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Martin Wawrusch mwawrusch

View GitHub Profile
info: Updating app fanignite-site
debug: { method: 'PUT',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
debug: 'user-agent': 'jitsu/0.13.15' },
debug: timeout: '1000000000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{"domain":"","subdomain":"fanignite-site","private":true,"author":"Martin Wawrusch <> (","name":"fanignite-site","description":"Fanignite site","version":"0.0.1-419","main":"./lib/index.js","repository":{"type":"git","url":"git://"},"bin":{},"directories":{"lib":"./lib","test":"./test"},"keywords":["fanignite",""],"scripts":{"predeploy":"node_modules/.bin/coffee -c -o lib src;./bin/docs;./bin/build-assets;npm run-script deploy-assets","deploy-assets":"node_modul
~/fanignite-site/bin ~/fanignite-site
~/fanignite-site ~/fanignite-site
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu fanignite
info: jitsu v0.13.15, node v0.8.12
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
~/fanignite-site/bin ~/fanignite-site
~/fanignite-site ~/fanignite-site
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu fanignite
info: jitsu v0.13.15, node v0.8.12
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
npm WARN engine tar@0.1.16: wanted: {"node":"~0.5.9 || 0.6 || 0.7 || 0.8"} (current: {"node":"0.10.30","npm":"1.4.21"})
> chokidar@0.7.1 postinstall /Users/mwawrusch/Documents/asokoinsight/asokoinsight-profile/node_modules/grunt-divshot/node_modules/divshot-cli/node_modules/superstatic/node_modules/chokidar
> node setup.js postinstall
> zlib@1.0.5 preinstall /Users/mwawrusch/Documents/asokoinsight/asokoinsight-profile/node_modules/grunt-divshot/node_modules/divshot-cli/node_modules/tarzan/node_modules/zlib
> node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build
sh: node-waf: command not found
install -g grunt-div
npm ERR! 404 404 Not Found: grunt-div
npm ERR! 404
npm ERR! 404 'grunt-div' is not in the npm registry.
npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it
npm ERR! 404
npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from a
npm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, or http url, or git url.
npm ERR! System Darwin 14.0.0
_ = require 'underscore'
modRewrite = require('connect-modrewrite')
module.exports = (grunt) ->
filterGrunt = ->
gruntFiles = require("matchdep").filterDev("grunt-*")
_.reject gruntFiles, (x) -> x is 'grunt-cli'
"data": {
"report": {
"rtmDaily": [{
"adgroup": "13980786660",
"type": "1",
"datetime": "2014-06-28 00:00:00",
"demo_data": "[{\"s\":\"100366\", \"uc\":\"1477\", \"ec\":\"1784\"}, {\"s\":\"100367\", \"uc\":\"290\", \"ec\":\"336\"}, {\"s\":\"100364\", \"uc\":\"718\", \"ec\":\"851\"}, {\"s\":\"100365\", \"uc\":\"410\", \"ec\":\"486\"}, {\"s\":\"100368\", \"uc\":\"240\", \"ec\":\"276\"}, {\"s\":\"100369\", \"uc\":\"932\", \"ec\":\"1105\"}, {\"s\":\"100370\", \"uc\":\"155\", \"ec\":\"191\"}, {\"s\":\"100649\", \"uc\":\"41\", \"ec\":\"44\"}, {\"s\":\"100648\", \"uc\":\"27\", \"ec\":\"30\"}, {\"s\":\"100906\", \"uc\":\"191\", \"ec\":\"220\"}, {\"s\":\"100647\", \"uc\":\"34\", \"ec\":\"46\"}, {\"s\":\"100907\", \"uc\":\"149\", \"ec\":\"165\"}, {\"s\":\"100374\", \"uc\":\"1428\", \"ec\":\"1649\"}, {\"s\":\"100373\", \"uc\":\"1565\", \"ec\":\"1819\"}, {\"s\":\"100372\", \"uc\":\"2490\", \"ec\":\"2925\"}, {\"s\":\"100371\", \"uc\":\
# Virtual Hosts
# If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
# machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations
# use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
# IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
# Please see the documentation at
# <URL:>
# This is the main Apache HTTP server configuration file. It contains the
# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
# See <URL:> for detailed information.
# In particular, see
# <URL:>
# for a discussion of each configuration directive.
# Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
# what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
1 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Lory - Wht Blk Zebra Snk
2 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Lory - Lipstick Trop Stmpd Snk P
3 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Lory - Gold Dusty Metallic
4 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Lory - Black KidSuede
5 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Brielle - Blk Snk Stella
6 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Brielle - Dk Gye Gold Snk
7 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Czarnecki - Bone
8 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Yvone - Brownie
9 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Brasiliana - Atndo Soft Black
10 Images 1 / Sizes: 15 - Cyby - Atanado Real Dawn