#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php /* MailWatch for MailScanner Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Steve Freegard (steve@freegard.name) Copyright (C) 2011 Garrod Alwood (garrod.alwood@lorodoes.com) Copyright (C) 2014-2015 MailWatch Team (https://github.com/orgs/mailwatch/teams/team-stable) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holder gives permission to link the code of this program with those files in the PEAR library that are licensed under the PHP License (or with modified versions of those files that use the same license as those files), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than those files in the PEAR library that are licensed under the PHP License. If you modify this program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. As a special exception, you have permission to link this program with the JpGraph library and distribute executables, as long as you follow the requirements of the GNU GPL in regard to all of the software in the executable aside from JpGraph. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ define("RELEASE_NOAUTH_URL",'http://EFA-HOST.Domain/cgi-bin/release-msg-noauth.cgi'); // Change the following to reflect the location of functions.php require_once('/var/www/html/mailscanner/functions.php'); $required_constant = array( 'QUARANTINE_REPORT_DAYS', 'QUARANTINE_REPORT_HOSTURL', 'QUARANTINE_DAYS_TO_KEEP', 'QUARANTINE_REPORT_FROM_NAME', 'QUARANTINE_FROM_ADDR', 'QUARANTINE_REPORT_SUBJECT', 'MAILWATCH_HOME', 'QUARANTINE_MAIL_HOST', 'FROMTO_MAXLEN', 'SUBJECT_MAXLEN', 'TIME_ZONE', 'DATE_FORMAT', 'TIME_FORMAT' ); $required_constant_missing_count = 0; foreach ($required_constant as $constant) { if (!defined($constant)) { echo "The variable $constant is empty, please set a value in conf.php.\n"; $required_constant_missing_count++; } } if ($required_constant_missing_count == 0) { require_once('Mail.php'); require_once('Mail/mime.php'); date_default_timezone_set(TIME_ZONE); ini_set('html_errors', 'off'); ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); ini_set('implicit_flush', 'false'); ini_set("memory_limit", '256M'); ini_set("error_reporting", E_ALL); ini_set("max_execution_time", 0); if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '<')) { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT); } else { // E_DEPRECATED added in PHP 5.3 error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT ^ E_DEPRECATED); } /* ** HTML Template */ $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>每日垃圾郵件報告</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body, td, tr { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; } --> </style> </head> <body style="margin: 5px;"> <!-- Outer table --> <table width="100%%" border="0"> <tr> <td><img src="mailwatch-logo.png"/></td> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <h2>%s 的垃圾郵件隔離清單</h2> 在最近的 %s 天,您接收了 %s 封垃圾郵件,隔離的清單如下。<br />隔離的郵件將會在收到後的 %s 天後被系統清除。 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">%s</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>'; $html_table = '<table width="100%%" border="0"> <tr> <td style="background-color: #F7CE4A"><b>接收時間</b></td> <!--- <td style="background-color: #F7CE4A"><b>收件者</b></td> ---> <td style="background-color: #F7CE4A"><b>寄件者</b></td> <td style="background-color: #F7CE4A"><b>主旨</b></td> <td style="background-color: #F7CE4A"><b>類型</b></td> <td style="background-color: #F7CE4A"><b>動作</b></td> </tr> %s </table>'; $html_content = ' <tr> <td style="background-color: #EBEBEB">%s</td> <!--- <td style="background-color: #EBEBEB">%s</td> ---> <td style="background-color: #EBEBEB">%s</td> <td style="background-color: #EBEBEB">%s</td> <td style="background-color: #EBEBEB">%s</td> <td style="background-color: #EBEBEB">%s</td> </tr> '; /* ** Text Template */ $text = '%s 的垃圾郵件隔離清單 在最近的 %s 天,您接收了 %s 封垃圾郵件,隔離的清單如下。 隔離的郵件將會在收到後的 %s 天後被系統清除。 %s'; $text_content = '接收時間: %s 寄件者: %s 主旨: %s 類型: %s 動作: %s '; /* ** SQL Templates */ $users_sql = " SELECT username, quarantine_rcpt, type FROM users WHERE quarantine_report=1 "; $filters_sql = " SELECT filter FROM user_filters WHERE username=%s AND active='Y' "; $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT a.id AS id, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp,'" . str_replace('%', '%%', DATE_FORMAT) . " <br/>" . str_replace('%', '%%', TIME_FORMAT) . "') AS datetime, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp,'%%Y%%m%%d') AS releasedate, a.to_address AS to_address, a.from_address AS from_address, a.subject AS subject, CASE WHEN a.virusinfected>0 THEN 'Virus' WHEN a.nameinfected>0 THEN 'Bad Content' WHEN a.otherinfected>0 THEN 'Infected' WHEN a.ishighspam>0 THEN 'Spam' WHEN a.issaspam>0 THEN 'Spam' WHEN a.isrblspam>0 THEN 'Spam' WHEN a.spamblacklisted>0 THEN 'Blacklisted' WHEN a.isspam THEN 'Spam' WHEN a.ismcp>0 THEN 'Policy' WHEN a.ishighmcp>0 THEN 'Policy' WHEN a.issamcp>0 THEN 'Policy' WHEN a.mcpblacklisted>0 THEN 'Policy' WHEN a.isspam>0 THEN 'Spam' ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END AS reason FROM maillog a WHERE /* a.quarantined = 1 AND */ ((to_address=%s) OR (to_domain=%s)) AND ((a.isspam > 0) OR (a.virusinfected > 0) OR (a.nameinfected > 0)) AND a.date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL " . QUARANTINE_REPORT_DAYS . " DAY)"; // Hide high spam/mcp from users if enabled if (defined('HIDE_HIGH_SPAM') && HIDE_HIGH_SPAM) { $sql .