cannot be the zero address.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token ID.
* @param _hasSold bool of whether the token should be marked sold or not.
function markERC721Token(
address _contractAddress,
uint256 _tokenId,
bool _hasSold
) external;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
interface ISendValueProxy {
function sendValue(address payable _to) external payable;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
* @dev Interface for interacting with the VHS contract that holds VHS beta tokens.
interface IVHS {
* @notice A descriptive name for a collection of NFTs in this contract
function name() external pure returns (string memory _name);
* @notice An abbreviated name for NFTs in this contract
function symbol() external pure returns (string memory _symbol);
* @dev Returns whether the creator is whitelisted
* @param _creator address to check
* @return bool
function isWhitelisted(address _creator) external view returns (bool);
* @notice A distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset.
* @dev Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. URIs are defined in RFC
* 3986. The URI may point to a JSON file that conforms to the "ERC721
* Metadata JSON Schema".
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string memory);
* @dev Gets the creator of the token
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token
* @return address of the creator
function creatorOfToken(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address payable);
* @dev Gets the total amount of tokens stored by the contract
* @return uint256 representing the total amount of tokens
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Gets the owner of the specified token ID
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the owner of
* @return owner address currently marked as the owner of the given token ID
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (address);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
import "./IMarketplaceSettings.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "";
import "";
import "";
* @title MarketplaceSettings Settings governing the marketplace fees.
contract MarketplaceSettings is Ownable, AccessControl, IMarketplaceSettings {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// Constants
bytes32 public constant TOKEN_MARK_ROLE = "TOKEN_MARK_ROLE";
// State Variables
// Max wei value within the marketplace
uint256 private maxValue;
// Min wei value within the marketplace
uint256 private minValue;
// Percentage fee for the marketplace, 3 == 3%
uint8 private marketplaceFeePercentage;
// Mapping of ERC721 contract to the primary sale fee. If primary sale fee is 0 for an origin contract then primary sale fee is ignored. 1 == 1%
mapping(address => uint8) private primarySaleFees;
// Mapping of ERC721 contract to mapping of token ID to whether the token has been sold before.
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => bool)) private soldTokens;
// Constructor
* @dev Initializes the contract maxValue, minValues, and marketplaceFeePercentage to default settings.
* Also, sets the roles for the contract to the owner.
constructor() public {
maxValue = 2**254; // 2 ^ 254 is max amount, prevents any overflow issues.
minValue = 1000; // all amounts must be greater than 1000 Wei.
marketplaceFeePercentage = 0; // 3% marketplace fee on all txs.
_setupRole(AccessControl.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, owner());
grantRole(TOKEN_MARK_ROLE, owner());
// grantMarketplaceMarkTokenAccess
* @dev Grants a marketplace contract access to marke
* @param _account address of the account that can perform the token mark role.
function grantMarketplaceAccess(address _account) external {
hasRole(AccessControl.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender),
"grantMarketplaceAccess::Must be admin to call method"
grantRole(TOKEN_MARK_ROLE, _account);
// getMarketplaceMaxValue
* @dev Get the max value to be used with the marketplace.
* @return uint256 wei value.
function getMarketplaceMaxValue() external view override returns (uint256) {
return maxValue;
// setMarketplaceMaxValue
* @dev Set the maximum value of the marketplace settings.
* @param _maxValue uint256 maximum wei value.
function setMarketplaceMaxValue(uint256 _maxValue) external onlyOwner {
maxValue = _maxValue;
// getMarketplaceMinValue
* @dev Get the max value to be used with the marketplace.
* @return uint256 wei value.
function getMarketplaceMinValue() external view override returns (uint256) {
return minValue;
// setMarketplaceMinValue
* @dev Set the minimum value of the marketplace settings.
* @param _minValue uint256 minimum wei value.
function setMarketplaceMinValue(uint256 _minValue) external onlyOwner {
minValue = _minValue;
// getMarketplaceFeePercentage
* @dev Get the marketplace fee percentage.
* @return uint8 wei fee.
function getMarketplaceFeePercentage()
returns (uint8)
return marketplaceFeePercentage;
// setMarketplaceFeePercentage
* @dev Set the marketplace fee percentage.
