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This Power Query custom function will right-fill nested headers then combine n levels of headers into a single promoted column header
Author: Owen Price
Date: 2022-09-17
Handles multi-level nested column headers, optionally combines them into a single header row and optionally promotes the first row to the column header of the resulting table.
func =
data as table,
columns as list,
levels as number,
optional combine as logical,
optional separator as text,
optional promote as logical
) as table =>
//Simple function to handle optional parameters
ifnull = (param as any, thenval as any) as any => if param is null then thenval else param,
//Handle null/missing combine parameter
_combine = ifnull(combine,true),
//Handle null/missing promote parameter
_promote = ifnull(promote,true),
//Handle null/missing separator parameter
_separator = ifnull(separator,"-"),
//Define a function to check whether or not the current row is in the list of columns passed to the function or not
get_columns_to_fill = (bool as logical) as function => (row as record) as logical => List.Contains(columns, row[Column1]) = bool,
//Split the table into the headers and the non-headers
split_table = Table.SplitAt( Table.DemoteHeaders( data ) , levels + 1 ),
//Transpose the table containing the header levels
transposed_headers = Table.Transpose( split_table{0} ),
Here we select only those transposed rows where the value in Column1 (i.e. the original column header) is in the columns parameter.
get_columns_to_fill(true) creates the following function:
(row as record) as logical => List.Contains(columns, row[Column1]) = true
Since this is now a one-parameter function, we can use it in the second parameter of Table.SelectRows, which
itself passes each record in the table into the "row" parameter of the function.
headers_to_fill = Table.SelectRows( transposed_headers , get_columns_to_fill(true) ),
/*Once we have only those rows we want to work on, we use FillDown on all of them*/
filled_headers = Table.FillDown( headers_to_fill, Table.ColumnNames( headers_to_fill ) ),
Here we use Table.Selectrows with the function created by get_columns_to_fill(false):
(row as record) as logical => List.Contains(columns, row[Column1]) = false
This selects those rows from the transposed data whose value in Column1 (i.e. the original column header)
is NOT in the columns parameter and appends them to the filled-down data (the data modified above)
fixed_headers = Table.Combine( { Table.SelectRows( transposed_headers , get_columns_to_fill(false) ) , filled_headers } ),
//If the user has requested, combine the header levels into a single column
= if _combine then
//create a list of column names in the transposed table which we will merge into a single column
columns_to_merge = List.Transform({ 2..levels + 1 }, each "Column" & Number.ToText(_)),
//perform the column merge into a new column called "New header"
merged_column = Table.CombineColumns( fixed_headers , columns_to_merge , Combiner.CombineTextByDelimiter(_separator) , "New header" ),
//drop Column1 since we don't want it any more
combined = Table.RemoveColumns( merged_column , {"Column1"} )
in combined
else fixed_headers,
//Finally, transpose the header back to a horizontal orientation and re-join with the data rows
final_table = Table.Combine( { Table.Transpose(conditional_combine) , split_table{1} } ),
//If the user has requested, promote the first row to the column headers
result = if _promote then Table.PromoteHeaders( final_table ) else final_table
in result,
documentation = [
Documentation.Name = "FixNestedHeaders",
Documentation.Description = "Applies a 'RightFill' operation to a multi-level nested header",
Documentation.LongDescription = "<p>Applies a 'RightFill' operation to a multi-level nested header.</p>
<p>Optionally combines the specified levels into a single row column header.</p>
<p>Optionally promotes the first row in the resulting table to be the new column header.</p>
<p>Owen Price -</p>",
Documentation.Category = "Table",
Documentation.Source = "",
Documentation.Author = "Owen Price"
my_type =
type function (
data as (type table meta [Documentation.FieldCaption = "Table with nested headers"] ),
columns as (type list meta [Documentation.FieldCaption = "A list of column names in 'data'"]),
levels as (type number meta [Documentation.FieldCaption = "First N rows containing the nested headers", Documentation.SampleValues = { 2, 3, 4 }]),
optional combine as (type logical meta [Documentation.FieldCaption = "Combine the nested headers into a single row"]),
optional separator as (type text meta [Documentation.FieldCaption = "Separator when combining headers", Documentation.SampleValues = { "-" }]),
optional promote as (type logical meta [Documentation.FieldCaption = "Promote the first row to column headers"])
) as table
Value.ReplaceType(func, Value.ReplaceMetadata(my_type, documentation))
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