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Nicolas Grisey Demengel ndemengel

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ndemengel / mock-api-request.ts
Last active July 29, 2024 15:32
Nuxt UI Tests with Playwright @malt: the mock server (as a Playwright fixture)
// noinspection JSVoidFunctionReturnValueUsed
import * as http from 'http';
import {IncomingMessage, ServerResponse} from 'http';
import isEqual from 'lodash';
import type {TestFixture} from 'playwright/test';
import {test as base} from 'playwright/test';
import type {Expectation, ExpectationMatch, MatchingExpectation, MockApiRequestFixturesOptions, MockApiRequestFn} from '../types';
const {isEqual: isDeepEqual} = isEqual;
ndemengel / reverse-proxy.mjs
Created July 29, 2024 15:26
Nuxt UI Tests with Playwright @malt: the reverse proxy
/* eslint-disable no-console */
// Note: a first version of if was using Typescript and was launched using ts-node, but it took 1-2 additional seconds
// to start, which is noticeable when we want tests to start as fast as possible. So it has been reverted to JS.
import {execSync} from 'child_process';
import * as http from 'http';
const COMMON_BACKEND_ROUTES = ['/api', /* ... */];
function startProxy(proxyPort, appPortForTests, backendPortForTests, apiPrefixes) {
const requestPrefixes = apiPrefixes.split(',');
ndemengel /
Created January 16, 2023 10:10
Simple script outputting who likely has the most knowledge about an area of your code base
# Outputs the top 10 committers on the provided area, for the period provided,
# based on the number of commits, in the form of 4 columns:
# Lines added, Lines deleted, Number of commits, Author
# (This allows for easily re-sorting the output by piping it into `sort -nr -k COLUMN_NUMBER`)
# Tip: replace tabs with commas everywhere below to output valid CSV content.
ndemengel / buildSimpleLineChart.js
Created January 16, 2023 14:09
Example of building a line chart using Chart.js
function buildSimpleLineChart({data, containerEl, title, xField, yField, xTitle, yTitle}) {
const xs = => d[xField]);
const ys = => d[yField]);
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'width: 600px; height: 400px';
return new Chart(canvas, {
data: {
ndemengel / buildLanguageBattleChart.js
Created January 16, 2023 14:11
Example of buidling a bar + line chart using Chart.js
function buildLanguageBattleChart({battleData, containerEl, oldLanguage, newLanguage}) {
const dates = =>;
const newLanguageFiles = => d.newLanguageFiles);
const oldLanguageFiles = => d.oldLanguageFiles);
const filesRatios = => d.filesRatio * 100);
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'width: 600px; height: 400px';
ndemengel / CheckFreelancerLibsDependenciesTest.kt
Last active January 17, 2021 15:57
Enforcing dependency rules between Maven modules using JUnit
package com.malt.architecture.libfreelancer
import com.malt.architecture.shouldNotDependOnModulesOfOtherGroups
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
internal class CheckFreelancerLibsDependenciesTest {
ndemengel / CommandSpecification.kt
Created April 26, 2020 15:31
Command queue: specification options
* Specifies a command to be executed with some arguments.
* For a better development experience, this class must be extended to ensure each command has
* an specification type, and must define the queue name via:
* - either a static field (for Java classes) named "COMMAND_NAME",
* - or a companion object's property (for Kotlin classes) named "COMMAND_NAME".
abstract class CommandSpecification(
ndemengel / ExecutionPolicy.kt
Created April 26, 2020 15:27
Command queue: execution policy
data class ExecutionPolicy(
/** How many processes (coroutines, really) to run in parallel. */
val concurrency: Int,
* How much time to wait before processing a command specification/scheduled task.
* Consequently, that time is the window during which tasks are subject to deduplication.
ndemengel / CommandSequence.kt
Created April 26, 2020 13:30
Command queue: scheduling a sequence of tasks
CommandSpec1(argA, argB),
ndemengel / CommandQueue.kt
Last active April 26, 2020 13:15
Command queue: core logic
class CommandQueue(...) {
// ...
override fun schedule(command: CommandSpecification) {
// add task to queue, log details, emit metrics
// this is the important part for deduplication to work