* Requirements:
* - `_percentage` must be <= 100.
* @param _percentage uint8 percentage fee.
function setMarketplaceFeePercentage(uint8 _percentage) external onlyOwner {
_percentage <= 100,
"setMarketplaceFeePercentage::_percentage must be <= 100"
marketplaceFeePercentage = _percentage;
// calculateMarketplaceFee
* @dev Utility function for calculating the marketplace fee for given amount of wei.
* @param _amount uint256 wei amount.
* @return uint256 wei fee.
function calculateMarketplaceFee(uint256 _amount)
returns (uint256)
return _amount.mul(marketplaceFeePercentage).div(100);
// getERC721ContractPrimarySaleFeePercentage
* @dev Get the primary sale fee percentage for a specific ERC721 contract.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @return uint8 wei primary sale fee.
function getERC721ContractPrimarySaleFeePercentage(address _contractAddress)
returns (uint8)
return primarySaleFees[_contractAddress];
// setERC721ContractPrimarySaleFeePercentage
* @dev Set the primary sale fee percentage for a specific ERC721 contract.
* Requirements:
* - `_contractAddress` cannot be the zero address.
* - `_percentage` must be <= 100.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _percentage uint8 percentage fee for the ERC721 contract.
function setERC721ContractPrimarySaleFeePercentage(
address _contractAddress,
uint8 _percentage
) external onlyOwner {
_percentage <= 100,
"setERC721ContractPrimarySaleFeePercentage::_percentage must be <= 100"
primarySaleFees[_contractAddress] = _percentage;
// calculatePrimarySaleFee
* @dev Utility function for calculating the primary sale fee for given amount of wei
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _amount uint256 wei amount.
* @return uint256 wei fee.
function calculatePrimarySaleFee(address _contractAddress, uint256 _amount)
returns (uint256)
return _amount.mul(primarySaleFees[_contractAddress]).div(100);
// hasERC721TokenSold
* @dev Check whether the ERC721 token has sold at least once.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token ID.
* @return bool of whether the token has sold.
function hasERC721TokenSold(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
returns (bool)
return soldTokens[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
// markERC721TokenAsSold
* @dev Mark a token as sold.
* Requirements:
* - `_contractAddress` cannot be the zero address.
* @param _contractAddress address ERC721Contract address.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token ID.
* @param _hasSold bool of whether the token should be marked sold or not.
function markERC721Token(
address _contractAddress,
uint256 _tokenId,
bool _hasSold
) external override {
hasRole(TOKEN_MARK_ROLE, msg.sender),
"markERC721Token::Must have TOKEN_MARK_ROLE role to call method"
soldTokens[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = _hasSold;
// markTokensAsSold
* @dev Function to set an array of tokens for a contract as sold, thus not being subject to the primary sale fee, if one exists.
* @param _originContract address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenIds uint256[] array of token ids.
function markTokensAsSold(
address _originContract,
uint256[] calldata _tokenIds
) external {
hasRole(TOKEN_MARK_ROLE, msg.sender),
"markERC721Token::Must have TOKEN_MARK_ROLE role to call method"
// limit to batches of 2000
_tokenIds.length <= 2000,
"markTokensAsSold::Attempted to mark more than 2000 tokens as sold"
// Mark provided tokens as sold.
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenIds.length; i++) {
soldTokens[_originContract][_tokenIds[i]] = true;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
import "./SendValueProxy.sol";
* @dev Contract with a ISendValueProxy that will catch reverts when attempting to transfer funds.
contract MaybeSendValue {
SendValueProxy proxy;
constructor() internal {
proxy = new SendValueProxy();
* @dev Maybe send some wei to the address via a proxy. Returns true on success and false if transfer fails.
* @param _to address to send some value to.
* @param _value uint256 amount to send.
function maybeSendValue(address payable _to, uint256 _value)
returns (bool)
return true;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "";
import "./SendValueOrEscrow.sol";
* @title Payments contract for SuperRare Marketplaces.
contract Payments is SendValueOrEscrow {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeMath for uint8;
// refund
* @dev Internal function to refund an address. Typically for canceled bids or offers.
