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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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(ns truth.core)
(defn get-data []
{:data {:name {:first "matt"}}})
(defmacro truth [lbl val tests redefs]
(loop [t tests]
(if-not (seq t)
`(with-redefs [~@(mapcat identity redefs)]
(if-not (-> ~val ~(first t))
(format "[%s] failed on: (-> %s %s)" ~lbl '~val '~(first t))
(truth ~lbl ~val ~(rest t) ~redefs))))))
;; Run through each test form, one at a time -
;; applying the `val` to the form as (-> `val` `test-form`).
;; If one fails, throw an exception and include
;; the form in the error message
(truth "get-data looks good" (get-data)
(-> :data :name :first (string?))]
{map? (fn [_] true)})
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