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out of the comfort zone

Omar García nebtrx

out of the comfort zone
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nebtrx / Polly Nuget Package Test
Created January 31, 2015 17:05
Polly Nuget Package Test
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Polly;
namespace ConsoleApplication7
nebtrx / flask_migrate_steps
Created December 28, 2015 22:29
Migration steps with Flask-Migrate
$ python db init
$ python db migrate
$ python db upgrade
nebtrx / python_virtual_env
Created December 30, 2015 16:14
Python Virtual Env Steps
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ deactivate
nebtrx / Enabling Gradle Daemon on UNIX based OS
Created January 20, 2016 22:50
Enabling Gradle Daemon on UNIX based OS
touch ~/.gradle/ && echo "org.gradle.daemon=true" >> ~/.gradle/

Quick Instructions for using the harvest lint:

  1. Unpack the compressed file.
  2. cd into the uncompresed harvest-lint directory
  3. Fill the harvest-projects.yaml file following instructions from here
  4. Edit run-linter file and replace the placeholders in the following section with real information
export HARVEST_USERNAME=<account_username>
nebtrx / atom-haskell
Created March 18, 2017 22:10
Atom Haskell related configurations
stack --no-system-ghc --install-ghc build ghc-mod hlint stylish-haskell
nebtrx / modified-garret-theme
Created November 21, 2017 02:18
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Garrett Zsh Theme for Prezto
# Created with modified code by Chauncey Garrett - @chauncey_io
# A prompt with the information you need the moment you need it.
# This prompt has the following features:
object game {
case class Lens[S, A](set: A => S => S, get: S => A) { self =>
def >>> [B](that: Lens[A, B]): Lens[S, B] =
Lens[S, B](
set = (b: B) => (s: S) => self.set(that.set(b)(self.get(s)))(s),
get = (s: S) => that.get(self.get(s))
case class Prism[S, A](set: A => S, get: S => Option[A]) { self =>
nebtrx / Main.scala
Created January 15, 2019 20:41 — forked from jkpl/Main.scala
Ways to pattern match generic types in Scala
object Main extends App {
class Funky[A, B](val foo: A, val bar: B) {
override def toString: String = s"Funky($foo, $bar)"
nebtrx / tg_styles.scala
Last active March 10, 2019 19:23
Tagless Final Styles
// 1. Accessing algebras through Type Class(the Fake Type Class Jhon mentioned in his TF dead talk)
// instance for F
class Service {
def fetchUserInfo[F[_]: Concurrent: UserAlg: OrderAlg](id: UserId): F[UserInfo] = ???
// 2. Accessing algebras through interpreters dependencies