* Requirements:
* - _payee cannot be the zero address
* @param _amount uint256 value to be split.
* @param _payee address seller of the token.
function refund(
address payable _payee,
uint256 _amount
) internal {
_payee != address(0),
"refund::no payees can be the zero address"
if (_amount > 0) {
SendValueOrEscrow.sendValueOrEscrow(_payee, _amount);
// payout
* @dev Internal function to pay the seller.
* @param _amount uint256 value to be split.
* @param _payee address seller of the token.
function payout(
uint256 _amount,
address payable _payee
) internal {
_payee != address(0)
// Note:: Solidity is kind of terrible in that there is a limit to local
// variables that can be put into the stack. The real pain is that
// one can put structs, arrays, or mappings into memory but not basic
// data types. Hence our payments array that stores these values.
uint256[1] memory payments;
// uint256 payeePayment
payments[0] = _amount;
// payeePayment
if (payments[0] > 0) {
SendValueOrEscrow.sendValueOrEscrow(_payee, payments[0]);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/payment/PullPayment.sol";
import "";
import "./MaybeSendValue.sol";
* @dev Contract to make payments. If a direct transfer fails, it will store the payment in escrow until the address decides to pull the payment.
contract SendValueOrEscrow is MaybeSendValue, PullPayment {
// Events
event SendValue(address indexed _payee, uint256 amount);
// sendValueOrEscrow
* @dev Send some value to an address.
* @param _to address to send some value to.
* @param _value uint256 amount to send.
function sendValueOrEscrow(address payable _to, uint256 _value) internal {
// attempt to make the transfer
bool successfulTransfer = MaybeSendValue.maybeSendValue(_to, _value);
// if it fails, transfer it into escrow for them to redeem at their will.
if (!successfulTransfer) {
_asyncTransfer(_to, _value);
emit SendValue(_to, _value);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
import "./ISendValueProxy.sol";
* @dev Contract that attempts to send value to an address.
contract SendValueProxy is ISendValueProxy {
* @dev Send some wei to the address.
* @param _to address to send some value to.
function sendValue(address payable _to) external payable override {
// Note that `<address>.transfer` limits gas sent to receiver. It may
// not support complex contract operations in the future.
// contracts/MyContract.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
*Submitted for verification at on 2020-05-11
contract VHS is ERC721, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// Mapping from token ID to the creator's address.
mapping(uint256 => address) private tokenCreators;
// Counter for creating token IDs
uint256 private idCounter;
// Old SuperRare contract to look up token details.
// ISuperRare private oldSuperRare;
// Event indicating metadata was updated.
event TokenURIUpdated(uint256 indexed _tokenId, string _uri);
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol
) public
ERC721(_name, _symbol)
* @dev Checks that the token is owned by the sender.
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token.
modifier onlyTokenOwner(uint256 _tokenId) {
address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);
require(owner == msg.sender, "must be the owner of the token");
* @dev Checks that the token was created by the sender.
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token.
modifier onlyTokenCreator(uint256 _tokenId) {
address creator = tokenCreator(_tokenId);
require(creator == msg.sender, "must be the creator of the token");
* @dev Adds a new unique token to the supply.
* @param _uri string metadata uri associated with the token.
function addNewToken(string memory _uri , address payable tokenMintFor) onlyOwner public {
_createToken(_uri, tokenMintFor);
* @dev Deletes the token with the provided ID.
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token.
function deleteToken(uint256 _tokenId) public onlyTokenOwner(_tokenId) {
_burn( _tokenId);
* @dev Updates the token metadata if the owner is also the
* creator.
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token.
* @param _uri string metadata URI.
function updateTokenMetadata(uint256 _tokenId, string memory _uri)
_setTokenURI(_tokenId, _uri);
emit TokenURIUpdated(_tokenId, _uri);
* @dev Gets the creator of the token.
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token.
* @return address of the creator.
function tokenCreator(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {
return tokenCreators[_tokenId];
* @dev Internal function for setting the token's creator.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
* @param _creator address of the creator of the token.
function _setTokenCreator(uint256 _tokenId, address _creator) internal {
tokenCreators[_tokenId] = _creator;
* @dev Internal function creating a new token.
