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Created April 9, 2017 08:01
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Qual. D small (WA解)
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define sz(a) int((a).size())
#define pb push_back
#define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end()
#define tr(i,c) for(typeof((c).begin()) i=(c).begin(); i!=(c).end(); i++)
#define rep(var,n) for(int var=0;var<(n);var++)
#define found(s,e) ((s).find(e)!=(s).end())
#include "cout11.h" // oops.消し忘れ
#define NDEBUG
#include <cassert>
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
int render(int N, vector<char>& F, vector<vector<char> >& G) {
int score = 0;
vector<pair<char, ii> > Q;
rep(r, N) rep(c, N) {
switch (G[r][c]) {
case '+': case 'x':
++score; break;
case 'o':
score += 2; break;
if (r == 0 && G[r][c] == F[c]) continue;
if (G[r][c] != '.') {
Q.push_back(make_pair(G[r][c], ii(r, c)));
bool is_valid = true;
rep(r, N) rep(c, N) {
if (G[r][c] == 'o' || G[r][c] == 'x') {
rep(ri, N) {
if (ri == r) continue;
if (G[ri][c] == 'o' || G[ri][c] == 'x') { is_valid = false; goto valid_check_end; }
rep(ci, N) {
if (ci == c) continue;
if (G[r][ci] == 'o' || G[r][ci] == 'x') { is_valid = false; goto valid_check_end; }
if (G[r][c] == 'o' || G[r][c] == '+') {
rep(ci, N) {
int d = ci - c;
if (d == 0) continue;
int ri = r + d;
if (0 <= ri && ri < N) {
if (G[ri][ci] == 'o' || G[ri][ci] == '+') { is_valid = false; goto valid_check_end; }
ri = r - d;
if (0 <= ri && ri < N) {
if (G[ri][ci] == 'o' || G[ri][ci] == '+') { is_valid = false; goto valid_check_end; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!is_valid) {
cout << string(all(F)) << endl;
printf("---- %d\n", is_valid);
rep(r, N) {
rep(c, N) {
printf("%d %lu\n", score, Q.size());
rep(i, Q.size()) {
printf("%c %d %d\n", Q[i].first, 1+Q[i].second.first, 1+Q[i].second.second);
return is_valid;
int solve_s(int N, vector<pair<char, ii> >& P) {
int M = P.size();
vector<char> F(N, '.');
int ox_at = -1;
rep(i, M) {
char ch = P[i].first;
int r = P[i].second.first, c = P[i].second.second;
assert(r == 0);
F[c] = ch;
if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'o') ox_at = c;
vector<vector<char> > G(N, vector<char>(N, '.'));
int last = N-1;
if (ox_at == -1 || G[0][0] == 'o' || G[0][0] == 'x') {
ox_at = 0;
G[0][0] = 'o';
for (int c=1; c<=last; ++c) G[0][c] = '+';
for (int c=1; c<last; ++c) G[N-1][c] = '+';
for (int d=1; d<=last; ++d) G[d][d] = 'x';
return render(N, F, G);
if (G[0][last] == 'o' || G[0][last] == 'x') {
for (int c=0; c<last; ++c) G[0][c] = '+';
for (int c=1; c<last; ++c) G[last][c] = '+';
for (int d=1; d<=last; ++d) G[d][last-d] = 'x';
return render(N, F, G);
else if (F[ox_at] == 'o') {
for (int c=0; c<N; ++c) {
if (F[c] == '.') G[0][c] = '+';
vector<bool> used(N, false);
used[ox_at] = true;
G[last][0] = 'x';
for (int c=1; c<last; ++c) G[last][c] = '+';
used[0] = true;
for (int r=1; r<last; ++r) {
rep(c, N) {
if (used[c]) continue;
G[r][c] = 'x'; used[c] = true; break;
return render(N, F, G);
} else {
for (int c=1; c<last; ++c) {
if (F[c] == '.' || F[c] == '+') {
G[0][c] = G[last-0][last-c] = '+';
} else if (F[c] == 'x') {
G[c][0] = G[last-c][last-0] = '+';
vector<bool> used(N, false);
used[ox_at] = true;
if (G[0][0] == '.') {
G[last][last] = 'o';
used[last] = true;
else if (G[0][last] == '.') {
G[last][0] = 'o';
used[0] = true;
int r = ox_at;
for (int c=1; c<last; ++c) {
if (used[c]) continue;
G[r][c] = 'x'; used[c] = true; break;
r = last - ox_at;
if (r != ox_at) {
for (int c=1; c<last; ++c) {
if (used[c]) continue;
G[r][c] = 'x'; used[c] = true; break;
for (int r=1; r<last; ++r) {
if (r == ox_at || r == last-ox_at) continue;
rep(c, N) {
if (used[c]) continue;
G[r][c] = 'x'; used[c] = true; break;
return render(N, F, G);
return false;
int main(){
int _T; cin>>_T;
cout << "Case #" << (1+_t) << ": ";
int N; cin >> N;
assert(1 <= N && N <= 100);
vector<pair<char, ii> > P;
int M; cin >> M;
assert(0 <= M && M <= N*N);
rep(m, M) {
char ch; int r, c; cin >> ch >> r >> c;
assert(ch == '+' || ch == 'x' || ch == 'o');
--r; --c;
assert(0 <= r && r < N);
assert(0 <= c && c < N);
P.push_back(make_pair(ch, ii(r, c)));
solve_s(N, P);
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