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Created April 20, 2020 15:57
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const handler = require('serve-handler')
const { createServer } = require('http')
const launcher = require('chrome-launcher')
const remoteInterface = require('chrome-remote-interface')
let exitStatus = 0
const baseURL = 'http://localhost:6000'
const server = createServer((request, response) => {
return handler(request, response)
server.listen(6000, async () => {
console.log(`Running at ${baseURL}`)
const chrome = await launcher.launch({
startingUrl: `${baseURL}/blank`,
chromeFlags: ['--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--no-sandbox', '--explicitly-allowed-ports=6000'],
logLevel: 'info'
const tid = setTimeout(() => {
console.log('timed out')
chrome.kill().then(() => {
}, 50000)
console.log(`Chrome debugging port running on ${chrome.port}`)
let client
try {
client = await remoteInterface({ port: chrome.port })
const { Page, Runtime } = client
await Promise.all([
const finishedLogs = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Runtime.consoleAPICalled((entry) => {
if (entry.args.length === 1 &&
entry.args[0].type === 'string') {
const value = entry.args[0].value.trim()
if (value.startsWith('# fail ')) {
const failed = value.replace(/^# fail /, '')
if (failed === '0') {
} else {
reject(new Error(`${failed} tests failed`))
} else {
const loadEvent = new Promise(resolve => {
Page.loadEventFired(e => resolve(e))
console.log(`navigate to ${baseURL}/?reporter=tap`)
await Page.navigate({ url: `${baseURL}/?reporter=tap` })
await loadEvent
console.debug('location', (await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: 'window.location.toString()' })).result.value)
setTimeout(async () => {
const evaluation = await Runtime.evaluate({ expression: '' })
if (evaluation.result.subtype === 'error') {
throw new Error('error running mocha')
}, 1000)
await finishedLogs
} catch (e) {
exitStatus = 1
} finally {
console.debug('Shutting down....')
if (client) {
await client.close()
await chrome.kill()
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