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Nathan myobie

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myobie / application_helper.rb
Created May 19, 2011 17:11
My try at a good presenter pattern with rails
module ApplicationHelper
def present(model, items = {})
name = model.is_a?(String) ? model : model.class.model_name.underscore
items.merge!(name.to_sym => model) unless model.is_a?(String)
"#{name.classify}Presenter", items) do |presenter|
yield(presenter) if block_given?
myobie / example-mdx-usage.tsx
Last active January 5, 2024 14:17
Compile an mdx component for SSR preact using deno
import { mdx } from './mdx.ts'
import renderToString from 'preact-render-to-string'
import { type FunctionalComponent } from 'preact'
const MDXContent = await mdx(new URL('./test.mdx', import.meta.url))
const Page: FunctionalComponent = ({ children }) => (
<html lang='en'>
<title>Example MDX page</title>
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
@keyframes rotate {
0% {
transform: rotate(0);
50% {
myobie / script.lua
Created October 3, 2023 22:38
wrk lua script to output the count of response http status codes
local threads = {}
function setup(thread)
-- track each thread
table.insert(threads, thread)
function init(args)
-- thread local statuses table
statuses = {["100"] = 0}
myobie / ci.yml
Last active September 20, 2023 09:26
Don't run GitHub Actions for pull requests that are drafts
- master
- opened
- reopened
- synchronize
- ready_for_review
myobie / html-import.js
Last active September 4, 2023 12:38
Dreaming of HTML imports 🤔
// Example usage:
// <script type="module" src="./html-import.js"></script>
// <html-import href="./example.html" runscripts></html-import>
// <!-- now we can use the component defined from example.html -->
// <example-custom-element><p>This paragraph will be slotted.</p></example-custom-element>
export class HTMLImport extends HTMLElement {
static {
customElements.define('html-import', this)
myobie / ext-integer.ex
Last active August 29, 2023 16:31
Allow collecting into an integer for sums in elixir
defmodule ExtInteger do
defimpl Collectable, for: Integer do
@doc """
Collect into: an integer
## Examples
iex> for n <- 1..5, into: 0, do: n
myobie / useStateWithReactiveInput.ts
Last active July 7, 2023 16:02 — forked from schickling/useStateWithReactiveInput.ts
Reactive `useState` variant
import React from 'react'
* A variant of `React.useState` which allows the `inputState` to change over time as well.
* Important: This hook is synchronous / single-render-pass (i.e. doesn't use `useEffect` or `setState` directly).
const useStateWithReactiveInput = <T>(inputState: T): [T, (newState: T | ((prev: T) => T)) => void] => {
const [_, rerender] = React.useState(0)
const stateRef = React.useMemo<{ current: T }>(() => ({ current: inputState }), [])
myobie / full-stacktrace.txt
Created June 19, 2023 19:03
Internal application error: TypeError: cannot read headers: request closed
Internal application error: TypeError: cannot read headers: request closed
at Object.get headerList (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:115:17)
at Request.request.<computed> (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:565:60)
at Request.get [headers] (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:252:46)
at Request.get headers (ext:deno_fetch/23_request.js:452:16)
at NativeRequest.get headers (
at new Request (
at new Context (
at Application.#handleRequest (
at Application.listen (
myobie / application.ex
Last active May 8, 2023 23:21
Using Finch with ExAws
defmodule Example.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: Example.PubSub},