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Last active March 15, 2021 21:52
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Nabby's Scoreboard Enhancer
// ==UserScript==
// @name Nabby's Scoreboard Enhancer
// @version 1.2.0
// @description Adds multiple features and functionality to the game scoreboard
// - Note: TableScroll & Column Sort have been removed from this version of Scoreboard Enhancer
// @include
// @include*
// @include*
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @author Some Ball -1, thevdude, nabby
// ==/UserScript==
console.log('START: ' + + ' (v' + GM_info.script.version + ' by ' + + ')');
tagpro.ready(function() {
//----- Options -----
const redTeamColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .35)'; //default 'rgba(255, 0, 0, .35)'
const blueTeamColor = 'rgba(20, 50, 200, .50)'; //default 'rgba(20, 50, 200, .50)'
const scoreboardWidth = 920; //game default is 860
const onlyShowTeamStatsAtEOG = true; //if false Team Stats will update and show whenever the scoreboard is open
const useMinimumPopsAndDrops = true; //highlight the *lowest* values for Pops & Drops (only applies to "Team Stats")
const showMyScoreboardPositions = true; //show "My Scoreboard Positions" on the scoreboard during the match (only updated when the scoreboard is open)
const showOverallPicture = true; //show "Overall Picture" on the scoreboard during the match (only updated when the scoreboard is open)
const showTripleDoubles = true; //highlight players who get a "Triple Double" at the end of game (any 3 of: Caps >= 2 || Hold >= 2 mins || Prevent >= 2 mins || Returns >= 10 || PUPs >= 5)
const showHatricks = true; //highlight players who get a "Hatrick" at the end of game (3+ Caps)
const showComeback = true; //show a "Comeback!" message at the end of game if it was a come from behind win. Will also show a "+3 Mercy Win!" & "Overtime Win!" message if your team won.
const showCapsTimeline = true; //show a timeline of the caps at the end of game
const showDegrees = true; //show player degrees next to their name (when they have stats on)
const showtimePlayed = true; //show player time next to their name (only if we played the whole game)
const showBuddyWins = false; //show wins when playing "With" and "Against" other players [default: false]
const buddyWinsAuthOnly = false; //only show for authenticated (green name) players [default: false]
const buddyWinsIgnoreSomeBalls = true; //ignore Some Balls [default: true]
const buddyWinsMinimumGameTime = 20; //minimum game time % before that player's data will save [default: 20]
const buddyWinsMinimumGames = 1; //number of games before the win % will show (0 for all) [default: 1]
const showKD = true; //replaces the "Rank Pts" column with K/D (only updated when the scoreboard is open)
const showHG = true; //replaces the "Report" column with Hold/Grab (only updated when the scoreboard is open)
const onlyShowKDatEOG = true; //only show the K/D column at the End of Game (and only if showKD is true)
const onlyShowHGatEOG = true; //only show the H/G column at the End of Game (and only if showHG is true)
//$('#options').css('background-color', 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.4)'); //slightly more transparent (default is 0.5)
$('#options').css('border-radius', '8px'); //prettier?
//$('.social-link').hide(0); //hide the social media links
//$('#optionsAd').hide(0); //hide the advertisement
$('#options').css({ 'box-shadow':'-10px 5px 20px black, 10px 5px 20px black' }); //add a shadow to the whole scoreboard
GM_addStyle('#stats td { text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black; }'); //add a shadow to the scoreboard text
//--- End of Options ---
tagpro.renderer.centerView = function() {
let viewport = $('#viewport'),
options = $("#options"),
height = $(window).height(),
width = $(window).width();
position: 'absolute',
left: (width - viewport.outerWidth()) / 2,
top: (height - viewport.outerHeight()) / 2
let top = viewport.position().top + 130;
position: 'absolute',
left: (width - options.width()) / 2,
top: top
tagpro.ui.resize(viewport.width(), viewport.height());
tagpro.renderer.vpWidth = viewport.width();
tagpro.renderer.vpHeight = viewport.height();;
let alwaysShowKDHG = showKD && !onlyShowKDatEOG || showHG && !onlyShowHGatEOG;
let showKDHGatEOG = showKD && onlyShowKDatEOG || showHG && onlyShowHGatEOG;
setTimeout(function() {
let pos = tagproConfig.gameSocket.indexOf(':');
let serverName = tagproConfig.gameSocket.substring(0, pos).replace('tagpro-', '').replace('', '');;
let serverPort = tagproConfig.gameSocket.slice(-4);
let gameId = tagproConfig.gameId;
$('#stats').css({ 'margin':'10px 0' });
$('#options').prepend('<div id="NSE_HeaderContainer" style="display:flex; flex-flow:row nowrap;">' +
' <div id="NSE_MapNameContainer" style="width:35%; font-size:13px; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black;"></div>' +
' <div id="NSE_MessageContainer" style="width:30%; justify-self:center; text-align:center;"></div>' +
' <div id="NSE_PostGameContainer" style="width:35%; text-align:right; font-size:12px; color:#ddd; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black;"></div>' +
$('#NSE_MapNameContainer').append( $('#mapInfo') );
$('#NSE_MapNameContainer').append( $('#musicInfo') );
$('#NSE_MapNameContainer').append('<div>Server: <span style="text-transform:capitalize;">' + serverName + '</span>:' + serverPort + ' (GID: ' + gameId + ')</div>');
$('#mapInfo').css('margin-bottom', '0px');
$('#stats th').eq(3).text('Pops');
$('#stats th').eq(11).text('PUPs');
if (alwaysShowKDHG) {
if (showKD) $('#stats th').eq(12).text('K/D');
if (showHG) $('#stats th').eq(13).text('H/G');
tagpro.renderer.largeText = function(text, color1='#cccccc', color2='#ffffff', size=54, dropShadowBlur=true) {
return new PIXI.Text(text, {
dropShadow: dropShadowBlur,
dropShadowAlpha: 0.6,
dropShadowAngle: 0,
dropShadowBlur: 10,
dropShadowDistance: 0,
dropShadowColor: color1,
fill: [color2, color1],
fontSize: size,
fontWeight: "bold",
letterSpacing: 1,
padding: 10,
strokeThickness: 2
tagpro.ui.largeAlert = function(e, t, n, text, color1, color2='#ffffff', top=50, size=54, dropShadowBlur=true) {
let s = tagpro.renderer.largeText(text, color1, color2, size, dropShadowBlur);
s.x = Math.round(t.x - s.width / 2);
s.y = top;
return s;
}, 1500);
/******* Scoreboard Enhancer *******/
if ($('#options').css('width') === '860px' && scoreboardWidth !== 860) {
$('#options').css('width', scoreboardWidth+'px');
let cats = $('#stats').children().eq(0).find('th'); //grab column headers
let order = ['name','score','s-tags','s-pops','s-grabs','s-drops','s-hold','s-captures','s-prevent','s-returns','s-support','s-powerups','points'];
let sorted = [];
for (let i=0; i<cats.length; i++) { //setup column names and ids
let col = cats.eq(i);
col.attr('id', i);
if (!col.attr('name')) col.attr('name', order[i]);
sortPlayers: function(players) {
sorted = $.extend([], players);
modifyScoreUI: function() {
let current;
let max = [];
//find the maximum values in each column...
