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Last active December 6, 2022 12:52
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Full code to Blog post on URL Shortener
import flet as ft
import pyshorteners # pip install pyshorteners
shortener = pyshorteners.Shortener()
class ShortLinkRow(ft.Row):
# a row containing the shortened url, and two buttons ('copy', and 'open in browser')
def __init__(self, shortened_link, link_source):
We create a new class called `ShortenedLinkRow` that inherits from `ft.Row`.
The constructor takes two arguments/parameters: `shortened_link` and `source`.
:param shortened_link: the shortened link
:param link_source: the service hosting the shortened_link
super().__init__() # required when overwriting the constructor
self.tooltip = link_source # set the tooltip of the row itself to the link provider/source
self.alignment = "center" # center the contents of this row
# the controls/content of our Row
self.controls = [
ft.Text(value=shortened_link, size=16, selectable=True, italic=True),
icon=ft.icons.COPY, # the icon to be showed
on_click=lambda e: self.copy(shortened_link), # when this button is clicked, call the `copy` method, passing the shortened link as parameter
tooltip="copy" # to be showed when hovering on this button
icon=ft.icons.OPEN_IN_BROWSER_OUTLINED, # the icon to be showed
tooltip="open in browser", # to be showed when hovering on this button
on_click=lambda e: # when this button is clicked, open a browser tab with that shortened link
def copy(self, value):
It copies the given value to the clipboard, and opens a Snackbar to inform the user.
:param value: The value to be copied to the clipboard
ft.Text("Link copied to clipboard!"),
def main(page: ft.Page):
page.theme_mode = "light" # light theme/mode
page.title = "URL Shortener" # title of application/page
page.horizontal_alignment = "center" # center our page's content (remove or change at wish)
page.appbar = ft.AppBar(
title=ft.Text("URL Shortener", color=ft.colors.WHITE), # title of the AppBar, with a white color
center_title=True, # we center the title
bgcolor=ft.colors.BLUE, # a color for the AppBar's background
def shorten(e):
"""Grabs the URL in the textfield, and displays shortened versions of it."""
user_link = text_field.value # retrieve the content of the textfield
if user_link: # if the textfield is not empty
# if the entered text in the textfield is not a valid URl, the program may break, hence the need to catch that
page.add(ft.Text(f"Long URL: {user_link}", italic=False, weight='bold'))
page.add(ShortLinkRow(shortened_link=shortener.tinyurl.short(user_link), link_source="By"))
page.add(ShortLinkRow(shortened_link=shortener.chilpit.short(user_link), link_source="By"))
page.add(ShortLinkRow(shortened_link=shortener.clckru.short(user_link), link_source="By"))
page.add(ShortLinkRow(shortened_link=shortener.dagd.short(user_link), link_source="By da.dg"))
except Exception as exception: # the error might be that a url shortening service from pyshorteners failed to shorten our url
# inform the user that an error has occurred
ft.Text("Sorry, but an error occurred. Please retry, or refresh the page."),
else: # if the textfield is empty (no text)
# inform the user
ft.Text("Please enter a URL in the field!"),
text_field = ft.TextField(
value='', # a test link
label="Long URL", # the field's label
hint_text="type long url here", # the field's hint-text
max_length=200, # the maximum length of inputted links
keyboard_type="url", # the field's keyboard type
# 'shorten' is the function to be called on occurrence of some events
suffix=ft.FilledButton("Shorten!", on_click=shorten), # event: button clicked
on_submit=shorten # event: 'enter' key pressed
ft.Text("Generated URLs:", weight="bold", size=23)
) # add our textfield to the page/UI, view=ft.WEB_BROWSER)
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