* @param _uri string metadata uri associated with the token
* @param _creator address of the creator of the token.
function _createToken(string memory _uri, address _creator) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 newId = idCounter;
_mint(_creator, newId);
_setTokenURI(newId, _uri);
_setTokenCreator(newId, _creator);
return newId;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "./IMarketplaceSettings.sol";
import "./Payments.sol";
contract VHSAuction is Ownable, Payments {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// Constants
// Types of Auctions
bytes32 public constant COLDIE_AUCTION = "COLDIE_AUCTION";
bytes32 public constant SCHEDULED_AUCTION = "SCHEDULED_AUCTION";
bytes32 public constant NO_AUCTION = bytes32(0);
// Structs
// A reserve auction.
struct Auction {
address payable auctionCreator;
uint256 creationBlock;
uint256 lengthOfAuction;
uint256 startingBlock;
uint256 reservePrice;
uint256 minimumBid;
bytes32 auctionType;
// The active bid for a given token, contains the bidder, the marketplace fee at the time of the bid, and the amount of wei placed on the token
struct ActiveBid {
address payable bidder;
uint8 marketplaceFee;
uint256 amount;
// State Variables
// Marketplace Settings Interface
IMarketplaceSettings public iMarketSettings;
// Mapping from ERC721 contract to mapping of tokenId to Auctions.
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Auction)) private auctions;
// Mapping of ERC721 contract to mapping of token ID to the current bid amount.
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => ActiveBid)) private currentBids;
// Number of blocks to begin refreshing auction lengths
uint256 public auctionLengthExtension;
// Max Length that an auction can be
uint256 public maxLength;
// A minimum increase in bid amount when out bidding someone.
uint8 public minimumBidIncreasePercentage; // 10 = 10%
// Events
event NewColdieAuction(
address indexed _contractAddress,
uint256 indexed _tokenId,
address indexed _auctionCreator,
uint256 _reservePrice,
uint256 _lengthOfAuction
event CancelAuction(
address indexed _contractAddress,
uint256 indexed _tokenId,
address indexed _auctionCreator
event NewScheduledAuction(
address indexed _contractAddress,
uint256 indexed _tokenId,
address indexed _auctionCreator,
uint256 _startingBlock,
uint256 _minimumBid,
uint256 _lengthOfAuction
event AuctionBid(
address indexed _contractAddress,
address indexed _bidder,
uint256 indexed _tokenId,
uint256 _amount,
bool _startedAuction,
uint256 _newAuctionLength,
address _previousBidder
event AuctionSettled(
address indexed _contractAddress,
address indexed _bidder,
address _seller,
uint256 indexed _tokenId,
uint256 _amount
// Constructor
* @dev Initializes the contract setting the market settings and creator royalty interfaces.
* @param _iMarketSettings address to set as iMarketSettings
constructor(address _iMarketSettings)
maxLength = 43200; // ~ 7 days == 7 days * 24 hours * 3600s / 14s per block
auctionLengthExtension = 65; // ~ 15 min == 15 min * 60s / 14s per block
_iMarketSettings != address(0),
"constructor::Cannot have null address for _iMarketSettings"
// Set iMarketSettings
iMarketSettings = IMarketplaceSettings(_iMarketSettings);
minimumBidIncreasePercentage = 10;
// setIMarketplaceSettings
* @dev Admin function to set the marketplace settings.
* Rules:
* - only owner
* - _address != address(0)
* @param _address address of the IMarketplaceSettings.
function setMarketplaceSettings(address _address) public onlyOwner {
_address != address(0),
"setMarketplaceSettings::Cannot have null address for _iMarketSettings"
iMarketSettings = IMarketplaceSettings(_address);
// setMaxLength
* @dev Admin function to set the maxLength of an auction.
* Rules:
* - only owner
* - _maxLangth > 0
* @param _maxLength uint256 max length of an auction.
function setMaxLength(uint256 _maxLength) public onlyOwner {
_maxLength > 0,
"setMaxLength::_maxLength must be greater than 0"
maxLength = _maxLength;
// setMinimumBidIncreasePercentage
* @dev Admin function to set the minimum bid increase percentage.