for (let i=0; i<sorted.length; i++) { //player
for (let j=0; j<cats.length-3; j++) { //for each element that can be highlighted (-1 so no name, -2 no report, -3 no rank pts)
if (!max[j]) {
max[j] = [i];
} else {
if (sorted[i][cats.eq(j+1).attr('name')] > sorted[max[j][0]][cats.eq(j+1).attr('name')]) {
max[j] = [i];
} else if (sorted[i][cats.eq(j+1).attr('name')] === sorted[max[j][0]][cats.eq(j+1).attr('name')]) {
//highlight the correct cell/s in each column...
for (let i=0; i<max.length; i++) {
if (max[i].length !== sorted.length) { //don't highlight if everyone has max value
current = $('.template').next();
for (let j=0; j<sorted.length; j++) {
if (max[i].indexOf(j) > -1) {
current.children().eq(i+1).css('background-color', sorted[j].team === 1 ? redTeamColor : blueTeamColor);
} else {
current.children().eq(i+1).css('background-color', 'none');
current =;
//highlight the row we are positioned at...
current = $('.template').next();
for (let i=0; i<sorted.length; i++) {
if (sorted[i].id === tagpro.playerId) {
current.children().eq(0).css({'border-left': '1px solid white'});
} else {
current.children().eq(0).css({'border-left': 'none'});
current =;
//changes the "Rank Pts" column into K/D, and "Report" to Hold/Grab
if (alwaysShowKDHG || tagpro.state === 2 && showKDHGatEOG) {
current = $('.template').next();
let maxKD = -999, maxHG = -999;
let maxKDs = [], maxHGs = [];
if (showHG) {
$('#stats .kick').hide();
$('#stats .NSE_HoldGrab').remove();
for (let i=0; i<sorted.length; i++) {
if (showKD) {
let thisKD = (sorted[i]['s-tags'] / (sorted[i]['s-pops'] || 1)).toFixed(2);
if (+thisKD > maxKD) {
maxKDs = [];
maxKD = +thisKD;
if (+thisKD === maxKD) maxKDs.push(i);
if (showHG) {
let thisHG = (sorted[i]['s-hold'] / (sorted[i]['s-grabs'] || 1)).toFixed(2);
if (+thisHG > maxHG) {
maxHGs = [];
maxHG = +thisHG;
if (+thisHG === maxHG) maxHGs.push(i);
current.children().eq(13).prepend('<span class="NSE_HoldGrab">' + thisHG + '</span>');
current =;
current = $('.template').next();
for (let i=0; i<sorted.length; i++) {
if (showKD) {
if (maxKDs.indexOf(i) >= 0) current.children().eq(12).css('background-color', sorted[i].team === 1 ? redTeamColor : blueTeamColor);
else current.children().eq(12).css('background-color', 'none');
if (showHG) {
if (maxHGs.indexOf(i) >= 0) current.children().eq(13).css('background-color', sorted[i].team === 1 ? redTeamColor : blueTeamColor);
else current.children().eq(13).css('background-color', 'none');
current =;
/******* TagPro Team Stats *******/
let allPlayers = new Map();
let teamStatsKeys = new Set(["score", "s-tags", "s-pops", "s-grabs", "s-drops", "s-hold", "s-captures", "s-prevent", "s-returns", "s-support", "s-powerups"]);
let lastNameWidth = 110; //will be changed if necessary
let clearable_TeamStats;
let trackPlayers = function() {
let now =;
for (const id in tagpro.players) {
if (!tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
//alert('YAY SAVED A BUG IN NSE :)'); //this never seems to occur - please lmk if it does!
console.log('YAY SAVED A BUG IN NSE :)'); //this never seems to occur - please lmk if it does!
