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Last active November 12, 2015 19:55
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Create a cursory changelog from a git log
# Generates a cursory changelog from all tags in a git log
# All params are optional. If the from param is empty,
# it will create a changelog from all tags
# @param from - the tag or git commit to start from
# @param to - the tag or git commit to end at
# @param title - a title to give the log if specifying the previous options
function generate_changelog {
local changes hash log log_title tag tags prev from="$1" to="$2" title nl=$'\n';
if [[ -z "$from" ]]; then
tags=$(git for-each-ref --format='%(*committerdate:raw)%(committerdate:raw) %(refname) %(*objectname) %(objectname)' refs/tags | sort -n | awk '{ gsub("refs/tags/", "", $3); print $3; }');
for tag in $tags; do
[[ -n $prev ]] && hash="$prev..$tag" || hash="$tag";
if [[ -z "$log_title" ]]; then
log_title=$(IFS=$'\n'; echo $(git log -n1 $tag --pretty=format:'%s - %cd' --date=short) | awk -F' - ' '{ "date -j -f \"%Y-%m-%d\" "$2" +\"%B %d, %Y\"" |getline d; print $1" - "d }');
log=$(echo "## $log_title$nl"; g log --pretty=format:'* %s' "$hash" | grep -ivE 'Merge branch|Source Format|Rebuild|Build files' | /usr/bin/grep -vE '^\* \d+\.\d+\.\d+$'; echo "");
echo "$changes"
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