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Created November 2, 2017 06:14
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An extension field of ℚ
{- -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*- -}
module Q2357
( ExtR2(..)
, ExtR3(..)
, ExtR5(..)
, ExtR7(..)
, Q2357
, factor
, root2
, root3
, root5
, root7
, flatten
) where
import Data.Ratio
data ExtR2 a = ExtR2 a a deriving Eq
instance (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => Show (ExtR2 a) where
show (ExtR2 0 0) = "0"
show (ExtR2 0 y) = "(" ++ show y ++ ")√2"
show (ExtR2 x 0) = show x
show (ExtR2 x y) = show x ++ " + (" ++ show y ++ ")√2"
data ExtR3 a = ExtR3 a a deriving Eq
instance (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => Show (ExtR3 a) where
show (ExtR3 0 0) = "0"
show (ExtR3 0 y) = "(" ++ show y ++ ")√3"
show (ExtR3 x 0) = show x
show (ExtR3 x y) = show x ++ " + (" ++ show y ++ ")√3"
data ExtR5 a = ExtR5 a a deriving Eq
instance (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => Show (ExtR5 a) where
show (ExtR5 0 0) = "0"
show (ExtR5 0 y) = "(" ++ show y ++ ")√5"
show (ExtR5 x 0) = show x
show (ExtR5 x y) = show x ++ " + (" ++ show y ++ ")√5"
data ExtR7 a = ExtR7 a a deriving Eq
instance (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => Show (ExtR7 a) where
show (ExtR7 0 0) = "0"
show (ExtR7 0 y) = "(" ++ show y ++ ")√7"
show (ExtR7 x 0) = show x
show (ExtR7 x y) = show x ++ " + (" ++ show y ++ ")√7"
positive_r :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
positive_r r x y | (x >= 0) && (y >= 0) = True
| (x >= 0) && (y < 0) = ( x*x - r*y*y) >= 0
| (x < 0) && (y >= 0) = (- x*x + r*y*y) >= 0
| otherwise = False
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Num (ExtR2 a) where
(ExtR2 x y) + (ExtR2 z w) = ExtR2 (x+z) (y+w)
(ExtR2 x y) * (ExtR2 z w) = ExtR2 x' y'
where x' = x*z + 2*y*w
y' = y*z + x*w
(ExtR2 x y) - (ExtR2 z w) = ExtR2 (x-z) (y-w)
negate (ExtR2 x y) = ExtR2 (negate x) (negate y)
abs z@(ExtR2 x y) | positive_r 2 x y = z
| otherwise = negate z
signum (ExtR2 0 0) = 0
signum (ExtR2 x y) | positive_r 2 x y = 1
| otherwise = -1
fromInteger x = ExtR2 (fromInteger x) 0
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Ord (ExtR2 a) where
x <= y = positive_r 2 z w
where ExtR2 z w = y - x
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Num (ExtR3 a) where
(ExtR3 x y) + (ExtR3 z w) = ExtR3 (x+z) (y+w)
(ExtR3 x y) * (ExtR3 z w) = ExtR3 x' y'
where x' = x*z + 3*y*w
y' = y*z + x*w
(ExtR3 x y) - (ExtR3 z w) = ExtR3 (x-z) (y-w)
negate (ExtR3 x y) = ExtR3 (negate x) (negate y)
abs z@(ExtR3 x y) | positive_r 3 x y = z
| otherwise = negate z
signum (ExtR3 0 0) = 0
signum (ExtR3 x y) | positive_r 3 x y = 1
| otherwise = -1
fromInteger x = ExtR3 (fromInteger x) 0
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Ord (ExtR3 a) where
x <= y = positive_r 3 z w
where ExtR3 z w = y - x
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Num (ExtR5 a) where
(ExtR5 x y) + (ExtR5 z w) = ExtR5 (x+z) (y+w)
(ExtR5 x y) * (ExtR5 z w) = ExtR5 x' y'
where x' = x*z + 5*y*w
y' = y*z + x*w
(ExtR5 x y) - (ExtR5 z w) = ExtR5 (x-z) (y-w)
negate (ExtR5 x y) = ExtR5 (negate x) (negate y)
abs z@(ExtR5 x y) | positive_r 5 x y = z
| otherwise = negate z
signum (ExtR5 0 0) = 0
signum (ExtR5 x y) | positive_r 5 x y = 1
| otherwise = -1
