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Created February 6, 2018 12:15
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example html for an RN bug report
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
// from:
function awaitPostMessage() {
let isReactNativePostMessageReady = !!window.originalPostMessage;
const queue = [];
let currentPostMessageFn = function store(message) {
if (queue.length > 100) queue.shift();
if (!isReactNativePostMessageReady) {
// const originalPostMessage = window.postMessage;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'postMessage', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get() {
return currentPostMessageFn;
set(fn) {
currentPostMessageFn = fn;
isReactNativePostMessageReady = true;
setTimeout(sendQueue, 0);
function sendQueue() {
while (queue.length > 0) window.postMessage(queue.shift());
document.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = 'hello world'; //;
window.addEventListener('load', function loader() {
window.postMessage('loaded', '*')
body {
font-size: 40em;
<h1>Hello there</h1>
<p>Message text follows:</p>
<div id="text"></div>
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