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Created January 21, 2017 19:32
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import Foundation
// Caveats (specify fixes alongside)
// * Promise { throw E.dummy } is interpreted as `Promise<() throws -> Void>` of all things
// * Promise(E.dummy) is interpreted as `Promise<E>`
// Remarks:
// * We typically use `.pending()` to reduce nested insanities in your backtraces
public protocol Thenable: class {
associatedtype T
/// - Remark: Ideally would be `then` but the return-type proved tricky
func pipe(to: @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void)
var result: Result<T>? { get }
public protocol Catchable: Thenable
enum Schrödinger<R> {
case pending(Handlers<R>)
case resolved(R)
public enum Result<T> {
case rejected(Error)
case fulfilled(T)
class Handlers<R> {
var bodies: [(R) -> Void] = []
public struct Sealant<T> {
public let resolve: (Result<T>) -> Void
public func fulfill(_ value: T) {
public func reject(_ error: Error) {
public enum UnambiguousInitializer {
case start
public final class Promise<T>: Catchable, Thenable {
/// - Remark: It is possible to create a `Promise<Error>` with this method. But please don’t. We tried to make this prohobited, but Swift doesn’t seem able to obey our unavailable annotations in this contest yet.
public init(value: T) {
schrödinger = .resolved(.fulfilled(value))
public init(error: Error) {
schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
fileprivate var schrödinger: Schrödinger<Result<T>> {
didSet {
guard case .pending(let handlers) = oldValue, case .resolved(let result) = schrödinger else {
schrödinger = oldValue
for body in handlers.bodies {
public init(seal body: (Sealant<T>) throws -> Void) {
do {
schrödinger = .pending(Handlers())
try body(Sealant{ self.schrödinger = .resolved($0) })
} catch {
schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
public init(_: UnambiguousInitializer, assimilate body: () throws -> Promise) {
do {
schrödinger = try body().schrödinger
} catch {
schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
public func pipe(to body: @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void) {
switch schrödinger {
case .pending(let handlers):
case .resolved(let result):
public var result: Result<T>? {
switch schrödinger {
case .pending:
return nil
case .resolved(let result):
return result
fileprivate init() {
schrödinger = .pending(Handlers())
public static func pending() -> (promise: Promise, seal: Sealant<T>) {
let promise = Promise()
let sealant = Sealant{ promise.schrödinger = .resolved($0) }
return (promise, sealant)
public func asVoid() -> Promise<Void> {
return then{ _ in }
extension Thenable {
public func then<U: Thenable>(qos: DispatchQoS? = nil, execute body: @escaping (T) throws -> U) -> Promise<U.T> {
let promise = Promise<U.T>()
pipe { result in
switch result {
case .fulfilled(let value):
qos.async {
do {
try body(value).pipe{ promise.schrödinger = .resolved($0) }
} catch {
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
case .rejected(let error):
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
return promise
public func then<U>(qos: DispatchQoS? = nil, execute body: @escaping (T) throws -> U) -> Promise<U> {
let promise = Promise<U>()
pipe { result in
switch result {
case .fulfilled(let value):
qos.async {
do {
let value = try body(value)
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.fulfilled(value))
} catch {
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
case .rejected(let error):
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
return promise
extension Catchable {
public func always(qos: DispatchQoS? = nil, execute body: @escaping () -> Void) -> Self {
pipe { _ in
qos.async(execute: body)
return self
public func `catch`(handler body: @escaping (Error) -> Void) -> Finally {
let finally = Finally()
pipe { result in
switch result {
case .fulfilled:
case .rejected(let error):
finally.schrödinger = .resolved()
return finally
public var error: Error? {
switch result {
case .rejected(let error)?:
return error
case .fulfilled?, nil:
return nil
public class Finally {
fileprivate var schrödinger: Schrödinger<Void> = .pending(Handlers()) {
didSet {
guard case .pending(let handlers) = oldValue else { fatalError() }
for handler in handlers.bodies {
public func finally(execute body: @escaping () -> Void) -> Finally {
switch schrödinger {
case .pending(let handlers):
case .resolved:
return self
private func unwrap(_ any: Any?) -> Result<Any?> {
if let error = any as? Error {
return .rejected(error)
} else {
return .fulfilled(any)
public class AnyPromise: NSObject, Thenable {
fileprivate var schrödinger: Schrödinger<Any?> {
didSet {
guard case .pending(let handlers) = oldValue, case .resolved(let value) = schrödinger else {
schrödinger = oldValue
for body in handlers.bodies {
public var result: Result<Any?>? {
switch schrödinger {
case .resolved(let value):
return unwrap(value)
case .pending:
return nil
public func pipe(to body: @escaping (Result<Any?>) -> Void) {
let body = { body(unwrap($0)) }
switch schrödinger {
case .pending(let handlers):
case .resolved(let value):
public override init() {
schrödinger = .resolved(nil)
/** - Remark: much like a real-life guarantee, it is only as reliable as the source; “promises”
may never resolve, it is up to the thing providing you the promise to ensure that they do.