let tpP = tagpro.players[id];
let value = {
'firstseen': allPlayers.has(+id) ? allPlayers.get(+id).firstseen : now,
'lastseen': now, //to track leavers (but only the last time someone leaves)
'name':, //for name changes
'team':, //for switches
'degree':, //for total team degrees
'score': tpP['score'],
's-tags': tpP['s-tags'],
's-pops': tpP['s-pops'],
's-grabs': tpP['s-grabs'],
's-drops': tpP['s-drops'],
's-hold': tpP['s-hold'],
's-captures': tpP['s-captures'],
's-prevent': tpP['s-prevent'],
's-returns': tpP['s-returns'],
's-support': tpP['s-support'],
's-powerups': tpP['s-powerups']
allPlayers.set(+id, value);
let teamStatsTable = '<table id="NSE_TeamStats"><thead><tr><th style="width:110px; font-weight:normal;"></th><th>Score</th><th>Tags</th><th>Pops</th><th>Grabs</th><th>Drops</th><th>Hold</th><th>Captures</th><th>Prevent</th><th>Returns</th><th>Support</th><th>PUPs</th><th style="width:70px;" title="Tags/Pop">K/D</th><th style="width:50px;" title="Hold/Grab">H/G</th></tr></thead>' +
'<tbody><tr class="redStats"><td class="scoreName" style="color:#FFB5BD; text-align:center;">Red</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>00:00</td><td>0</td><td>00:00</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>' +
'<tr class="blueStats"><td class="scoreName" style="color:#CFCFFF; text-align:center;">Blue</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>00:00</td><td>0</td><td>00:00</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr></tbody></table>';
$('.redStats').css('background', 'rgba(50, 50, 50, .3)');
$('.blueStats').css('background', 'rgba(50, 50, 50, .3)');
let columns = ["", "score", "s-tags", "s-pops", "s-grabs", "s-drops", "s-hold", "s-captures", "s-prevent", "s-returns", "s-support", "s-powerups", "kd", "hg"];
let alignColumns = function() {
for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
let width = cats.eq(i).width();
$('#NSE_TeamStats th').eq(i).css('width', width);
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats { margin:20px auto; border:1px solid black; background:rgba(50,50,50, 0.6); overflow:hidden; }');
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats thead { color:white; background:rebeccapurple; }');
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats td { border:1px solid black; }');
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats td.NSE_TS_RedMax { background:' + redTeamColor + '; }');
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats td.NSE_TS_BlueMax { background:' + blueTeamColor + '; }');
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats td { text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black; }');
if (onlyShowTeamStatsAtEOG) $('#NSE_TeamStats').hide();
let redTeamStats = new Map();
let blueTeamStats = new Map();
let updateTeamStats = function() {
for (const stat of teamStatsKeys) {
redTeamStats.set(stat, 0);
blueTeamStats.set(stat, 0);
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
let targetStats = === 1 ? redTeamStats : blueTeamStats;
for (const stat of teamStatsKeys) {
if (stat === 'score' && !tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
//don't add 'score' for players that have left
} else {
targetStats.set(stat, targetStats.get(stat) + player[stat]);
redTeamStats.set('kd', (redTeamStats.get('s-tags') / (redTeamStats.get('s-pops') || 1)).toFixed(2) );
blueTeamStats.set('kd', (blueTeamStats.get('s-tags') / (blueTeamStats.get('s-pops') || 1)).toFixed(2) );
redTeamStats.set('hg', (redTeamStats.get('s-hold') / (redTeamStats.get('s-grabs') || 1)).toFixed(2) );
blueTeamStats.set('hg', (blueTeamStats.get('s-hold') / (blueTeamStats.get('s-grabs') || 1)).toFixed(2) );
let redTDs = $('.redStats').find("td");
let blueTDs = $('.blueStats').find("td");
redTDs.eq(0).css('border-left', '1px solid black');
blueTDs.eq(0).css('border-left', '1px solid black');
let nameWidth = cats.eq(0).width() || 110;
if (nameWidth !== lastNameWidth) { //so the columns still align if somebody changes their name
lastNameWidth = nameWidth;
//highlight our team...
if (tagpro.playerId) tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 1 ? redTDs.eq(0).css('border-left', '2px solid white') : blueTDs.eq(0).css('border-left', '2px solid white');
//highlight maxs...
for (let i=1; i<columns.length; i++) {
redTDs.eq(i).text(i === 6 || i === 8 ? tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(redTeamStats.get(columns[i]), true) : redTeamStats.get(columns[i]));
blueTDs.eq(i).text(i === 6 || i === 8 ? tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(blueTeamStats.get(columns[i]), true) : blueTeamStats.get(columns[i]));
let useMinimum = useMinimumPopsAndDrops && (i === 3 || i === 5);
if (useMinimum) {
if (redTeamStats.get(columns[i]) < blueTeamStats.get(columns[i])) redTDs.eq(i).addClass('NSE_TS_RedMax');
else if (blueTeamStats.get(columns[i]) < redTeamStats.get(columns[i])) blueTDs.eq(i).addClass('NSE_TS_BlueMax');
} else {
if (redTeamStats.get(columns[i]) > blueTeamStats.get(columns[i])) redTDs.eq(i).addClass('NSE_TS_RedMax');
else if (blueTeamStats.get(columns[i]) > redTeamStats.get(columns[i])) blueTDs.eq(i).addClass('NSE_TS_BlueMax');
let entryTime, joinTime, startTime, gameEndsAt, endTime, fullGameLength, overtimeLength;
let gameLengthMins = 6; //Assume a 6 min pub game. Will change if in a group.
let gameLengthSecs = gameLengthMins * 60;
let gameLengthMs = gameLengthSecs * 1000;
let isPrivate = false; //private groups
let mercyRule = 3; //Assume 3 for a pub game. Will change if in a group.
let redTeamScore = 0;
let blueTeamScore = 0;
let redTeamName = 'Red';
let blueTeamName = 'Blue';
/******* My Scoreboard Positions *******/
if (showMyScoreboardPositions) {
GM_addStyle('.SNE_SB_Position { font-size:10px; color:#bbb; width:20px; height:20px; text-align:center; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; margin:0px auto; }');
GM_addStyle('.SNE_SB_Position1 { color:#111; background:linear-gradient(35deg, #ff0, #f70); border:1px outset #ddd; border-radius:50%; }');
GM_addStyle('.SNE_SB_Position2 { color:#111; background:linear-gradient(35deg, #eee, #777); border:1px outset #ddd; border-radius:50%; }');
GM_addStyle('.SNE_SB_Position3 { color:#111; background:linear-gradient(35deg, #af824b, #c13f08); border:1px outset #ddd; border-radius:50%; }');
