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Forked from graphicbeacon/chat-server.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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var net = require('net');
var sockets = [];
var port = 8000;
var guestId = 0;
var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {
// Increment
socket.nickname = "Guest" + guestId;
var clientName = socket.nickname;
// Log it to the server output
console.log(clientName + ' joined this chat.');
// Welcome user to the socket
socket.write("Welcome to telnet chat!\n");
// Broadcast to others excluding this socket
broadcast(clientName, clientName + ' joined this chat.\n');
// When client sends data
socket.on('data', function(data) {
var message = clientName + '> ' + data.toString();
broadcast(clientName, message);
// Log it to the server output
// When client leaves
socket.on('end', function() {
var message = clientName + ' left this chat\n';
// Log it to the server output
// Remove client from socket array
// Notify all clients
broadcast(clientName, message);
// When socket gets errors
socket.on('error', function(error) {
console.log('Socket got problems: ', error.message);
// Broadcast to others, excluding the sender
function broadcast(from, message) {
// If there are no sockets, then don't broadcast any messages
if (sockets.length === 0) {
process.stdout.write('Everyone left the chat');
// If there are clients remaining then broadcast message
sockets.forEach(function(socket, index, array){
// Dont send any messages to the sender
if(socket.nickname === from) return;
// Remove disconnected client from sockets array
function removeSocket(socket) {
sockets.splice(sockets.indexOf(socket), 1);
// Listening for any problems with the server
server.on('error', function(error) {
console.log("So we got problems!", error.message);
// Listen for a port to telnet to
// then in the terminal just run 'telnet localhost [port]'
server.listen(port, function() {
console.log("Server listening at http://localhost:" + port);
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