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Created March 2, 2014 21:09
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Apple Mail App: Save and print attachment or email
-- Apple Mail: Save selected E-Mail attachment and print it
-- Created by Boy Nils Schulte am Hülse: (02.03.2014)
-- Based on "Save Mail as PDF and it's attachments to folder" Created by hubionmac (29.09.2010):
global frontmost_message_viewer
--this is the posix (unix) path of the folder you would like to store the messages in
set mymailboxpath to (path to documents folder) & "Buchfuehrung:2013 Buchfuehrung:2013 Kreditoren NSAH:" as text
set loopCounter to 0
tell application "Mail"
set myselection to my check_message_viewer_and_return_selection()
repeat with currentMail in myselection
set loopCounter to loopCounter + 1 -- Workaround for Gmail E-Mails with multible Labels
if loopCounter = 1 then
open currentMail
set currentSender to my (getEmail(sender of currentMail))
set currentDateSent to my getDatestring(date sent of currentMail)
set currentSubject to my replace_chars(my replace_chars(my replace_chars(my replace_chars(my replace_chars(my replace_chars(subject of currentMail, ":", "_"), "/", "_"), " ", "_"), "(", ""), ")", ""), ".", "") --Doppelpunkte kommen bei Dateinamen nicht so gut
set currentFolder2Store to mymailboxpath
-- Check if there are attachments and process them
set attachCount to count of (mail attachments of currentMail)
if attachCount is not equal to 0 then
repeat with a in (every mail attachment of currentMail)
set current_a_name to name of a
set current_a_name to my checkname_with_pdf_suffix(current_a_name, currentFolder2Store, false)
if current_a_name contains "pdf" then -- Only for PDF attachments
set current_a_name to currentDateSent & "_" & current_a_name
display dialog "Name der Datei:" default answer current_a_name with icon note
set current_a_name to text returned of the result
save a in (currentFolder2Store & current_a_name as rich text)
-- Print: commands must likly be changed for the used computer
do shell script "lp -d Brother_MFC_J5910DW -o PageSize=A4 -o fit-to-page -o BRMonoColor=Mono " & quoted form of POSIX path of (currentFolder2Store & current_a_name as rich text)
end if
end repeat
else -- Save email as PDF and print it
set desktop_pdf_name to my checkname_with_pdf_suffix("1.pdf", path to desktop, false)
set the clipboard to desktop_pdf_name
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
set wc to count of every window
end tell
end tell
my print_current_mail_as_pdf()
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
repeat until (count of every window) is wc
end repeat
end tell
end tell
-- Abfrage zur Bennenung der PDF-Datei
if currentSender contains "" then
set pdfDateiName to currentDateSent & "_Amazon_Gutschrift_" & (rich text 57 through end of currentSubject) & ".pdf"
set pdfDateiName to currentDateSent & "_" & currentSender & "_" & currentSubject
display dialog "Name der Datei:" default answer pdfDateiName with icon note
set pdfDateiName to text returned of the result & ".pdf"
end if
my move_desktop_pdf(desktop_pdf_name, currentFolder2Store, pdfDateiName)
end if
--close last_message window
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
keystroke "w" using command down
end tell
end tell
--open destination folder in finder ( did it really work? YES!! =))
--do shell script "open " & quoted form of currentFolder2Store
end if
end repeat
end tell
to move_desktop_pdf(desktop_pdf_name, currentFolder2Store, pdfDateiName)
--used to move the printed pdf to it's final destination
set finalname to checkname_with_pdf_suffix("__message.pdf", currentFolder2Store, false)
do shell script "mv " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (path to "desk") & desktop_pdf_name) & " " & quoted form of (POSIX path of currentFolder2Store & pdfDateiName)
on error msg
error "Fehler beim Bewegen der gedruckten Nachricht: " & msg as text
end try
end move_desktop_pdf
to getEmail(mailstring)
-- if an email contains the senders name like "Mr.Bla <>" then returns just the email not leaves the name
if mailstring contains "<" then
return (characters ((offset of "<" in mailstring) + 1) through ((offset of ">" in mailstring) - 1) of mailstring) as text
return mailstring
end if
end getEmail
to getDatestring(thedate)
--format a date to a string like 2010-03-22
set monthnum to characters -2 through -1 of ("0" & ((month of thedate) as integer)) as text
set daynum to characters -2 through -1 of ("0" & ((day of thedate) as integer)) as text
set yearnum to year of the thedate
return yearnum & "-" & monthnum & "-" & daynum as text
end getDatestring
to create_messagefolder(thepath)
--I love mkdir -p, simple, short, easy to use
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of thepath
on error msg
error msg
end try
end create_messagefolder
to replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
--this replaces characters
--used for folder and filenames, since a : must not be used for that
if this_text contains the search_string then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
end if
return this_text
end replace_chars
to checkname_with_pdf_suffix(n, D, looped)
--check if filename exists in D
-- so if "A File.pdf" exists it names it "A File 1.pdf","A File 2.pdf",...
tell application "Finder"
set thefiles to name of every item of (D as alias)
end tell
if thefiles contains n then
if looped = false then
set n to ((characters 1 through -5 of n) & " 1" & (characters -4 through -1 of n)) as text
my checkname_with_pdf_suffix(n, D, true)
set tmp to (last word of ((characters 1 through -5 of n) as text) as integer)
set tmpcount to (count of characters of (tmp as text)) + 5
set tmp to tmp + 1
set n to ((characters 1 through (-1 * tmpcount) of n) & tmp & (characters -4 through -1 of n)) as text
my checkname_with_pdf_suffix(n, D, true)
end if
return n
end if
end checkname_with_pdf_suffix
to print_current_mail_as_pdf()
--hopefully works on every mac in every language =)
-- GUI-Scripting is not the best way, but somehow the only way at the moment :-/
tell application "Mail"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Mail"
keystroke "p" using command down
set p to "false"
repeat until 0 = 1
if (count of every sheet of window 1) > 0 then
set p to "ready"
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if p = "ready" then
click menu button 1 of sheet 1 of window 1
delay 0.25
key code 125
key code 125
delay 0.25
set cwc to count of every window
keystroke return
repeat until 1 = 0
if (cwc + 1) = (count of every window) then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
click text field 1 of window 1
keystroke "a" using command down
keystroke "v" using command down
keystroke "d" using command down
keystroke return
error "timeout"
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
end print_current_mail_as_pdf
to check_message_viewer_and_return_selection()
-- check if frontmost window is a message viewer, otherwhise tell the user to RTFM!... wait there is no manual... don't care error change user!
tell application "Mail"
set frontmost_message_viewer to {}
repeat with i from 1 to count of every message viewer
if index of window of message viewer i = 1 then
set frontmost_message_viewer to message viewer i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if frontmost_message_viewer = {} then
error "Ist ja gar kein Message Viewer im Vordergrund, so kann ich einfach nicht arbeiten!"
return selection
end if
end tell
end check_message_viewer_and_return_selection
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