let getScoreboardPositionByStat = function(players, stat) {
players.sort(function(a, b) {
if (stat === 'score') {
return a.score === b.score ? - : b.score - a.score;
} else if (stat === 's-pops' || stat === 's-drops') {
return a[stat] === b[stat] ? b.score - a.score : a[stat] - b[stat]; //ascending
} else {
return a[stat] === b[stat] ? b.score - a.score : b[stat] - a[stat]; //descending
let last = 0;
let pos = 1;
for (let i=0; i<players.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
last = players[i][stat];
} else if (last !== players[i][stat]) {
last = players[i][stat];
if (players[i].id === tagpro.playerId) {
if (players[i][stat] === 0 && (stat === 's-captures' || stat === 's-powerups')) return -1; //no position if you don't get any caps or pups
else return pos;
function updateMyPositions() {
for (let playerId in tagpro.players) {
if (tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
tagpro.players[playerId].kd = (tagpro.players[playerId]['s-tags'] / (tagpro.players[playerId]['s-pops'] || 1));
tagpro.players[playerId].hg = (tagpro.players[playerId]['s-hold'] / (tagpro.players[playerId]['s-grabs'] || 1));
let players = $.extend([], tagpro.players);
$('#NSE_TeamStats thead tr th').eq(0).html('&nbsp;<div style="text-align:right;">My Position:</div>');
for (let i=1; i<columns.length; i++) {
let pos = getScoreboardPositionByStat(players, columns[i]);
let col = $('#NSE_TeamStats thead tr th').eq(i);
if (pos === -1) col.append('<span class="SNE_SB_Position">-</span>');
else col.append('<span class="SNE_SB_Position SNE_SB_Position' + pos + '">' + pos + nth(pos) + '</span>');
/******* Overall Picture *******/
if (showOverallPicture) {
$('#NSE_TeamStats').after('<div id="NSE_OP_Container" style="display:flex; flex-flow:row nowrap; align-items:center; justify-content:space-around; margin:10px auto 20px; font-size:9px;"></div>');
GM_addStyle('#NSE_TeamStats td.NSE_OP_DominantStat { text-shadow:0px 0px 5px #f70, 0px 0px 5px #fa0, 0px 0px 5px #fa0; }');
let stats = { "s-tags":0, "s-pops":0, "s-drops":0, "s-hold":0, "s-prevent":0, "s-powerups":0 };
let statCols = { "s-tags":2, "s-pops":3, "s-drops":5, "s-hold":6, "s-prevent":8, "s-powerups":11 };
let limits = {
close: .10,
comfortable: .20,
dominant: .40
let containerWidth = 480;
let barWidth = containerWidth / 6;
let barWidth_D2 = barWidth / 2;
let ratings = {
L5: { result: { win: 'Dominant Win', loss: 'We Were Rekt' }, position: { win: barWidth_D2 * 10, loss: barWidth_D2 * 0 } },
L4: { result: { win: 'Excellent Win', loss: 'Awful Loss' }, position: { win: barWidth_D2 * 9, loss: barWidth_D2 * 1 } },
L3: { result: { win: 'Comfortable Win', loss: 'Deserved Loss' }, position: { win: barWidth_D2 * 8, loss: barWidth_D2 * 2 } },
L2: { result: { win: 'Good Win', loss: 'Fair Loss' }, position: { win: barWidth_D2 * 7, loss: barWidth_D2 * 3 } },
L1: { result: { win: 'Narrow Win', loss: 'Narrow Loss' }, position: { win: barWidth_D2 * 6, loss: barWidth_D2 * 4 } },
L0: { result: { win: 'Close Game!', loss: 'Close Game!' }, position: { win: barWidth_D2 * 5, loss: barWidth_D2 * 5 } }
function updateOverallPicture() {
if (!tagpro.playerId) return;
let isWin = (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 1 && tagpro.score.r > tagpro.score.b) || (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 2 && tagpro.score.b > tagpro.score.r);
let isTie = tagpro.score.r === tagpro.score.b;
let winningTeam = (!isTie && isWin && tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 1) || (!isWin && tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 2) ? 1 : 2;
let winningRow = !isTie && winningTeam === 1 ? $('.redStats').find("td") : $('.blueStats').find("td");
let redStats = { "s-tags":0, "s-pops":0, "s-drops":0, "s-hold":0, "s-prevent":0, "s-powerups":0 };
let blueStats = { "s-tags":0, "s-pops":0, "s-drops":0, "s-hold":0, "s-prevent":0, "s-powerups":0 };
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
for (let stat in stats) {
if ( === 1) redStats[stat] += player[stat];
else blueStats[stat] += player[stat];
let wS = tagpro.score.r > tagpro.score.b ? redStats : blueStats;
let lS = tagpro.score.r > tagpro.score.b ? blueStats : redStats;
Object.keys(stats).forEach(key => {
if (key === 's-powerups') {
let d = Math.abs(wS[key] - lS[key]);
let r = wS[key] - lS[key] < 0 ? -1.01 : 1.01;
if (d <= 1) stats[key] = 0;
else if (d <= 2) stats[key] = limits.close * r;
else if (d <= 3) stats[key] = limits.comfortable * r;
else stats[key] = limits.dominant * r;
} else {
stats[key] = (wS[key] - lS[key]) / (lS[key] || 1);
if (key === 's-pops' || key === 's-drops') stats[key] = -stats[key];
let sorted = Object.entries(stats).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]);
$('#NSE_TeamStats .NSE_OP_DominantStat').removeClass('NSE_OP_DominantStat');
let aheadbehind = 0;
for (let i=0; i<sorted.length; i++) {
let key = sorted[i][0];
let value = sorted[i][1];
if (value > 0) {
if (value > limits.dominant) aheadbehind += 3;
else if (value > limits.comfortable) aheadbehind += 2;
else if (value > limits.close) aheadbehind += 1;
else aheadbehind += 0.5;
} else if (value < 0) {
if (value < -limits.dominant) aheadbehind -= 3;
else if (value < -limits.comfortable) aheadbehind -= 2;
else if (value < -limits.close) aheadbehind -= 1;
else aheadbehind -= 0.5;
if (winningRow && statCols[key] && value > limits.dominant) winningRow.eq(statCols[key]).addClass('NSE_OP_DominantStat');
if (tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) {
let secondsOver = ( - tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) / 1000;
if (secondsOver < 30) aheadbehind -= 0; //short overtime
else if (secondsOver < 60) aheadbehind -= 2;
else if (secondsOver < 90) aheadbehind -= 4;
else if (secondsOver < 120) aheadbehind -= 6;
else aheadbehind -= 8; //long overtime
} else {
let secondsLeft = (tagpro.gameEndsAt - / 1000;
if (secondsLeft < gameLengthSecs * 0.1667) aheadbehind -= 3; //5-6 min (long game) 60
else if (secondsLeft < gameLengthSecs * 0.3333) aheadbehind -= 2; //4-5 120
else if (secondsLeft < gameLengthSecs * 0.5000) aheadbehind -= 1; //3-4 180
else if (secondsLeft < gameLengthSecs * 0.6667) aheadbehind += 1; //2-3 240
else if (secondsLeft < gameLengthSecs * 0.8333) aheadbehind += 2; //1-2 300
else if (secondsLeft < gameLengthSecs) aheadbehind += 3; //0-1 (short game) 360