Generally it is considered bad programming for a promise provider to provide a promise that
never resolves. In real life a guarantee may not be met by eg. World War III, so think
public final class Guarantee<T>: Thenable {
/// - Remark: `Guarantee()` thus creates a resolved `Void` Guarantee.
public init(_ value: T) {
schrödinger = .resolved(value)
public init(sealant body: (@escaping (T) -> Void) -> Void) {
schrödinger = .pending(Handlers())
body { self.schrödinger = .resolved($0) }
private init(schrödinger: Schrödinger<T>) {
self.schrödinger = schrödinger
public static func pending() -> (Guarantee<T>, (T) -> Void) {
let g = Guarantee<T>(schrödinger: .pending(Handlers()))
return (g, { g.schrödinger = .resolved($0) })
fileprivate var schrödinger: Schrödinger<T> {
didSet {
guard case .pending(let handlers) = oldValue, case .resolved(let value) = schrödinger else {
schrödinger = oldValue
for body in handlers.bodies {
public func pipe(to body: @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void) {
__pipe{ body(.fulfilled($0)) }
public func __pipe(to body: @escaping (T) -> Void) {
switch schrödinger {
case .pending(let handlers):
case .resolved(let value):
public var result: Result<T>? {
switch schrödinger {
case .pending:
return nil
case .resolved(let value):
return .fulfilled(value)
public func then<U>(qos: DispatchQoS? = nil, execute body: @escaping (T) -> Guarantee<U>) -> Guarantee<U> {
let (guarantee, _) = Guarantee<U>.pending()
__pipe { value in
qos.async {
guarantee.schrödinger = body(value).schrödinger
return guarantee
public func then<U>(qos: DispatchQoS? = nil, execute body: @escaping (T) -> U) -> Guarantee<U> {
let (guarantee, _) = Guarantee<U>.pending()
__pipe { value in
qos.async {
guarantee.schrödinger = .resolved(body(value))
return guarantee
public func after(interval: TimeInterval) -> Guarantee<Void> {
let guarantee = Guarantee<Void>()
defer { .now() + interval) {
guarantee.schrödinger = .resolved()
return guarantee
private protocol _DispatchQoS {
var the: DispatchQoS { get }
extension DispatchQoS: _DispatchQoS {
var the: DispatchQoS { return self }
extension Optional where Wrapped: _DispatchQoS {
fileprivate func async(execute body: @escaping () -> Void) {
switch self {
case .none:
case .some(let qos): nil, qos: qos.the, flags: [], execute: body)
extension Thenable {
public func tap(execute body: @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void) -> Self {
pipe(to: body)
return self
public var value: T? {
switch result {
case .fulfilled(let value)?:
return value
case .rejected?, nil:
return nil
public var isFulfilled: Bool {
switch result {
case .fulfilled?:
return true
case .rejected?, nil:
return false
public var isRejected: Bool {
switch result {
case .rejected?:
return true
case .fulfilled?, nil:
return false
public var isPending: Bool {
switch result {
case .fulfilled?, .rejected?:
return true
case nil:
return false
public func race<U: Thenable>(_ thenables: U...) -> Promise<U.T> {
let result = Promise<U.T>()
for thenable in thenables {
thenable.pipe{ result.schrödinger = .resolved($0) }
return result
public func when<U, V>(fulfilled u: Promise<U>, _ v: Promise<V>) -> Promise<(U, V)> {
return when(fulfilled: [u.asVoid(), v.asVoid()]).then{ _ in (u.value!, v.value!) }
