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mydicebot / hunt-3-different-specific-numbers.lua
Created April 27, 2020 06:20
Sample - Hunt 3 different specific numbers #mydicebot#
chance = 98
nextbet = 0.000001 --minimum required bet for the hunt
bethigh = false
currency = "Btc"
numbersToHunt = {99.99,77.77,0} --numbers you aim for
function dobet()
if containedInSet(lastBet.Roll, numbersToHunt) then
mydicebot / demo-resume-function.lua
Created April 25, 2020 05:58
Demo of resume() #mydicebot#
chance = 1
multiplier = 2
basebet = 0.00000001
bethigh = false
nextbet = basebet
my_variable = 1
function sleep(n)
t0 = os.clock()
mydicebot / demo-start-function.lua
Last active April 25, 2020 10:59
Demo of start() #mydicebot#
chance = 1
multiplier = 2
basebet = 0.00000001
bethigh = false
nextbet = basebet
my_variable = 1
function sleep(n)
t0 = os.clock()
mydicebot / optimal-profit-999dice.lua
Created April 25, 2020 00:25
Optimal Profit 999Dice #MyDiceBot#
-- Sleep function
function sleep(n)
t0 = os.clock()
while os.clock() - t0 <= n do end
-- Init Globals
basebet = balance * 100e-8 -- Satoshi Base (BTC ONLY) 0.00000100 use 10e-8 for small bal
chance = 50
mydicebot /
Last active April 18, 2021 06:53
Basic Sample #MyDiceBot#
# Sample script, you can code here and then 'Save As..' to another named file.
# Author: MyDiceBot
chance = 49.5
multiplier = 2
basebet = 0.00000001
bethigh = False
nextbet = basebet
def dobet(event):
mydicebot / bot-slow-safe-sample.js
Created April 2, 2020 07:56
slow safe sample #MyDiceBot#
basebet = 0.01;
nextbet = 0.01;
bb = 0.01;
bb6 = 0.02;
pbet = 0.00000001;
pbet3 = 0.00000001;
pb3 = 1;
pb = 1;
pbb3 = 0;
pbb = 0;
mydicebot / bot-regression-sample.js
Last active April 3, 2020 22:11
regression sample #MyDiceBot#
This script doubles the bet after a loss but starts at a very high chance of success: 95%.
After each bet the chance reduces enough to bring equilibrium to profit but stops reducing chance at 49.5%.
First loss goes from 95% to 67%, then 57% and then gradually lower and closer to 49.5%.
It basically buys you a few more higher probability roles before the same old 49.5% martingale.
author: grendel25aaaaa
// init
mydicebot / bot-doc-internal-variables-functions.js
Created April 2, 2020 07:53
doc internal variables function #MyDiceBot#
/* Internal Variables */
/* Internal Functions */
mydicebot / bot-chance-10-sample.js
Created April 2, 2020 07:52
chance 10 smaple #MyDiceBot#
chance = 10;
nextbet = 0.00001000;
basebet = 0.00001000;
installBet = 0.00001000;
X = 1.101;
memberbet = 0;
breakpoint = 0;
bethigh = false;
game = true;
regame = true;
mydicebot / basic.js
Last active April 2, 2020 07:51
Basic Sample #MyDiceBot#
* Sample script, you can code here and then 'Save As..' to another named file.
* Author: MyDiceBot
chance = 49.5;
multiplier = 2;
baseBet = 0.00000001;
betHigh = false;
nextBet = baseBet;