aheadbehind += Math.abs(tagpro.score.r - tagpro.score.b);
let ratingsLevel = 'L0';
if (aheadbehind >= 14) ratingsLevel = 'L5';
else if (aheadbehind >= 9) ratingsLevel = 'L4';
else if (aheadbehind >= 4) ratingsLevel = 'L3';
else if (aheadbehind >= -1) ratingsLevel = 'L2';
else if (aheadbehind >= -6) ratingsLevel = 'L1';
if (isTie) ratingsLevel = 'L0';
$('#NSE_OP_Container').prepend('<div id="NSE_OP_WinLossRating" style="position:relative; width:' + containerWidth + 'px; background:linear-gradient(to right, #f00, #ff0, #0f0); height:14px; border-radius:5px; opacity:0.8;"></div>');
$('#NSE_OP_WinLossRating').append('<span style="position:absolute; border-left:1px dotted #000; left:50%; width:1px; height:14px;"></span>');
$('#NSE_OP_WinLossRating').append('<span style="position:absolute; padding:0 2px; text-align:center; overflow:hidden; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); top:1px; left:' + ratings[ratingsLevel].position[isWin ? 'win' : 'loss'] + 'px; height:12px; width:' + barWidth + 'px; border-radius:5px;">' + ratings[ratingsLevel].result[isWin ? 'win' : 'loss'] + '</span>');
/******* Comeback! *******/
let scores = [];
tagpro.socket.on('score', function(data) {
let scoreDiff = data.r - data.b;
let redTeamCount = 0;
let blueTeamCount = 0;
if ((tagpro.state === 1 || tagpro.state === 5) && tagpro.ui.sprites && tagpro.ui.sprites.playerIndicators) {
redTeamCount = tagpro.ui.sprites.playerIndicators.children[0].children.length;
blueTeamCount = tagpro.ui.sprites.playerIndicators.children[1].children.length;
if (scores.length === 0) {
scores.push({ score: { r:data.r, b:data.b }, diff:scoreDiff, time:0, redTeamCount:redTeamCount, blueTeamCount:blueTeamCount });
} else if (scores[scores.length - 1].diff !== scoreDiff) {
scores.push({ score: { r:data.r, b:data.b }, diff:scoreDiff,, redTeamCount:redTeamCount, blueTeamCount:blueTeamCount });
GM_addStyle('.NSE_CB_Comeback_Red { color:#fff; text-shadow:0px 0px 18px #f70, 0px 0px 10px #f00, 0px 0px 5px #f00, 1px 1px 2px black; }');
GM_addStyle('.NSE_CB_Comeback_Blue { color:#fff; text-shadow:0px 0px 18px #0089ff, 0px 0px 10px #00ffdc, 0px 0px 5px #00ffdc, 1px 1px 2px black; }');
function updateComeback() {
for (let i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {
if (tagpro.score.b > tagpro.score.r && scores[i].diff !== 0) scores[i].diff = scores[i].diff * -1;
let lowestScoreDifferenceIndex;
let i = scores.length - 1;
while (i > 0) {
if (scores[i - 1].diff < scores[i].diff) {
if (scores[i - 1].diff < 0) {
lowestScoreDifferenceIndex = i - 1;
} else {
let colorClass = (tagpro.score.r > tagpro.score.b ? 'NSE_CB_Comeback_Red' : 'NSE_CB_Comeback_Blue');
let isWin = (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 1 && tagpro.score.r > tagpro.score.b) || (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 2 && tagpro.score.b > tagpro.score.r);
if (tagpro.score.r !== tagpro.score.b && lowestScoreDifferenceIndex >= 0) {
$('#NSE_MessageContainer').append('<div class="' + colorClass + '" style="font-size:26px; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;">' + scores[lowestScoreDifferenceIndex].score.r + '-' + scores[lowestScoreDifferenceIndex].score.b + ' Comeback!</div>');
if (tagpro.overtimeStartedAt && isWin) {
$('#NSE_MessageContainer').append('<div class="' + colorClass + '" style="font-size:18px; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; text-align:center;">Overtime Win</div>');
} else if (isWin) {
if (mercyRule > 0 && (Math.abs(tagpro.score.r - tagpro.score.b) === mercyRule)) {
$('#NSE_MessageContainer').append('<div class="' + colorClass + '" style="font-size:26px; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;">+' + mercyRule + ' Mercy Win!</div>');
} else if (tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) {
$('#NSE_MessageContainer').append('<div class="' + colorClass + '" style="font-size:26px; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;">Overtime Win!</div>');
/******* Caps Timeline *******/
let timeMinutes;
function drawLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, color='#ffffff', lineWidth=1, dash=[]) {
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
function updateCapsTimeline() {
let totalWidth = 300;
let minutesInterval = totalWidth / (Math.max(fullGameLength, gameLengthSecs) / 60);
let normalTimeEndPoint = Math.min(fullGameLength, gameLengthSecs) / Math.max(fullGameLength, gameLengthSecs);
let joinPoint = (joinTime - startTime) / (overtimeLength ? fullGameLength : gameLengthSecs) / 1000;
let entryPoint = (entryTime - startTime) / (overtimeLength ? fullGameLength : gameLengthSecs) / 1000;
let jP_tW = joinPoint * totalWidth;
let eP_tW = entryPoint * totalWidth;
let gameEndPoint = (endTime - startTime) / (overtimeLength ? fullGameLength : gameLengthSecs) / 1000;
$('#NSE_OP_Container').append('<div style="position:relative; text-align:center; height:30px; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.6); border-radius:5px;"><canvas id="NSE_OP_CapTimelineCanvas" width="' + (totalWidth + 20) + '" height="30"></div>');
let canvas = $('#NSE_OP_CapTimelineCanvas');
let ctx = canvas.get(0).getContext('2d');
ctx.translate(10.5, 0.5);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
//minute markers...
let count = 0;
for (let x = 0; x <= Math.max(fullGameLength, gameLengthSecs, 300); x += minutesInterval) {
if (x === 0) { //start marker
drawLine(ctx, 0, 9, 0, 21, 'white'); //7, 23
} else if (gameLengthMins % 2 === 0 && count === gameLengthMins / 2) { //halfway marker (only if even minutes)
drawLine(ctx, x, 9, x, 21, 'white');
} else if (count === gameLengthMins) { //end of game marker
let endPoint = overtimeLength ? gameLengthSecs / fullGameLength * totalWidth : 300;
drawLine(ctx, endPoint, 9, endPoint, 21, 'white');
} else { //normal minute marker
drawLine(ctx, x, 11, x, 19, 'white'); //10, 20
//horizontal game length lines...
if (!overtimeLength) { //normal game...
let endPoint = gameEndPoint * totalWidth;
let wasWinByMercy = mercyRule > 0 && (Math.abs(tagpro.score.r - tagpro.score.b) === mercyRule); //check if was a mercy win or timer went to 00:00
drawLine(ctx, 0, 15, jP_tW, 15, 'red', 1, [2, 2]); //pre-join
drawLine(ctx, jP_tW, 15, normalTimeEndPoint * totalWidth, 15, 'white'); //game time
if (fullGameLength < gameLengthSecs) { //game ended early...