* Rules:
* - only owner
* @param _percentage uint8 to set as the new percentage.
function setMinimumBidIncreasePercentage(uint8 _percentage)
minimumBidIncreasePercentage = _percentage;
// setAuctionLengthExtension
* @dev Admin function to set the auctionLengthExtension of an auction.
* Rules:
* - only owner
* - _auctionLengthExtension > 0
* @param _auctionLengthExtension uint256 max length of an auction.
function setAuctionLengthExtension(uint256 _auctionLengthExtension)
_auctionLengthExtension > 0,
"setAuctionLengthExtension::_auctionLengthExtension must be greater than 0"
auctionLengthExtension = _auctionLengthExtension;
// cancelAuction
* @dev cancel an auction
* Rules:
* - Must have an auction for the token
* - Auction cannot have started
* - Must be the creator of the auction
* - Must return token to owner if escrowed
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
function cancelAuction(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].auctionType != NO_AUCTION,
"cancelAuction::Must have a current auction"
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].startingBlock == 0 ||
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].startingBlock >
"cancelAuction::auction cannot be started"
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].auctionCreator == msg.sender,
"cancelAuction::must be the creator of the auction"
Auction memory auction = auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = Auction(
// Return the token if this contract escrowed it
IERC721 erc721 = IERC721(_contractAddress);
if (erc721.ownerOf(_tokenId) == address(this)) {
erc721.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _tokenId);
emit CancelAuction(_contractAddress, _tokenId, auction.auctionCreator);
// createScheduledAuction
* @dev create a scheduled auction token contract address, token id
* Rules:
* - lengthOfAuction (in blocks) > 0
* - startingBlock > currentBlock
* - Cannot create an auction if contract isn't approved by owner
* - Minimum bid must be >= 0
* - Must be owner of the token
* - Cannot have a current auction going for this token
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
* @param _minimumBid uint256 Wei value of the reserve price.
* @param _lengthOfAuction uint256 length of auction in blocks.
* @param _startingBlock uint256 block number to start the auction on.
function createScheduledAuction(
address _contractAddress,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _minimumBid,
uint256 _lengthOfAuction,
uint256 _startingBlock
) external {
_lengthOfAuction > 0,
"createScheduledAuction::_lengthOfAuction must be greater than 0"
_lengthOfAuction <= maxLength,
"createScheduledAuction::Cannot have auction longer than maxLength"
_startingBlock > block.number,
"createScheduledAuction::_startingBlock must be greater than block.number"
_minimumBid <= iMarketSettings.getMarketplaceMaxValue(),
"createScheduledAuction::Cannot set minimum bid higher than max value"
_requireOwnerApproval(_contractAddress, _tokenId);
_requireOwnerAsSender(_contractAddress, _tokenId);
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].auctionType == NO_AUCTION ||
(msg.sender !=
"createScheduledAuction::Cannot have a current auction"
// Create the scheduled auction.
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = Auction(
// Transfer the token to this contract to act as escrow.
IERC721 erc721 = IERC721(_contractAddress);
erc721.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenId);
emit NewScheduledAuction(
// bid
* @dev Bid on artwork with an auction.
* Rules:
* - if auction creator is still owner, owner must have contract approved
* - There must be a running auction or a reserve price auction for the token
* - bid > 0
* - if startingBlock - block.number < auctionLengthExtension
* - then auctionLength = Starting block - (currentBlock + extension)
* - Auction creator != bidder
* - bid >= minimum bid
* - bid >= reserve price
* - block.number < startingBlock + lengthOfAuction
* - bid > current bid
* - if previous bid then returned
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
* @param _amount uint256 Wei value of the bid.
function bid(
address _contractAddress,
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _amount
) external payable {
Auction memory auction = auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
// Must have existing auction.
auction.auctionType != NO_AUCTION,
"bid::Must have existing auction"
// Must have existing auction.
auction.auctionCreator != msg.sender,
"bid::Cannot bid on your own auction"
// Must have pending coldie auction or running auction.
auction.startingBlock <= block.number,
"bid::Must have a running auction or pending coldie auction"
// Check that bid is greater than 0.
require(_amount > 0, "bid::Cannot bid 0 Wei.");
// Check that bid is less than max value.
