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necolas / rsync_backup
Created August 14, 2011 23:27
Maintain a bootable clone of Mac OS X volume
# rsync options
# -v increase verbosity
# -a turns on archive mode (recursive copy + retain attributes)
necolas /
Last active March 28, 2024 20:34
Experimenting with component-based HTML/CSS naming and patterns

NOTE I now use the conventions detailed in the SUIT framework

Template Components

Used to provide structural templates.


necolas /
Created March 22, 2012 22:41
SUIT scss structure

SUIT: Smart User Interface Toolkit


  • Allow for easy and flexible theming of a robust core.
  • Core contains primarily structural SCSS.
  • Core contains JS libs and common JS plugins.
  • Themes contain primarily non-structural SCSS.
  • Themes contain custom JS plugins.
  • Compiled, concatenated, and minified CSS and JS is stored in each theme.
necolas / gist:2215692
Created March 27, 2012 13:12
Git submodules
# Workflow from
# Add the new submodule
git submodule add git:// vim/bundle/one-submodule
# Initialize the submodule
git submodule init
# Clone the submodule
git submodule update
# Stage the changes
git add vim/bundle/one-submodule
necolas / .htaccess
Created April 9, 2012 22:19
Simple, quick way to concatenate, minify, and version static files in a Wordpress theme
# Filename-based cache busting
# taken from
# This rewrites file names of the form `name.123456.js` to `name.js`
# so that the browser doesn't use the cached version when you have
# updated (but not manually renamed) the file.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
necolas / _mixin-better.scss
Created April 13, 2012 15:52
Sass grid construction
// Still need to work out how to combine rules for numbers
// that share a greatest common factor without the unit-builder
// actually containing the fraction to which they can both be
// reduced.
// Calculate the greatest common factor of two integers
@function gcf($a, $b) {
@if $b == 0 {
@return $a;
necolas /
Created June 30, 2012 18:07
Grunt tasks to process HTML files and produce a deploy directory of optimized files
  • Avoid reprocessing the same block in different HTML files.
  • Throw warning when processing a different block to an existing destination file. Hashing will avoid collisions, but introduce confusion.
  • Add file versioning for inline media and CSS images.
  • Avoid need for 'usemin' task - get the replacement element pattern from the first/last HTML element in actual block being replaced. Added benefit of preserving other attributes that may exist (e.g. title, media).

Acknowledgements: This is an adaption of some of Mickael Daniel's work on h5bp/node-build-script

* CSS modules required for this module to render correctly.
* Correct order for entire app is resolved by script.
@require "normalize.css";
@require "vendor/button.css";
* CSS component
necolas / input.css
Last active April 6, 2018 09:26
Transparent CSS preprocessing
* Input CSS
* No custom syntax. Just write "future" CSS without vendor prefixed properties or values.
* Use a subset of CSS variables (not dynamic or scoped).
* Specify a level of browser support: IE 8+, etc.
* Tool takes browser support and specific declarations to generate vendor-specific variants.
* This source code is just CSS and works in any browser with adequate support.
* One day, perhaps you'll have no need to preprocess this code.
necolas /
Last active December 25, 2015 23:49
Workflow: SUIT CSS components, Mustache, Flight, Webdriver UI

General idea

  • Create isolated, predictable, configurable UI components.

  • Change the way that eng-design team operates by creating a workflow and audit trail that is based on reviewing modules.

  • UI component's code and appearance are reviewed at the same time, with the same scope.

  • Automatically be aware of changes to modules that depend on the one you are changing. Encourage decomposition of UI where appropriate.