public func when<U, V, X>(fulfilled u: Promise<U>, _ v: Promise<V>, _ x: Promise<X>) -> Promise<(U, V, X)> {
return when(fulfilled: [u.asVoid(), v.asVoid(), x.asVoid()]).then{ _ in (u.value!, v.value!, x.value!) }
public func when<U, V, X, Y>(fulfilled u: Promise<U>, _ v: Promise<V>, _ x: Promise<X>, _ y: Promise<Y>) -> Promise<(U, V, X, Y)> {
return when(fulfilled: [u.asVoid(), v.asVoid(), x.asVoid(), y.asVoid()]).then{ _ in (u.value!, v.value!, x.value!, y.value!) }
public func when<U, V, X, Y, Z>(fulfilled u: Promise<U>, _ v: Promise<V>, _ x: Promise<X>, _ y: Promise<Y>, _ z: Promise<Z>) -> Promise<(U, V, X, Y, Z)> {
return when(fulfilled: [u.asVoid(), v.asVoid(), x.asVoid(), y.asVoid(), z.asVoid()]).then{ _ in (u.value!, v.value!, x.value!, y.value!, z.value!) }
/// - Remark: There is no `...` variant, because it is then confusing that you put a splat in and don't get a splat out, when compared with the typical usage for our above splatted kinds
public func when<U: Thenable>(fulfilled thenables: [U]) -> Promise<[U.T]> {
let rv = Promise<[U.T]>()
var values = Array<U.T!>(repeating: nil, count: thenables.count)
var x = thenables.count
for (index, thenable) in thenables.enumerated() {
thenable.pipe { result in
switch result {
case .rejected(let error):
rv.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
case .fulfilled(let value):
values[index] = value
x -= 1
if x == 0 {
rv.schrödinger = .resolved(.fulfilled(values))
return rv
public func when<U>(fulfilled guarantees: [Guarantee<U>]) -> Guarantee<[U]> {
let (rv, seal) = Guarantee<[U]>.pending()
var values = Array<U!>(repeating: nil, count: guarantees.count)
var x = guarantees.count
for (index, guarantee) in guarantees.enumerated() {
guarantee.__pipe { value in
values[index] = value
x -= 1
if x == 0 {
return rv
extension Promise {
func then<U, V>(execute body: @escaping (T) -> (Promise<U>, Promise<V>)) -> Promise<(U,V)> {
let promise = Promise<(U, V)>()
pipe { result in
switch result {
case .fulfilled(let value):
let (u, v) = body(value)
when(fulfilled: u, v).pipe{ promise.schrödinger = .resolved($0) }
case .rejected(let error):
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
return promise
func then<U, V, X>(execute body: @escaping (T) -> (Promise<U>, Promise<V>, Promise<X>)) -> Promise<(U,V,X)> {
let promise = Promise<(U, V, X)>()
pipe { result in
switch result {
case .fulfilled(let value):
let (u, v, x) = body(value)
when(fulfilled: u, v, x).pipe{ promise.schrödinger = .resolved($0) }
case .rejected(let error):
promise.schrödinger = .resolved(.rejected(error))
return promise
public func when<U: Thenable>(resolved thenables: U...) -> Guarantee<[Result<U.T>]> {
let (rv, seal) = Guarantee<[Result<U.T>]>.pending()
var results = [Result<U.T>]()
var x = thenables.count
for (index, thenable) in thenables.enumerated() {
thenable.pipe { result in
results[index] = result
x -= 1
if x == 0 {
return rv
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nathanhosselton commented Jan 22, 2017

Remark: It is possible to create a Promise<Error> with this method. But please don’t...

Would 'precondition()' be too heavy-handed? Any such initialization would have to be deliberate, right? Or at least due to gross oversight (maybe even in case it's not our job to crash someone's app unexpectedly though).

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