_amount <= iMarketSettings.getMarketplaceMaxValue(),
"bid::Cannot bid higher than max value"
// Check that bid is larger than min value.
_amount >= iMarketSettings.getMarketplaceMinValue(),
"bid::Cannot bid lower than min value"
// Check that bid is larger than minimum bid value or the reserve price.
(_amount >= auction.reservePrice && auction.minimumBid == 0) ||
(_amount >= auction.minimumBid && auction.reservePrice == 0),
"bid::Cannot bid lower than reserve or minimum bid"
// Auction cannot have ended.
auction.startingBlock == 0 ||
block.number <
"bid::Cannot have ended"
// Check that enough ether was sent.
uint256 requiredCost =
require(requiredCost == msg.value, "bid::Must bid the correct amount.");
// If owner of token is auction creator make sure they have contract approved
IERC721 erc721 = IERC721(_contractAddress);
address owner = erc721.ownerOf(_tokenId);
// Check that token is owned by creator or by this contract
auction.auctionCreator == owner || owner == address(this),
"bid::Cannot bid on auction if auction creator is no longer owner."
if (auction.auctionCreator == owner) {
_requireOwnerApproval(_contractAddress, _tokenId);
ActiveBid memory currentBid = currentBids[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
// Must bid higher than current bid.
_amount > currentBid.amount &&
_amount >=
"bid::must bid higher than previous bid + minimum percentage increase."
// Return previous bid
// We do this here because it clears the bid for the refund. This makes it safe from reentrence.
if (currentBid.amount != 0) {
_refundBid(_contractAddress, _tokenId);
// Set the new bid
currentBids[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = ActiveBid(
// If is a pending coldie auction, start the auction
if (auction.startingBlock == 0) {
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].startingBlock = block.number;
emit AuctionBid(
// If the time left for the auction is less than the extension limit bump the length of the auction.
else if (
) < auctionLengthExtension
) {
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId].lengthOfAuction = (
emit AuctionBid(
// Otherwise, it's a normal bid
else {
emit AuctionBid(
// settleAuction
* @dev Settles the auction, transferring the auctioned token to the bidder and the bid to auction creator.
* Rules:
* - There must be an unsettled auction for the token
* - current bidder becomes new owner
* - auction creator gets paid
* - there is no longer an auction for the token
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
function settleAuction(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
Auction memory auction = auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
auction.auctionType != NO_AUCTION && auction.startingBlock != 0,
"settleAuction::Must have a current auction that has started"
block.number >= auction.startingBlock.add(auction.lengthOfAuction),
"settleAuction::Can only settle ended auctions."
ActiveBid memory currentBid = currentBids[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
currentBids[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = ActiveBid(address(0), 0, 0);
auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = Auction(
IERC721 erc721 = IERC721(_contractAddress);
// If there were no bids then end the auction and return the token to its original owner.
if (currentBid.bidder == address(0)) {
// Transfer the token to back to original owner.
emit AuctionSettled(
// Transfer the token to the winner of the auction.
erc721.transferFrom(address(this), currentBid.bidder, _tokenId);
// address payable owner = _makePayable(owner());
iMarketSettings.markERC721Token(_contractAddress, _tokenId, true);
emit AuctionSettled(
// getAuctionDetails
* @dev Get current auction details for a token
* Rules:
* - Return empty when there's no auction
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
function getAuctionDetails(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
returns (
Auction memory auction = auctions[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
return (
// getCurrentBid
* @dev Get the current bid
* Rules:
* - Return empty when there's no bid
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
function getCurrentBid(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address, uint256)
return (
// _requireOwnerApproval
* @dev Require that the owner have the VHSAuction approved.
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
function _requireOwnerApproval(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
IERC721 erc721 = IERC721(_contractAddress);
address owner = erc721.ownerOf(_tokenId);
erc721.isApprovedForAll(owner, address(this)),
"owner must have approved contract"
// _requireOwnerAsSender
* @dev Require that the owner be the sender.
