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Generate M-spline and I-spline functions in Python
Python code to generate M-splines and I-splines.
Ramsay, J. O. (1988). Monotone regression splines in action.
Statistical science, 3(4), 425-441.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mspline_grid(order, num_basis_funcs, nt):
Generate a set of M-spline basis functions with evenly
spaced knots.
order : int
Order parameter of the splines.
num_basis_funcs : int
Number of desired basis functions. Note that we
require num_basis_funcs >= order.
nt : int
Number of points to evaluate the basis functions.
spine_basis : array
Matrix with shape (num_basis_funcs, nt), holding the
desired spline basis functions.
# Determine number of interior knots.
num_interior_knots = num_basis_funcs - order
if num_interior_knots < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Spline `order` parameter cannot be larger "
"than `num_basis_funcs` parameter."
# Fine grid of numerically evaluated points.
x = np.linspace(0, 1 - 1e-6, nt)
# Set of spline knots. We need to add extra knots to
# the end to handle boundary conditions for higher-order
# spline bases. See Ramsay (1988) cited above.
# Note - this is poorly explained on most corners of the
# internet that I've found.
knots = np.concatenate((
np.zeros(order - 1),
np.linspace(0, 1, num_interior_knots + 2),
np.ones(order - 1),
# Evaluate and stack each basis function.
return np.row_stack(
[mspline(x, order, i, knots) for i in range(num_basis_funcs)]
def mspline(x, k, i, T):
Compute M-spline basis function `i` at points `x` for a spline
basis of order-`k` with knots `T`.
x : array
Vector holding points to evaluate the spline.
# Boundary conditions.
if (T[i + k] - T[i]) < 1e-6:
return np.zeros_like(x)
# Special base case of first-order spline basis.
elif k == 1:
v = np.zeros_like(x)
v[(x >= T[i]) & (x < T[i + 1])] = 1 / (T[i + 1] - T[i])
return v
# General case, defined recursively
return k * (
(x - T[i]) * mspline(x, k - 1, i, T)
+ (T[i + k] - x) * mspline(x, k - 1, i + 1, T)
) / ((k-1) * (T[i + k] - T[i]))
def ispline_grid(order, num_basis_funcs, nt):
Generate a set of I-spline basis functions with evenly
spaced knots.
order : int
Order parameter of the splines.
num_basis_funcs : int
Number of desired basis functions. Note that we
require num_basis_funcs >= order.
nt : int
Number of points to evaluate the basis functions.
spine_basis : array
Matrix with shape (num_basis_funcs, nt), holding the
desired spline basis functions.
# Determine number of interior knots.
num_interior_knots = num_basis_funcs - order
if num_interior_knots < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Spline `order` parameter cannot be larger "
"than `num_basis_funcs` parameter."
# Fine grid of numerically evaluated points.
x = np.linspace(0, 1 - 1e-6, nt)
# Set of spline knots. We need to add extra knots to
# the end to handle boundary conditions for higher-order
# spline bases. See Ramsay (1988) cited above.
# Note - this is poorly explained on most corners of the
# internet that I've found.
knots = np.concatenate((
np.linspace(0, 1, num_interior_knots + 2),
# Evaluate and stack each basis function.
return np.row_stack(
[ispline(x, order, i, knots) for i in range(num_basis_funcs)]
def ispline(x, k, i, T):
Compute I-spline basis function `i` at points `x` for a spline
basis of order-`k` with knots `T`.
x : array
Vector holding points to evaluate the spline.
# index j where t_j ≤ x < t_{j+1}
i += 1
j = np.array([np.argwhere(T <= xi)[-1, 0] if T[0] <= xi else -1 for xi in x])
# Boundary conditions
v = np.zeros_like(x)
v[j-k+1 > i] = 1
# General case, defined by M-spline
j_valid = j[(j-k+1 <= i) & (i <= j)]
x_valid = x[(j-k+1 <= i) & (i <= j)]
# (T[i+k] - t[i-1]) ~ (T[j+k] - t[j-1])
Tms = [T[(i+k+1):(j_+k+1+1)] - T[i:(j_+1)] for j_ in j_valid]
# M_i(x|k+1,t) ~ M_j(x|k+1,t)
Mms = [np.array([mspline(x_, k+1, m, T) for m in range(i, j_+1)]) \
for x_, j_ in zip(x_valid, j_valid)]
v[(j-k+1 <= i) & (i <= j)] = [(Tm * Mm).sum()/(k+1) for Tm, Mm in zip(Tms, Mms)]
return v
# Test code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Plot basis funcs, varying the order parameter.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 3))
for k, ax in enumerate(axes):
order = k + 1
# I-spline
ax.plot(ispline_grid(order, 7, 1000).T)
# # M-spline
# ax.plot(mspline_grid(order, 7, 1000).T)
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