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Created December 12, 2013 11:18
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GRUNT: Theme Compiler Script
* grunt-less-themes
* Adapted from the grunt-contrib-less module.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Tyler Kellen, contributors
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var path = require('path'),
less = require('less'),
fs = require('fs');
var _ = grunt.util._,
async = grunt.util.async;
var lessOptions = {
parse: ['paths', 'optimization', 'filename', 'strictImports', 'dumpLineNumbers'],
render: ['compress', 'yuicompress', 'ieCompat']
grunt.registerMultiTask('lessThemes', 'Compile multiple themed LESS files to CSS', function() {
var options = {
root: './',
output: 'generated',
themeDir: 'themes',
placeholder: '{{themeName}}',
themeImport: 'theme'
var done = this.async();
var options = _.extend(options, this.options()),
srcFiles = this.files;
async.forEachSeries(options.themes, function(theme, nextTheme) {
var themePath = options.root +'/'+ options.themeDir +'/'+ theme +'.less';
async.forEachSeries(srcFiles, function(f, nextFileObj) {
var destFile = options.output +'/'+ f.dest.replace(options.placeholder, theme);
var files = f.src.filter(function(filepath) {
// Warn on and remove invalid source files (if nonull was set).
if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) {
grunt.log.warn('Source file "' + filepath + '" not found.');
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (files.length === 0) {
if (f.src.length < 1) {
grunt.log.warn('Destination not written because no source files were found.');
// No src files, goto next target. Warn would have been issued above.
return nextFileObj();
var compiled = [];
async.concatSeries(files, function(file, next) {
compileLess(file, options, function(css, err) {
if (!err) {
} else {
}, function() {
if (compiled.length < 1) {
grunt.log.warn('Destination not written because compiled files were empty.');
} else {
grunt.file.write(destFile, compiled.join(grunt.util.normalizelf(grunt.util.linefeed)));
grunt.log.writeln('File ' + destFile.cyan + ' created.');
}, nextTheme);
}, done);
var compileLess = function(srcFile, options, callback) {
options = _.extend({
filename: srcFile
}, options);
options.paths = options.paths || [path.dirname(srcFile)];
var css;
var srcCode =;
var parser = new less.Parser(_.pick(options, lessOptions.parse));
parser.parse(srcCode, function(parse_err, tree) {
if (parse_err) {
callback('', true);
try {
css = tree.toCSS(_.pick(options, lessOptions.render));
callback(css, null);
} catch (e) {
callback(css, true);
var formatLessError = function(e) {
var pos = '[' + 'L' + e.line + ':' + ('C' + e.column) + ']';
return e.filename + ': ' + pos + ' ' + e.message;
var lessError = function(e) {
var message = less.formatError ? less.formatError(e) : formatLessError(e);
grunt.log.error(message);'Error compiling LESS.');
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