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uint256 id of the token.
function _requireOwnerAsSender(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
IERC721 erc721 = IERC721(_contractAddress);
address owner = erc721.ownerOf(_tokenId);
require(owner == msg.sender, "owner must be message sender");
// _refundBid
* @dev Internal function to return an existing bid on a token to the
* bidder and reset bid.
* @param _contractAddress address of ERC721 contract.
* @param _tokenId uin256 id of the token.
function _refundBid(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
ActiveBid memory currentBid = currentBids[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
if (currentBid.bidder == address(0)) {
currentBids[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = ActiveBid(address(0), 0, 0);
// refund the bidder
// _makePayable
* @dev Internal function to set a bid.
* @param _address non-payable address
* @return payable address
function _makePayable(address _address)
returns (address payable)
return address(uint160(_address));
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-pixura/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-pixura/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-pixura/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "./IVHS.sol";
import "./IERC721Creator.sol";
* @title SuperRare Legacy Tokens
* @dev This contract acts the new SuperRare Legacy contract (formerly known as VHS).
* It is used to upgrade VHS tokens to make them fully ERC721 compliant.
* Steps for upgrading:
* 1.) As the token owner, make sure you are the `preUpgradeOwner` to ensure you are the receiver of the new token.
* 2.) Transfer your old token to this contract's address.
* 3.) Boom! You're now the owner of the upgraded token.
contract VHSLegacy is ERC721, IERC721Creator, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// State Variables
// Old SuperRare contract to look up token details.
IVHS private oldSuperRare;
// Mapping from token ID to the pre upgrade token owner.
mapping(uint256 => address) private _tokenOwnerPreUpgrade;
// Boolean for when minting has completed.
bool private _mintingCompleted;
// Constructor
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
address _oldSuperRare
) public ERC721(_name, _symbol) {
_oldSuperRare != address(0),
"constructor::Cannot have null address for _oldSuperRare"
// Set old SuperRare.
oldSuperRare = IVHS(_oldSuperRare);
// Mark minting as not completed
_mintingCompleted = false;
// Admin Methods
// mintLegacyTokens
* @dev Mints the legacy tokens without emitting any events.
* @param _tokenIds uint256 array of token ids to mint.
function mintLegacyTokens(uint256[] calldata _tokenIds) external onlyOwner {
"VHSLegacy: Cannot mint tokens once minting has completed."
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenIds.length; i++) {
// markMintingCompleted
* @dev Marks _mintedCompleted as true which forever prevents any more minting.
function markMintingCompleted() external onlyOwner {
"VHSLegacy: Cannot mark completed if already completed."
_mintingCompleted = true;
// Public Methods
// ownerOf
* @dev Returns the owner of the NFT specified by `tokenId`
* @param _tokenId uint256 token id to get the owner of.
* @return owner address of the token owner.
function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address owner)
if (!isUpgraded((_tokenId))) {
return address(this);
return ERC721.ownerOf(_tokenId);
// preUpgradeOwnerOf
* @dev Returns the pre-upgrade token owner of the NFT specified by `tokenId`.
* This owner will become the owner of the upgraded token.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token id to get the pre-upgrade owner of.
* @return address of the token pre-upgrade owner.
function preUpgradeOwnerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {
address preUpgradeOwner = _tokenOwnerPreUpgrade[_tokenId];
preUpgradeOwner != address(0),
"VHSLegacy: pre-upgrade owner query for nonexistent token"
return preUpgradeOwner;
// isUpgraded
* @dev Returns whether the token has been upgraded.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token id to get the owner of.
* @return bool of whether the token has been upgraded.
function isUpgraded(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (bool) {
address ownerOnOldSuperRare = oldSuperRare.ownerOf(_tokenId);
return address(this) == ownerOnOldSuperRare;
// refreshPreUpgradeOwnerOf
* @dev Refreshes the pre-upgrade token owner. Useful in the event of a
* non-upgraded token transferring ownership. Throws if token has upgraded
* or if there is nothing to refresh.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token id to refresh the pre-upgrade token owner.