= " AND ishighspam=0 AND ishighmcp=0"; } $sql .= " ORDER BY a.date DESC, a.time DESC"; $users_sql= " select distinct to_address as username, to_address as quarantine_rcpt, 'U' as type from maillog where timestamp >'%s' and isspam!=0"; $users_sql=sprintf($users_sql,date('Y-m-d','-'.QUARANTINE_REPORT_DAYS.' day')); //echo 'SQL:'.$users_sql."\n"; $result = dbquery($users_sql); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); //echo 'SPAM item:'.$rows."\n"; if ($rows > 0) { while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { dbg("\n === Generating report for " . $user->username . " type=" . $user->type); // Work out destination e-mail address switch ($user->type) { case 'U': // Type: user - see if to address needs to be overridden if (!empty($user->quarantine_rcpt)) { $email = $user->quarantine_rcpt; } else { $email = $user->username; } $to_address = $user->username; $to_domain = $user->username; break; case 'D': // Type: domain admin - this must be overridden $email = $user->quarantine_rcpt; $to_address = $user->username; if (preg_match('/(\S+)@(\S+)/', $user->username, $split)) { $to_domain = $split[2]; } else { $to_domain = $user->username; } break; default: // Shouldn't ever get here - but just in case... $email = $user->quarantine_rcpt; $to_address = $user->username; $to_domain = $user->username; break; } // Make sure we have a destination address if (!empty($email)) { dbg(" ==== Recipient e-mail address is $email"); // Get any additional reports required $filters = array_merge(array($email), return_user_filters($user->username)); foreach ($filters as $filter) { dbg(" ==== Building list for $filter"); $quarantined = return_quarantine_list_array($filter, $to_domain); dbg(" ==== Found " . count($quarantined) . " quarantined e-mails"); //print_r($quarantined); if (count($quarantined) > 0) { send_quarantine_email($email, $filter, $quarantined); } unset($quarantined); } } else { dbg(" ==== " . $user->username . " has empty e-mail recipient address, skipping..."); } } } } function dbg($text) { echo $text . "\n"; } function return_user_filters($user) { global $filters_sql; $result = dbquery(sprintf($filters_sql, quote_smart($user))); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); $array = array(); if ($rows > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $array[] = $row->filter; } } return $array; } function return_quarantine_list_array($to_address, $to_domain) { global $sql; $result = dbquery(sprintf($sql, quote_smart($to_address), quote_smart($to_domain))); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); $array = array(); if ($rows > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $array[] = array( 'id' => trim($row->id), 'datetime' => trim($row->datetime), 'releasedate' => trim($row->releasedate), 'to' => trim_output($row->to_address, FROMTO_MAXLEN), 'from' => trim_output($row->from_address, FROMTO_MAXLEN), 'subject' => trim_output($row->subject, SUBJECT_MAXLEN), 'reason' => trim($row->reason) ); } } return $array; } function send_quarantine_email($email, $filter, $quarantined) { global $html, $html_table, $html_content, $text, $text_content; // Setup variables to prevent warnings $h1 = ""; $t1 = ""; // Build the quarantine list for this recipient foreach ($quarantined as $qitem) { // HTML Version $release_URL='<a href="' . RELEASE_NOAUTH_URL . '?id=' . $qitem['id'] . '&datenumber=' . $qitem['releasedate'] . '">取回郵件</a>'; if($qitem['reason']!='Spam'){ $release_URL='停用'; } $h1 .= sprintf( $html_content, $qitem['datetime'], $qitem['to'], $qitem['from'], $qitem['subject'], $qitem['reason'], //'<a href="' . QUARANTINE_REPORT_HOSTURL . '/viewmail.php?id=' . $qitem['id'] . '">檢視</a>' $release_URL ); // Text Version $t1 .= sprintf( $text_content, strip_tags($qitem['datetime']), $qitem['to'], $qitem['from'], $qitem['subject'], $qitem['reason'], //'<a href="' . QUARANTINE_REPORT_HOSTURL . '/viewmail.php?id=' . $qitem['id'] . '">檢視</a>' $release_URL ); } // HTML $h2 = sprintf($html_table, $h1); $html_report = sprintf($html, $filter, QUARANTINE_REPORT_DAYS, count($quarantined), QUARANTINE_DAYS_TO_KEEP, $h2); if (DEBUG) { echo $html_report; } // Text $text_report = sprintf($text, $filter, QUARANTINE_REPORT_DAYS, count($quarantined), QUARANTINE_DAYS_TO_KEEP, $t1); if (DEBUG) { echo "<pre>$text_report</pre>\n"; } // Send e-mail $mime = new Mail_mime("\n"); $hdrs = array( //'From' => QUARANTINE_REPORT_FROM_NAME . ' <' . QUARANTINE_FROM_ADDR . '>', 'From' => '郵件隔離所 <' . QUARANTINE_FROM_ADDR . '>', 'To' => $email, 'Subject' => '每日垃圾郵件隔離清單', 'Date' => date("r"), 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8bit' ); $mimeparams['text_encoding']="8bit"; $mimeparams['text_charset']="UTF-8"; $mimeparams['html_charset']="UTF-8"; $mimeparams['head_charset']="UTF-8"; $mime->addHTMLImage(MAILWATCH_HOME . '/images/mailwatch-logo.png', 'image/png', 'mailwatch-logo.png', true); $mime->setTXTBody($text_report); $mime->setHTMLBody($html_report); $body = $mime->get($mimeparams); $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs); $mail_param = array('host' => QUARANTINE_MAIL_HOST); $mail =& Mail::factory('smtp', $mail_param); $mail->send($email, $hdrs, $body); dbg(" ==== Sent e-mail to $email"); }