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(ns styles.hoplon
(:require garden.compiler
(defmethod hoplon.core/do! :garden
[el _ v]
; Replace all the inline styles on an element with css generated by Garden.
; Obviously does not play nice with other methods of setting inline styles.
(let [vs (if (sequential? v) v [v])
css (garden.compiler/compile-style vs)]
mynomoto / app.cljs.hl
Created November 15, 2016 23:22 — forked from micha/app.cljs.hl
(:refer-hoplon :exclude [main body])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [meta])
(:require-macros [ :as app])
(:require [app.routes :as routes]
[app.integrations :as int]
[ :as global]))
(def meta html-meta)
mynomoto / profile.boot
Created June 15, 2016 00:59 — forked from arichiardi/profile.boot
Profile.boot for postgres in a docker
(require '[boot.pod :as pod])
(def pod-deps '[[boot/core "2.6.0" :scope "test"]
[adzerk/env "0.3.0" :scope "test"]
[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0" :scope "test"]])
(deftask postgres []
(let [pod (future (pod/make-pod (update-in (get-env) [:dependencies] into pod-deps)))]
(with-pass-thru _
(pod/with-eval-in @pod