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Created July 26, 2023 19:35
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Decorator Pattern
// Step 1: Create the Component Interface
interface Coffee {
cost(): number;
description(): string;
// Step 2: Implement the Component Interface
class SimpleCoffee implements Coffee {
cost(): number {
return 1;
description(): string {
return "Simple coffee";
// Step 3: Create the Base Decorator Class
abstract class CoffeeDecorator implements Coffee {
constructor(protected coffee: Coffee) {}
abstract cost(): number;
abstract description(): string;
// Step 4: Implement Concrete Decorators
class MilkDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {
cost(): number {
return + 0.5;
description(): string {
return + ", milk";
class SugarDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {
cost(): number {
return + 0.2;
description(): string {
return + ", sugar";
class WhippedCreamDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {
cost(): number {
return + 0.7;
description(): string {
return + ", whipped cream";
class CaramelDecorator extends CoffeeDecorator {
cost(): number {
return + 0.6;
description(): string {
return + ", caramel";
// Step 5: Use the Decorators
let coffee: Coffee = new SimpleCoffee();
coffee = new MilkDecorator(coffee);
coffee = new SugarDecorator(coffee);
coffee = new WhippedCreamDecorator(coffee);
coffee = new CaramelDecorator(coffee);
console.log(`Cost: $${coffee.cost()}`); // Outputs: Cost: $3.0
console.log(`Description: ${coffee.description()}`); // Outputs: Description: Simple coffee, milk, sugar, whipped cream, caramel
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