drawLine(ctx, endPoint, 15, totalWidth, 15, '#666', 1, [2, 2]); //post-game time not played
if (wasWinByMercy) drawLine(ctx, endPoint, 8, endPoint, 22, '#bb00bb'); //end of normal time marker (if timer didn't run out)
} else { //overtime game...
let endPoint = gameLengthSecs / fullGameLength * totalWidth;
if (joinPoint < normalTimeEndPoint) { //joined before overtime started...
drawLine(ctx, 0, 15, jP_tW, 15, 'red', 1, [2, 2]); //pre-join
drawLine(ctx, jP_tW, 15, normalTimeEndPoint * totalWidth, 15, 'white'); //normal game time played
drawLine(ctx, endPoint, 15, totalWidth, 15, 'orange'); //game time
} else { //joined in overtime...
drawLine(ctx, 0, 15, endPoint, 15, 'red', 1, [2, 2]); //pre-join normal time
drawLine(ctx, endPoint, 15, jP_tW, 15, 'orange', 1, [2, 2]); //pre-join in overtime
drawLine(ctx, jP_tW, 15, totalWidth, 15, 'orange'); //game time
//end of overtime marker...
drawLine(ctx, 300, 8, 300, 22, 'orange');
//cap markers...
for (let i = 1; i < scores.length; i++) {
let x = (scores[i].time - startTime) / (overtimeLength ? fullGameLength : gameLengthSecs) / 1000 * totalWidth;
let team = 'purple';
if (scores[i].score.r > scores[i - 1].score.r) team = '#ff1717';
else if (scores[i].score.b > scores[i - 1].score.b) team = '#0064f2';
ctx.fillStyle = team;
ctx.arc(x, 15, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2);
if (scores[i].redTeamCount !== scores[i].blueTeamCount) { //cap when uneven teams
if (scores[i].redTeamCount > scores[i].blueTeamCount && scores[i].score.r > scores[i - 1].score.r || scores[i].blueTeamCount > scores[i].redTeamCount && scores[i].score.b > scores[i - 1].score.b) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; //color when the scoring team has more players
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; //color when the scoring team has fewer players
ctx.arc(x, 15, 1, 0, Math.PI * 2);
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
let color = === 1 ? '#ff4747' : '#4494f2';
if (!tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(id)) { //add '-' where player left...
let x = Math.floor((player.lastseen - startTime) / (overtimeLength ? fullGameLength : gameLengthSecs) / 1000 * totalWidth);
let y = === 1 ? 3 : 27;
drawLine(ctx, x-1.5, y, x+1.5, y, color);
let x = Math.floor((player.firstseen - startTime) / (overtimeLength ? fullGameLength : gameLengthSecs) / 1000 * totalWidth);
if (x >= eP_tW) { // + 1.5
let y = === 1 ? 8 : 22;
drawLine(ctx, x, y-1.5, x, y+1.5, color);
drawLine(ctx, x-1.5, y, x+1.5, y, color);
ctx.translate(-10.5, -0.5);
/******* Triple Doubles *******/
GM_addStyle('#stats tr.NSE_TripleDouble_Red { background:rgba(50,0,0,0.5) !important; }');
GM_addStyle('#stats tr.NSE_TripleDouble_Blue { background:rgba(0,10,50,0.5) !important; }');
GM_addStyle('#stats td.NSE_TripleDouble_Red, span.NSE_TripleDouble_Red { text-shadow:0px 0px 8px #f70, 0px 0px 5px #f00, 0px 0px 5px #f00; }');
GM_addStyle('#stats td.NSE_TripleDouble_Blue, span.NSE_TripleDouble_Blue { text-shadow:0px 0px 8px #0089ff, 0px 0px 5px #00ffdc, 0px 0px 5px #00ffdc; }');
GM_addStyle('#stats td.NSE_TripleDouble_Underline { text-decoration:underline; }');
let td_ids = [];
function updateTripleDoubles() {
let doubles = {
's-hold': { limit: 120, column: 6 }, //120
's-captures': { limit: 2, column: 7 }, //2
's-prevent': { limit: 120, column: 8 }, //120
's-returns': { limit: 10, column: 9 }, //10
's-powerups': { limit: 5, column: 11 } //5
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
let count = 0;
Object.keys(doubles).forEach(stat => {
if (player[stat] >= doubles[stat].limit) count++;
if (count >= 3) {
if (td_ids.length) {
let trs = $('#stats tbody').find('tr');
$('#stats').after('<div id="NSE_TripleDoubles" style="text-align:center; margin:3px 15px 0px;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Triple Double' + (td_ids.length === 1 ? '' : 's') + ': </span></div>');
trs.each(function() {
let id = +$(this).find('td').eq(13).children('a').attr('href'); //get the playerId from the "report" link
if (td_ids.indexOf(+id) >= 0) {
let team = allPlayers.get(id).team === 1 ? 'NSE_TripleDouble_Red' : 'NSE_TripleDouble_Blue';
//$(this).addClass(team); //Highlight Row
$(this).find('.scoreName').addClass(team); //Highlight Name
Object.keys(doubles).forEach(stat => {
if (allPlayers.get(id)[stat] >= doubles[stat].limit) $(this).find('td').eq(doubles[stat].column).addClass(team + ' NSE_TripleDouble_Underline'); //Highlight Stat
$('#NSE_TripleDoubles').append('<span class="' + team + '" style="padding:0 10px;">' + allPlayers.get(id).name + '</span>');
/******* Hatricks *******/
let ht_ids = [];
function updateHatricks() {
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
if (player['s-captures'] >= 3 && td_ids.indexOf(id) === -1) {
if (ht_ids.length) {
let trs = $('#stats tbody').find('tr');
$($('#NSE_TripleDoubles').length ? '#NSE_TripleDoubles' : '#stats').after('<div id="NSE_Hatricks" style="text-align:center; margin:3px 15px 0px;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Hatrick' + (ht_ids.length === 1 ? '' : 's') + ': </span></div>');
trs.each(function() {
let id = +$(this).find('td').eq(13).children('a').attr('href'); //get the playerId from the "report" link
if (ht_ids.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
let team = allPlayers.get(id).team === 1 ? 'NSE_TripleDouble_Red' : 'NSE_TripleDouble_Blue';
$(this).find('td').eq(7).addClass(team + ' NSE_TripleDouble_Underline'); //Highlight Stat
$('#NSE_Hatricks').append('<span class="' + team + '" style="padding:0 10px;">' + allPlayers.get(id).name + '</span>');
let joinTimerText;
let getJoinScoreText = function() {
if (tagpro.score.b >= 0) {
tagpro.joinscore = { r:tagpro.score.r, b:tagpro.score.b };
} else {
setTimeout(getJoinScoreText, 150); //sometimes the score hasn't been set yet so we need a delay
tagpro.socket.on('time', function(data) {
if (!startTime && data.state !== 3) { //if state === 3 then tagpro.gameEndsAt is when the pre-game period ends
if (tagpro.gameEndsAt) gameEndsAt = (new Date(tagpro.gameEndsAt)).getTime(); //expected end of normal game time
else if (tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) gameEndsAt = (new Date(tagpro.overtimeStartedAt)).getTime();
else gameEndsAt = 0;
if (gameEndsAt) startTime = gameEndsAt - gameLengthMs;
//start tracking players...
