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Last active February 14, 2016 15:19
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{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ConstraintKinds #-}
module MakeLense (
Name(..), Proxy(..),
-- keysH, keysU, HasKey,
WrongType, NoSuchKey, NotEnough,
) where
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Proxy
import Lens.Family2
import Lens.Family2.State.Lazy
import Lens.Family2.Unchecked
import Haste
import Haste.JSON
import Haste.Serialize
import Data.Monoid hiding (All)
data (:<) (s :: Symbol) a = Tag a
instance (Show v, KnownSymbol k) => Show (k :< v) where
show (Tag x :: k :< v) = symbolVal (Name :: Name k) ++ ":" ++ show x
class ShowName k where
showName :: k -> String
instance (KnownSymbol k) => ShowName (k :< v) where
showName (_ :: k :< v) = symbolVal (Name :: Name k)
data HList (xs :: [*]) where
HNil :: HList '[]
HCons :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x ': xs)
type family All (ctr :: * -> Constraint) (xs :: [*]) :: Constraint where
All ctr '[] = ()
All ctr (x ': xs) = (ctr x, All ctr xs)
class ShowHList (xs :: [*]) where
showHList :: All Show xs => HList xs -> [String]
instance ShowHList '[] where
showHList HNil = []
instance ShowHList xs => ShowHList (x ': xs) where
showHList (HCons x xs) = show x : showHList xs
instance (All Show xs, ShowHList xs) => Show (HList xs) where
show xs = "[" ++ (concat $ intersperse "," $ showHList xs) ++ "]"
data Union (xs :: [*]) = Union (HList xs) deriving (Show)
type UnionT (xs :: [*]) = Union (Reverse xs)
type family FromUnion y :: [*] where
FromUnion (Union xs) = xs
class Keys (xs :: [*]) where
keysH' :: All ShowName xs => HList xs -> [String]
instance Keys '[] where
keysH' _ = []
instance Keys xs => Keys (x ': xs) where
keysH' (_ :: HList (x ': xs)) = showName (undefined :: x) : keysH' (undefined :: HList xs)
keysH :: (Keys xs, All ShowName xs) => HList xs -> [String]
keysH xs = reverse $ keysH' xs
keysU :: (Keys xs, All ShowName xs) => Union xs -> [String]
keysU (_ :: Union xs) = keysH (undefined :: HList xs)
class HasKey' (xs :: [*]) (k :: Symbol)
instance HasKey' ((k :< v) ': xs) k
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasKey' xs k => HasKey' ((k' :< v) ': xs) k
type family HasKey y k :: Constraint where
HasKey (Union xs) k = HasKey' xs k
type Has u (k :: Symbol) out = (HasKey u k, MakeLense (FromUnion u) k out)
type family Snoc (xs :: [*]) y :: [*] where
Snoc '[] y = '[y]
Snoc (x ': xs) y = x ': Snoc xs y
type family Reverse (xs :: [*]) :: [*] where
Reverse '[] = '[]
Reverse (x ': xs) = Snoc (Reverse xs) x
liftHL :: (HList xs -> HList ys) -> Union xs -> Union ys
liftHL f (Union xs) = Union $ f xs
lowerU :: (Union xs -> Union ys) -> HList xs -> HList ys
lowerU f xs = (\(Union ys) -> ys) $ f (Union xs)
class SmartInsert k v (xs :: [*]) (xs' :: [*]) | k v xs -> xs' where
sinsert :: (k :< v) -> Union xs -> Union xs'
instance SmartInsert k v '[] '[k :< v] where
sinsert t = liftHL $ \HNil -> HCons t HNil
instance SmartInsert k v ((k :< v) ': xs) ((k :< v) ': xs) where
sinsert t = liftHL $ \(HCons _ xs) -> HCons t xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (SmartInsert k v xs xs') => SmartInsert k v (kv ': xs) (kv ': xs') where
sinsert kv (Union (HCons x xs)) = liftHL (HCons x) $ sinsert kv $ Union xs
-- pretty error message
class TypeCheck xs xs' where
check :: Union xs -> Union xs'
instance TypeCheck '[] '[] where
check = liftHL $ \HNil -> HNil
instance (TypeCheck xs xs') => TypeCheck ((k :< v) ': xs) ((k :< v) ': xs') where
check (Union (HCons x xs)) = Union $ HCons x $ lowerU check xs
data NoSuchKey (k :: Symbol)
instance (NoSuchKey k ~ v) => TypeCheck ((k :< v) ': xs) '[] where
check = undefined
data WrongType (k :: Symbol) v
data ActualType v
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (WrongType k v ~ v') => TypeCheck ((k :< v) ': xs) ((k :< v') ': xs') where
check = undefined
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (NoSuchKey k ~ v') => TypeCheck ((k :< v) ': xs) ((k' :< v') ': xs') where
check = undefined
data NotEnough (k :: Symbol)
instance (NotEnough k ~ v) => TypeCheck '[] ((k :< v) ': xs) where
check = undefined
-- makeLense
data Name (s :: Symbol) = Name
class MakeLense (xs :: [*]) (s :: Symbol) out | xs s -> out where
getter' :: Name (s :: Symbol) -> HList xs -> out
setter' :: Name (s :: Symbol) -> (out -> out) -> HList xs -> HList xs
instance MakeLense ((k :< v) ': xs) k v where
getter' _ (HCons (Tag v) _) = v
setter' _ f (HCons (Tag v) xs) = HCons (Tag $ f v) xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} MakeLense xs syb out => MakeLense ((k :< v) ': xs) syb out where
getter' k (HCons _ xs) = getter' k xs
setter' k f (HCons x xs) = HCons x $ setter' k f xs
getter :: (MakeLense xs s out) => Name (s :: Symbol) -> Getter' (Union xs) out
getter syb = to $ \(Union hl) -> getter' syb hl
setter :: (MakeLense xs s out) => Name (s :: Symbol) -> Setter' (Union xs) out
setter syb = setting $ \f (Union hl) -> Union $ setter' syb f hl
lenses :: (MakeLense xs s out) => Name (s :: Symbol) -> Lens' (Union xs) out
lenses syb = lens (^. getter syb) (\u x -> set (setter syb) x u)
-- Haste
instance (Serialize v, KnownSymbol k) => Serialize ((:<) k v) where
toJSON (Tag t :: k :< v) = Dict [(toJSString $ symbolVal (Name :: Name k), toJSON t)]
parseJSON (Dict [(_, t)]) = (\t' -> (Tag t' :: k :< v)) <$> parseJSON t
-- {Dict *: JSON} is a monoid
instance Monoid JSON where
mempty = Dict []
mappend (Dict xs) (Dict ys) = Dict (xs `mappend` ys)
mappend _ _ = error "Monoid JSON: out of domain"
class UnionToJSON (xs :: [*]) where
unionToJSON :: Union xs -> JSON
jsonToUnion :: JSON -> Parser (Union xs)
instance UnionToJSON '[] where
unionToJSON (Union HNil) = Dict []
jsonToUnion (Dict []) = return $ Union HNil
instance (UnionToJSON xs, Serialize x) => UnionToJSON (x ': xs) where
unionToJSON (Union (HCons x xs)) = toJSON x <> unionToJSON (Union xs)
jsonToUnion (Dict (x:xs)) = do
x' <- parseJSON (Dict [x])
Union xs' <- jsonToUnion (Dict xs)
return $ Union $ HCons x' xs'
instance (UnionToJSON xs, All Serialize xs) => Serialize (Union xs) where
toJSON = unionToJSON
parseJSON = jsonToUnion
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