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  • Save naveenvm93/98b69198990b3edf06dec67d3c4ea7a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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set @Country_ISO = AttributeValue("Country_ISO")
set @Subject = Lookup("Test Dynamic Email Translation","Subject","Country_ISO",@Country_ISO)
set @preheader = Lookup("Test Dynamic Email Translation","Preheader","Country_ISO",@Country_ISO)
set @Header_Image = Lookup("Test Dynamic Email Translation","Header Image","Country_ISO",@Country_ISO)
set @Header_Text = Lookup("Test Dynamic Email Translation","Header Text","Country_ISO",@Country_ISO)
set @CTA_Text = Lookup("Test Dynamic Email Translation","CTA Text","Country_ISO",@Country_ISO)
set @CTA_Link = Lookup("Test Dynamic Email Translation","CTA Link","Country_ISO",@Country_ISO)
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