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Last active December 30, 2020 12:19
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Generate Tailwind Properties
#!/usr/bin/env node
// With the help of
// Thanks Kent C. Dodds
const spawnSync = require("child_process").spawnSync;
const styles = {
// got these from playing around with what I found from:
// they're the best I could find that works well for light or dark terminals
success: { open: "\u001b[32;1m", close: "\u001b[0m" },
danger: { open: "\u001b[31;1m", close: "\u001b[0m" },
info: { open: "\u001b[36;1m", close: "\u001b[0m" },
subtitle: { open: "\u001b[2;1m", close: "\u001b[0m" },
function color(modifier, string) {
return styles[modifier].open + string + styles[modifier].close;
function run(title, subtitle, command, options) {
options = options || {};
console.log(color("info", "▶️ Starting: To generate " + title + "\n"));
console.log(color("subtitle", subtitle + "\n"));
color("subtitle", "Running the following command: " + command + "\n"),
var result = spawnSync(command, { stdio: "inherit", shell: true });
if (result.status !== 0 && !options.ignoreFailure) {
" 🚨 Failure: " +
title +
". Please review the messages above for information on how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue. \n",
console.log(color("success", "✅ Success: Generated " + title + "\n\n"));
console.log(color("info", "\n▶️ Checking for npx compatability \n"));
const error = spawnSync("npx --version", { shell: true })
if (error) {
"🚨 npx is not available on this computer. Please install npm@5.2.0 or greater \n",
throw error;
console.log(color("success", "✅ npx is available \n"));
const cliArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
const inputTailwindCssFile = cliArgs[0] || "";
const outputTailwindcssFile = cliArgs[1] || "./tailwind.css";
"Tailwind CSS",
"Tailwind CSS file from the input file by infering the default config location...",
`npx tailwindcss-cli@latest build ${inputTailwindCssFile} -o ${outputTailwindcssFile}`,
"Tailwind Override Properties",
"TailwindCSS Properties for Overrides from the above generated file...",
`npx tailwind-override --inputFile ${outputTailwindcssFile} --outputFile tailwindProperties.json > /dev/null`,
"name": "generate-tailwind-properties",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Generate tailwind properties from tailwind css for tailwind override issue",
"bin": "./generate-tailwind-properties.js"
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