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Last active January 4, 2022 13:02
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Creating graphs with chart.js, ClojureScript, devcards and

I have a huge amount of data in an Excel-Sheet and want to get some statistics of it. Since I am only using LibreOffice, which is not very comfortable, and I am really loving web-techniques to build UIs / visualizations, I decided to use devcards and ClojureScript with React.js to build some Charts.

This is inspired by this gist, but I want to use it with and devcards, which is why I am writing this gist.

The react.js component in syntax looks like this:

(defui BarChart
   (let [chart (dom/getElement "myChart")
         chart-data {:type "bar"
                     :data {:labels ["2013" "2014" "2015" "2016" "2017"]
                            :datasets [{:data [5 10 15 20 25]
                                        :label "Rev in MM"
                                        :backgroundColor "#90EE90"}
                                       {:data [3 6 9 12 15]
                                        :label "Cost in MM"
                                        :backgroundColor "#F08080"}]}}]
     (js/Chart. chart (clj->js chart-data))))
  (render [this]
          (html [:canvas#myChart {:width 400 :height 400}])))

It creates a DOM-element and after this element has mounted, it calls the chart.js function to build the graph.

To make the state accessible, I define a reconciler, which is currently empty and will be sufficient for this gist. Only for the sake of completeness.

(defonce reconciler
  (om/reconciler {:state {} :parser nil}))

Then create the devcard:

(defcard bar-chart
   (fn [_ node] (om/add-root! reconciler BarChart node))))

Don't forget to include chart.js to your HTML-document.

chart.js example

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