if ((data.state === 1 || data.state === 5) && !clearable_TeamStats) {
clearable_TeamStats = setInterval(function() {
if (data.state === 1 || data.state === 5) {
if (!onlyShowTeamStatsAtEOG && $('#options').is(':visible')) updateTeamStats();
}, 1000);
if (data.state === 3) { //before the actual start
entryTime =;
joinTime = entryTime;
joinTimerText = '06:00';
tagpro.joinscore = { r:redTeamScore, b:blueTeamScore };
} else if (data.state === 1) { //game has started
if (joinTime) {
entryTime = startTime;
joinTime = entryTime;
joinTimerText = tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(gameLengthSecs, true); //timer at the start of the game
} else {
entryTime =; //time we joined (mid-game)
joinTime = entryTime;
joinTimerText = tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(Math.round((gameEndsAt - joinTime) / 1000), true);
} else if (data.state === 5) { //overtime
if (!joinTime) { //joined in overtime
entryTime =;
joinTime = entryTime;
joinTimerText = tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(Math.round((joinTime - tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) / 1000), true) + ' (O/T)';
tagpro.socket.on('spectator', function(spectator) {
if (!spectator.type) { //we joined from spec
joinTime =;
joinTimerText = tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(Math.round((gameEndsAt - joinTime) / 1000), true);
if (tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) joinTimerText += ' (O/T)';
let updatePlayersDegrees = function() {
let rStable = $('.redStats').find("td");
let bStable = $('.blueStats').find("td");
let redLeavers = 0;
let blueLeavers = 0;
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
if (!tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
if ( === 1) redLeavers++;
else blueLeavers++;
if (tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
let color = === 1 ? '#fcc' : '#ccf';
let $scoreName = $('a.kick[href="' + id + '"]').parent().parent().find('.scoreName');
$scoreName.parent().append('<div id="NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id + '" style="position:relative; margin:0;"></div>'); //we need this relative div to position our absolute spans in the td
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append( $scoreName.parent().contents() ); //move the name to our new container
if (showtimePlayed) {
if (entryTime <= startTime + 1500) {
let timePlayed = ((player.lastseen - player.firstseen) / fullGameLength / 1000);
if (showBuddyWins) { //right align if we're also using Buddy Wins
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; font-size:8px; font-weight:normal; right:0px; top:7px; opacity:50%;">' + Math.min(Math.round(timePlayed * 100), 100) + '%</span>'); //sometimes rounds to 101%
} else { //otherwise left align
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; font-size:9px; font-weight:normal; left:0px; top:-4px; opacity:60%;">' + Math.min(Math.round(timePlayed * 100), 100) + '%</span>');
if (showDegrees) {
if (tagpro.players[id].degree > 0) {
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; font-size:9px; font-weight:normal; right:0px; top:-4px; opacity:75%;">' + tagpro.players[id].degree + '&deg;</span>');
if (redLeavers) rStable.eq(0).append('<span title="Includes ' + redLeavers + ' Leavers"> (*' + redLeavers + ')</span>');
if (blueLeavers) bStable.eq(0).append('<span title="Includes ' + blueLeavers + ' Leavers"> (*' + blueLeavers + ')</span>');
let updateBuddyWins = function() {
let buddyPlayers = GM_getValue('buddyPlayers', {});
let myTeam = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team;
let isWin = (myTeam === 1 && tagpro.score.r > tagpro.score.b) || (myTeam === 2 && tagpro.score.b > tagpro.score.r);
for (const [id, player] of allPlayers) {
let saveThisPlayer = tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(id) && tagpro.playerId !== id && (!buddyWinsAuthOnly || buddyWinsAuthOnly && tagpro.players[id].auth) && (!buddyWinsIgnoreSomeBalls || buddyWinsIgnoreSomeBalls && !'Some Ball ')); //skip us; only save authenticated; skip Some Balls
if (saveThisPlayer) {
let timePlayed = Math.min(Math.round(((player.lastseen - player.firstseen) / fullGameLength / 1000) * 100), 100);
if (timePlayed > buddyWinsMinimumGameTime) { //minimum % of game time
if (!buddyPlayers.hasOwnProperty( buddyPlayers[] = { gamepid:0, gamesWith:0, winsWith:0, gamesAgainst:0, winsAgainst:0 };
buddyPlayers[].gamepid = id;
if ( === myTeam) {
if (isWin) buddyPlayers[].winsWith++;
} else {
if (isWin) buddyPlayers[].winsAgainst++;
let trs = $('#stats tbody').find('tr');
let getBuddyFlair = function(winsWith, winsAgainst) {
//Happy to change these icons if someone can make them better :)
if (!winsWith || !winsAgainst) return '';
else if (winsWith >= 60 && winsAgainst >= 60) return '👍'; //high win with, high win against - you are a better player than them 💜🚑👍✌
else if (winsWith >= 60 && winsAgainst <= 40) return '🔥'; //high win with, low win against - they are a better player than you 🔥⚡
else if (winsWith <= 40 && winsAgainst <= 40) return '☢️'; //low win with, low win against - they play better against you (you suck when you're on the same team) ☢️
else if (winsWith <= 40 && winsAgainst >= 60) return '👎'; //low win with, high win against - you play better against them (they suck) 🤔👎
else return ''; //😐
trs.each(function(i, v) {
if (i === 0) return true; //skip the header row
let name = $(this).find('.scoreName').text().trim();
let id = +$(this).find('td').eq(13).children('a').attr('href'); //get the playerId from the "report" link
let color = tagpro.players[id].team === 1 ? '#fcc' : '#ccf';
