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Forked from mxcl/install_homebrew.markdown
Created May 16, 2010 21:23
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# Download and execute this script in one-line with no temporary files:
# ruby -e "$(curl"
# I deliberately didn't DRY /usr/local references into a variable as this
# script will not "just work" if you change the destination directory. However
# please feel free to fork it and make that possible.
# If you do fork, please ensure you add a comment here that explains what the
# changes are intended to do and how well you tested them.
# 15th May 2010:
# Noticed that on a fresh install of 10.6 the default group for
# Administrators is admin not staff. In fact no users are in staff so
# replaced all references to staff with admin. Tested on 10.6.3.
# 30th March 2010:
# Added a check to make sure user is in the staff group. This was a problem
# for me, and I think it was due to me migrating my account over several
# versions of OS X. I cannot verify that for sure, and it was tested on
# 10.6.2 using the Directory Service command line utility and my laptop.
# My assumptions are:
# - you are running OS X 10.6.x
# - your machine is not managed as part of a group using networked
# Directory Services
# - you have not recently killed any baby seals or kittens
# 14th March 2010:
# Adapted CodeButler's fork:
module Tty extend self
def blue; bold 34; end
def white; bold 39; end
def red; underline 31; end
def reset; escape 0; end
def bold n; escape "1;#{n}" end
def underline n; escape "4;#{n}" end
def escape n; "\033[#{n}m" if STDOUT.tty? end
class Array
def shell_s
cp = dup
first = cp.shift{ |arg| arg.gsub " ", "\\ " }.unshift(first) * " "
def ohai *args
puts "#{}==>#{Tty.white} #{args.shell_s}#{Tty.reset}"
def warn warning
puts "#{}Warning#{Tty.reset}: #{warning.chomp}"
alias :system_orig :system
def system *args
abort "Failed during: #{args.shell_s}" unless system_orig *args
def sudo *args
args = if args.length > 1
args.unshift "sudo"
"sudo #{args}"
ohai *args
system *args
def getc # NOTE only tested on OS X
system "stty raw -echo"
system "stty -raw echo"
####################################################################### script
abort "/usr/local/.git already exists!" if "/usr/local/.git"
abort "Don't run this as root!" if Process.uid == 0
abort <<-EOABORT unless `groups`.split.include? "admin"
This script requires the user #{ENV['USER']} to be in the admin group. If this
sucks for you then you can install Homebrew in your home directory or however
you please; please refer to the website. If you still want to use this script
then promote your user to be an Administrator using the System Preferences.
ohai "This script will install:"
puts "/usr/local/bin/brew"
puts "/usr/local/Library/Formula/..."
puts "/usr/local/Library/Homebrew/..."
chmods = %w(bin etc include lib sbin share var . share/locale share/man share/info share/doc share/aclocal).
map{ |d| "/usr/local/#{d}" }.
select{ |d| d and not File.writable? d }
chgrps = chmods.reject{ |d| File.stat(d).grpowned? }
unless chmods.empty?
ohai "The following directories will be made group writable:"
puts *chmods
unless chgrps.empty?
ohai "The following directories will have their group set to #{Tty.underline 39}admin#{Tty.reset}:"
puts *chgrps
puts "Press enter to continue"
abort unless getc == 13
if "/usr/local"
sudo "/bin/chmod", "g+w", *chmods unless chmods.empty?
# all admin users are in admin
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp", "admin", *chgrps unless chgrps.empty?
sudo "/bin/mkdir /usr/local"
sudo "/bin/chmod g+w /usr/local"
# the group is set to wheel by default for some reason
sudo "/usr/bin/chgrp admin /usr/local"
Dir.chdir "/usr/local" do
ohai "Downloading and Installing Homebrew..."
# -m to stop tar erroring out if it can't modify the mtime for root owned directories
system "/usr/bin/curl -sfL | /usr/bin/tar xz -m --strip 1"
ohai "Installation successful!"
if ENV['PATH'].split(':').include? '/usr/local/bin'
puts "Yay! Now learn to brew:"
puts " brew help"
warn "/usr/local/bin is not in your PATH"
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