function refreshPreUpgradeOwnerOf(uint256 _tokenId) external {
"VHSLegacy: cannot refresh an upgraded token"
address ownerOnOldSuperRare = oldSuperRare.ownerOf(_tokenId);
address outdatedOwner = preUpgradeOwnerOf(_tokenId);
ownerOnOldSuperRare != outdatedOwner,
"VHSLegacy: cannot refresh when pre-upgrade owners match"
// _transferFromNoEvent(outdatedOwner, ownerOnOldSuperRare, _tokenId);
_tokenOwnerPreUpgrade[_tokenId] = ownerOnOldSuperRare;
// tokenCreator
* @dev Refreshes the pre-upgrade token owner. Useful in the event of a
* non-upgraded token transferring ownership. Throws if token has upgraded
* or if there is nothing to refresh.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token id to refresh the pre-upgrade token owner.
* @return address of the token pre-upgrade owner.
function tokenCreator(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address payable)
return oldSuperRare.creatorOfToken(_tokenId);
// tokenURI
* @dev Returns the URI for a given token ID. May return an empty string.
* If the token's URI is non-empty and a base URI was set
* Reverts if the token ID does not exist.
* @param tokenId uint256 token id to refresh the pre-upgrade token owner.
* @return string URI of the given token ID.
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
returns (string memory)
"VHSLegacy: URI query for nonexistent token"
return oldSuperRare.tokenURI(tokenId);
// Internal Methods
// _createLegacyToken
* @dev Mints a legacy token with the appropriate metadata and owner.
* @param _tokenId uint256 token id to get the owner of.
function _createLegacyToken(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
address ownerOnOldSuperRare = oldSuperRare.ownerOf(_tokenId);
// _mintWithNoEvent(ownerOnOldSuperRare, _tokenId);
_tokenOwnerPreUpgrade[_tokenId] = ownerOnOldSuperRare;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
// import "openzeppelin-solidity-solc6/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "";
import "";
import "./IERC721TokenCreator.sol";
import "./IERC721Creator.sol";
* @title IERC721 Non-Fungible Token Creator basic interface
contract VHSTokenCreatorRegistry is Ownable, IERC721TokenCreator {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// State Variables
// Mapping of ERC721 token to it's creator.
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => address payable))
private tokenCreators;
// Mapping of addresses that implement IERC721Creator.
mapping(address => bool) private iERC721Creators;
// Constructor
* @dev Initializes the contract setting the iERC721Creators with the provided addresses.
* @param _iERC721Creators address[] to set as iERC721Creators.
constructor(address[] memory _iERC721Creators) public {
_iERC721Creators.length < 1000,
"constructor::Cannot mark more than 1000 addresses as IERC721Creator"
for (uint8 i = 0; i < _iERC721Creators.length; i++) {
_iERC721Creators[i] != address(0),
"constructor::Cannot set the null address as an IERC721Creator"
iERC721Creators[_iERC721Creators[i]] = true;
// tokenCreator
* @dev Gets the creator of the token
* @param _contractAddress address of the ERC721 contract
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token
* @return address of the creator
function tokenCreator(address _contractAddress, uint256 _tokenId)
returns (address payable)
if (tokenCreators[_contractAddress][_tokenId] != address(0)) {
return tokenCreators[_contractAddress][_tokenId];
if (iERC721Creators[_contractAddress]) {
return IERC721Creator(_contractAddress).tokenCreator(_tokenId);
return address(0);
// setTokenCreator
* @dev Sets the creator of the token
* @param _contractAddress address of the ERC721 contract
* @param _tokenId uint256 ID of the token
* @param _creator address of the creator for the token
function setTokenCreator(
address _contractAddress,
uint256 _tokenId,
address payable _creator
) external onlyOwner {
_creator != address(0),
"setTokenCreator::Cannot set null address as creator"
_contractAddress != address(0),
"setTokenCreator::_contractAddress cannot be null"
tokenCreators[_contractAddress][_tokenId] = _creator;
// setIERC721Creator
* @dev Set an address as an IERC721Creator
* @param _contractAddress address of the IERC721Creator contract
function setIERC721Creator(address _contractAddress) external onlyOwner {
_contractAddress != address(0),
"setIERC721Creator::_contractAddress cannot be null"
iERC721Creators[_contractAddress] = true;
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