if (name && id && buddyPlayers.hasOwnProperty(name) && buddyPlayers[name].gamepid === id) { //gamepid is a check for when players have the same name
let winsWithPC = buddyPlayers[name].winsWith / (buddyPlayers[name].gamesWith || 1) * 100;
let winsAgainstPC = buddyPlayers[name].winsAgainst / (buddyPlayers[name].gamesAgainst || 1) * 100;
let games = myTeam === tagpro.players[id].team ? buddyPlayers[name].gamesWith : buddyPlayers[name].gamesAgainst;
if (games > buddyWinsMinimumGames) {
let flair = getBuddyFlair(winsWithPC, winsAgainstPC);
buddyPlayers[name].gamepid = 0;
let winsPC = myTeam === tagpro.players[id].team ? (buddyPlayers[name].winsWith > 0 ? winsWithPC.toFixed(0) + '%' : '-') : (buddyPlayers[name].winsAgainst > 0 ? winsAgainstPC.toFixed(0) + '%' : '-');
let title = 'Won ' + buddyPlayers[name].winsWith + ' / ' + buddyPlayers[name].gamesWith + ' Games With (' + winsWithPC.toFixed(0) + '%)\nWon ' + buddyPlayers[name].winsAgainst + ' / ' + buddyPlayers[name].gamesAgainst + ' Games Against (' + winsAgainstPC.toFixed(0) + '%)';
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="position:absolute; width:12px; font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; left:0px; top:-1px; opacity:80%;" title="' + title + '">' + flair + '</span>');
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; width:20px; font-size:8px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; left:12px; top:-3px; opacity:60%; title="' + title + '"">' + winsPC + '</span>');
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; width:20px; font-size:8px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; left:12px; top:7px; opacity:60%;" title="' + title + '">(' + games + ')</span>');
} else {
$('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; width:20px; font-size:8px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; left:12px; top:2px; opacity:60%;">-</span>');
} else {
$(this).append('<td><div style="display:flex; position:absolute; margin-top:-5px; text-align:center;">-</div></td>');
if (tagpro.playerId === id) $('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="position:absolute; width:10px; font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; left:0px; top:-1px; opacity:80%;"></span>'); //me ⭐💜
else $('#NSE_PlayerDegreeContainer_' + id).append('<span style="color:' + color + '; position:absolute; width:20px; font-size:8px; font-weight:normal; text-align:center; left:12px; top:2px; opacity:60%;">-</span>');
cats.eq(0).width(cats.eq(0).width() + 10);
GM_setValue('buddyPlayers', buddyPlayers);
tagpro.socket.on('end', function() {
$('#stats').find('tbody').removeClass('stats'); //stop the scoreboard from updating
if (showKDHGatEOG) {
if (showKD) $('#stats th').eq(12).text('K/D');
if (showHG) $('#stats th').eq(13).text('H/G');
endTime =; //actual end of game time
overtimeLength = tagpro.overtimeStartedAt ? endTime - tagpro.overtimeStartedAt : 0;
fullGameLength = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; //how long the whole game lasted (with or without us)
let myTimePlayed = (endTime - joinTime) / 1000; //how long we played for
$('#NSE_PostGameContainer').append('<div>Game lasted: ' + tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(Math.round(fullGameLength), true) + '</div>');
$('#NSE_PostGameContainer').append('<div>I started ' + (tagpro.spectator ? 'watching' : 'playing') + ' @ ' + joinTimerText + '</div>');
$('#NSE_PostGameContainer').append('<div>Score was: ' + tagpro.joinscore.r + '-' + tagpro.joinscore.b + '</div>');
$('#NSE_PostGameContainer').append('<div>I ' + (tagpro.spectator ? 'watched' : 'played') + ' for ' + tagpro.helpers.timeFromSeconds(Math.round(myTimePlayed), true) + ' (' + (myTimePlayed / fullGameLength * 100).toFixed(2) + '%)</div>');
$('#optionsLinks').css('padding-top', '0px');
if (showMyScoreboardPositions && (!isPrivate || isPrivate && !tagpro.spectator)) setTimeout(updateMyPositions, 400);
if (showOverallPicture) setTimeout(updateOverallPicture, 300);
setTimeout(function() {
if (showComeback) updateComeback();
if (showTripleDoubles) updateTripleDoubles();
if (showHatricks) updateHatricks();
if (showCapsTimeline) updateCapsTimeline();
if (showDegrees || showtimePlayed) updatePlayersDegrees();
if (showBuddyWins && !tagpro.spectator) updateBuddyWins();
}, 365);
//detect some group settings...
let startCounter = 0;
let waitForGroupSocket = function() {
if (!tagpro || ! || !== null && ! {
if (startCounter < 50) {
setTimeout(waitForGroupSocket, 20);
return false;
if (tagpro && && !== null && {
let settingCount = 0;
function handleSetting(data) {
//console.log('NSE:: handleSetting():',, data.value);
if ( === 'mercyRule') {
mercyRule = data.value;
} else if ( === 'isPrivate') {
isPrivate = data.value;
} else if ( === 'redTeamScore') {
redTeamScore = data.value;
} else if ( === 'blueTeamScore') {
blueTeamScore = data.value;
} else if ( === 'redTeamName') {
redTeamName = data.value;
} else if ( === 'blueTeamName') {
blueTeamName = data.value;
} else if ( === 'time') {
if (tagpro.gameEndsAt) gameEndsAt = (new Date(tagpro.gameEndsAt)).getTime();
else if (tagpro.overtimeStartedAt) gameEndsAt = (new Date(tagpro.overtimeStartedAt)).getTime();
else gameEndsAt = 0;
gameLengthMins = data.value;
gameLengthSecs = gameLengthMins * 60;
gameLengthMs = gameLengthSecs * 1000;
if (gameEndsAt && tagpro.state !== 3) {
startTime = gameEndsAt - gameLengthMs;
if (settingCount === 7) {'setting', handleSetting);
}'setting', handleSetting);
function nth(n) {
return [,'st','nd','rd'][n % 100 >> 3 ^ 1 && n % 10] || 'th';
function clamp(num, min, max) {
return num <= min ? min : num >= max ? max : num;
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