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Created May 9, 2016 11:36
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open import Data.List
data Typ : Set₁ where
ground : Set → Typ
tyw : Typ → Subst → Typ
data Subst : Set where
id : Subst
↑ : Subst
_∙_ : Term → Subst → Subst
_∘_ : Subst → Subst → Subst
data Term : Set where
one : Term
trw : Term → Subst → Term
Ctx : Set₁
Ctx = List Typ
data jctx : Ctx → Set₁ where
ctempty : jctx []
ctcons : ∀{Γ σ} → jtype Γ σ → jctx (σ ∷ Γ)
data jtype : Ctx → Typ → Set₁ where
tysubst : ∀{Γ Γ' s σ} → jsubst Γ' s Γ → jtype Γ σ → jtype Γ' (tyw σ s)
data jsubst : Ctx → Subst → Ctx → Set₁ where
sbid : ∀{Γ} → jsubst Γ id Γ
sbshift : ∀{Γ σ} → jsubst (σ ∷ Γ) ↑ Γ
sbcomp : ∀{Γ₁ Γ₂ Γ₃ s₁ s₂} → jsubst Γ₁ s₁ Γ₂ → jsubst Γ₂ s₂ Γ₃ → jsubst Γ₁ (s₂ ∘ s₁) Γ₃
sbapp : ∀{Γ Γ' s σ M'} → jsubst Γ' s Γ → jtype Γ σ → jterm Γ' M' (tyw σ s) → jsubst Γ' (M' ∙ s) (σ ∷ Γ)
data jterm : Ctx → Term → Typ → Set₁ where
trone : ∀{Γ σ} → jterm (σ ∷ Γ) one (tyw σ ↑)
trsubst : ∀{Γ Γ' σ s M} → jsubst Γ' s Γ → jterm Γ M σ → jterm Γ' (trw M s) (tyw σ s)
_⊢_/_ = jterm
data eqTyp : Typ → Typ → Set₁ where
etycomp : ∀{σ s t} → eqTyp (tyw (tyw σ s) t) (tyw σ (s ∘ t))
etyid : ∀{σ} → eqTyp (tyw σ id) σ
data eqSubst : Subst → Subst → Set₁ where
esbshift : ∀{M s} → eqSubst (↑ ∘ (M ∙ s)) s
esbassoc : ∀{s₁ s₂ s₃} → eqSubst ((s₁ ∘ s₂) ∘ s₃) (s₁ ∘ (s₂ ∘ s₃))
esbidl : ∀{s} → eqSubst (id ∘ s) s
esbidr : ∀{s} → eqSubst (s ∘ id) s
esbapp : ∀{M s t} → eqSubst ((M ∙ s) ∘ t) ((trw M t) ∙ (s ∘ t))
esbone : ∀{s} → eqSubst ((trw one s) ∙ (↑ ∘ s)) s
data eqTerm : Term → Term → Set₁ where
etrone : ∀{M s} → eqTerm (trw one (M ∙ s)) M
etrcomp : ∀{M s t} → eqTerm (trw (trw M s) t) (trw M (s ∘ t))
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