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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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GTALUG Mailing List Statistics
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
January 342 215 284 241 488 588 552 677 964 730 898
February 179 219 288 371 310 459 498 642 681 560 705
March 118 246 287 310 356 407 396 529 735 670 886
Apirl 0 348 154 254 288 514 355 505 697 901 900
May 0 384 167 332 560 324 354 513 685 1,033 615
June 0 113 345 388 444 502 369 391 588 680 594
July 0 190 234 142 258 718 354 637 535 585 636
August 0 293 322 292 375 526 474 550 688 868 584
September 0 210 258 305 351 433 305 727 693 403 757
October 0 120 196 322 540 571 238 800 600 651 818
November 0 120 111 470 457 438 454 581 704 598 771
December 0 228 139 400 303 625 316 453 630 941 537
Total 639 2,686 2,785 3,827 4,730 6,105 4,665 7,005 8,200 8,620 8,701
Average 213 224 232 319 394 509 389 584 683 718 725
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