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Created August 15, 2012 13:59
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Using Noir and incanter
(ns simple_server
(:use [noir.server :only (start load-views)])
(load-views "src/simple_web_app")
(defn -main [& m]
(let [port (Integer. (get (System/getenv) "PORT" "8080"))]
(start port {:mode :dev :ns 'stats-web})))
# an updated version of
(ns simple_web_app
[noir.response :only (content-type)]
[noir.core :only (defpage)]
[incanter core stats charts])
(:import ( ByteArrayOutputStream
;; Pass a map as the first argument to be
;; set as attributes of the element
(defn html-doc
[title & body]
[:title title]]
[:a {:href "/"}
"Generate a normal sample"]]]
(def sample-form
(html-doc "sample-normal histogram"
(form-to [:post "/sample-normal"]
"sample size: " (text-field {:size 4} :size)
"mean: " (text-field {:size 4} :mean)
"sd: " (text-field {:size 4} :sd)
(submit-button "view"))))
(defn gen-samp-hist-png
[size-str mean-str sd-str]
(let [size (if (nil? size-str) 1000 (Integer/parseInt size-str))
m (if (nil? mean-str) 0 (Double/parseDouble mean-str))
s (if (nil? sd-str) 1 (Double/parseDouble sd-str))
samp (sample-normal size :mean m :sd s)
chart (histogram samp :title "Normal Sample"
:x-label (str "sample-size = " size
", mean = " m
", sd = " s))
out-stream (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
in-stream (do
(save chart out-stream)
(.toByteArray out-stream)))
header {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "image/png"}}]
{:headers {"Content-Type" "image/png"} :body in-stream}
(defpage "/" [] sample-form)
(defpage [:post "/sample-normal"] {:as params}
(gen-samp-hist-png (params :size) (params :mean) (params :sd)))
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