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narner /
Created November 25, 2015 19:33
Projects I worked on in 2015

Projects I worked on in 2015

I've been active in two open-source projects, both of which have the goal of making audio programming easier for developers:

  • AudioKit For a little over the past year, I've been a core contributor of AudioKit, an open-source audio analysis, synthesis, and processing toolkit for iOS and OS X.
  • Soundpipe Recently, I've become active in contributing to Paul Batchelor's Soundpipe project. Soudpipe is a lightweight music DSP library, designed to be easily extendable and embedable.

I also made a simple demo of how an AudioKit oscillator OS X app can be controlled with an Arduino: Arduino-AudioKitOSX

Early in the year, the first app I was involved with was released on the App Store:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am narner on github.
  • I am narner ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F667 7B67 7B35 9D52 3FB2 18FD BED4 0361 8AD5 9B18

To claim this, I am signing this object:

narner /
Last active March 27, 2016 15:29
Machine Learning Resources and Tools
import*; // include the networking library
Server server; // will receive predictions
Client client;
String messageText;
int dataIn;
PFont f;
void setup() {
import*; // include the networking library
Server server; // will receive predictions
String messageText;
PFont f;
void setup()
import*; // include the networking library
Server server; // will receive predictions from ESP
String messageText;
PFont f;
void setup()
nicholasarner@NickLaptop heroku-python-script-master % git push heroku master
Enumerating objects: 8, done.
Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 1.07 KiB | 1.07 MiB/s, done.
Total 5 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Compressing source files... done.
remote: Building source:
func startAudioEngine() {
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
do {
try audioSession.setCategory(
} catch let error as NSError {
print("audioSession error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
narner / gist:d7805807992fa44a30e00d6480a04164
Created November 2, 2020 17:49
Non formatted data string
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
- some : "AAAAFGZ0eXBxdCAgAAAAAHF0ICAAAAAId2lkZQAUG7dtZGF0ANAABwD6Fy3URkEQRAoQgN9VDTd1sQ3u22nNlPdcq7Ew-8R8BE6WLJ5e-SBuSOVkkqkQhmswQwMkhHYTJSJ2qxOczKi5Rp4-pEKAic2UQLQwCUTM8nCgfLcdOSOQhPldoyYkg9N2BSNGUM0HQTj19-xlvvdksDScqNzrkDW6P0empP2mr6ohbfLOarLchXv1WB8vq3jbN41zhCKogakik2a5rZX1WS51G-Rkynm_Vd2XxnLuN8-nuZeob5PC-M-mMXSGDPoGjO0A_LZQz8ABChcvFDsNEYqGEICZSWkR5dBMhVXWXU3ZW9tq2P6OCvlQc-BmNa1Dxtu-bIPxe6gbdIW3yDmaRljNmMpL8ejYLDviPhvnvVXvwuUqcu1XluAI2kTEzITKdnUHjHbMsG938T9D_YlxXWWFag0H9GKYKSpjd2Y8DygQADpHOh_MuKPLNEdF1CKoSaL0TXIbtLxsP9R_5_56gNy-7PTNV6-7p9bed5YZ9d7qtwUF9cvPZ8e8-fPvSfl7ZYrTvPItew6_jsD_m82gsS_WXXvO_Ebv7ri-U8_VN9cel8pvyOqafn8vhMdMNgVZpYfOJmxQdgVgFEKi1tzUawhvnx0BzbCc_bsvf7Fl-M2wjTPKy1vWyY6KBeKCbomtasVsfci0MEq3RZI79CwwIZ6h-gxOW-abSo6tC4VvPpqsHldHK2ThbOPVXbhYdJVpyNq509M0HBTXaefhXN7r2nGbsuqnOc8KuNj9Iiegf7ciy7vPaZKjd7TyvhA756fGYbqiL03mswdG2qJvH3SVGnMWXjat7RdbgAESFyx0xnoNQoNimRmaXLAVkmSwSE1Ziptus5EmBwJfH2EXxFbQkbXDTztdBtTTnWQ7nonkyNdv5iprK44eRV-CGp4KHUBHw18yXVEry58ax-9LjvtntrkjUASFjQtvCm7nTNZoLYEFvW_RRgM-c9sVOW0
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.