fromInteger x = ExtR5 (fromInteger x) 0
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Ord (ExtR5 a) where
x <= y = positive_r 5 z w
where ExtR5 z w = y - x
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Num (ExtR7 a) where
(ExtR7 x y) + (ExtR7 z w) = ExtR7 (x+z) (y+w)
(ExtR7 x y) * (ExtR7 z w) = ExtR7 x' y'
where x' = x*z + 7*y*w
y' = y*z + x*w
(ExtR7 x y) - (ExtR7 z w) = ExtR7 (x-z) (y-w)
negate (ExtR7 x y) = ExtR7 (negate x) (negate y)
abs z@(ExtR7 x y) | positive_r 7 x y = z
| otherwise = negate z
signum (ExtR7 0 0) = 0
signum (ExtR7 x y) | positive_r 7 x y = 1
| otherwise = -1
fromInteger x = ExtR7 (fromInteger x) 0
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Ord (ExtR7 a) where
x <= y = positive_r 7 z w
where ExtR7 z w = y - x
instance (Fractional a, Ord a) => Fractional (ExtR2 a) where
fromRational x = ExtR2 (fromRational x) 0
recip x@(ExtR2 a b) = ExtR2 (a / c) (negate b / c)
where y = ExtR2 a (negate b)
(ExtR2 c _) = x * y
instance (Fractional a, Ord a) => Fractional (ExtR3 a) where
fromRational x = ExtR3 (fromRational x) 0
recip x@(ExtR3 a b) = ExtR3 (a / c) (negate b / c)
where y = ExtR3 a (negate b)
(ExtR3 c _) = x * y
instance (Fractional a, Ord a) => Fractional (ExtR5 a) where
fromRational x = ExtR5 (fromRational x) 0
recip x@(ExtR5 a b) = ExtR5 (a / c) (negate b / c)
where y = ExtR5 a (negate b)
(ExtR5 c _) = x * y
instance (Fractional a, Ord a) => Fractional (ExtR7 a) where
fromRational x = ExtR7 (fromRational x) 0
recip x@(ExtR7 a b) = ExtR7 (a / c) (negate b / c)
where y = ExtR7 a (negate b)
(ExtR7 c _) = x * y
showWithSign :: (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> String
showWithSign x | x >= 0 = "+(" ++ show (abs x) ++ ")"
| otherwise = "-(" ++ show (abs x) ++ ")"
type Q2357 = ExtR7 (ExtR5 (ExtR3 (ExtR2 Rational)))
flatten :: Q2357 -> String
flatten (ExtR7 (ExtR5 (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xq xr2) (ExtR2 xr3 xr6)) (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xr5 xr10) (ExtR2 xr15 xr30))) (ExtR5 (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xr7 xr14) (ExtR2 xr21 xr42)) (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xr35 xr70) (ExtR2 xr105 xr210))))
| xq == 0 = rs
| otherwise = show xq ++ rs
where xs = [xr2,xr3,xr5,xr6,xr7,xr10,xr14,xr15,xr21,xr30,xr35,xr42,xr70,xr105,xr210]
cs = map (("√"++).show) [2,3,5,6,7,10,14,15,21,30,35,42,70,105,210]
ys = map (\(c,x)->showWithSign x++c) $ filter ((/=0).snd) $ zip cs xs
rs = foldr (++) [] ys
root2 :: Q2357
root2 = ExtR7 (ExtR5 (ExtR3 (ExtR2 0 1) 0) 0) 0
root3 :: Q2357
root3 = ExtR7 (ExtR5 (ExtR3 0 1) 0) 0
root5 :: Q2357
root5 = ExtR7 (ExtR5 0 1) 0
root7 :: Q2357
root7 = ExtR7 0 1
factor :: Q2357 -> Q2357
factor (ExtR7 (ExtR5 (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xq xr2) (ExtR2 xr3 xr6)) (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xr5 xr10) (ExtR2 xr15 xr30))) (ExtR5 (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xr7 xr14) (ExtR2 xr21 xr42)) (ExtR3 (ExtR2 xr35 xr70) (ExtR2 xr105 xr210))))
= fromInteger num / fromInteger den
where den = foldr lcm 1 $ map denominator [xq,xr2,xr3,xr5,xr6,xr7,xr10,xr14,xr15,xr21,xr30,xr35,xr42,xr70,xr105,xr210]
num = foldr gcd 0 $ map numerator [xq,xr2,xr3,xr5,xr6,xr7,xr10,xr14,xr15,xr21,xr30,xr35,xr42,xr70,xr105,xr210]
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