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Last active July 10, 2021 22:07
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-- author: Leonardone @ NEETSDKASU
isPrime :: Int -> Bool; primes :: [Int]
isPrime n = all (\e -> mod n e /= 0) $ takeWhile ((<=n).(^2)) primes
primes = 2 : 3 : filter isPrime os
os = zipWith (+) vs es
vs = 6 : 6 : map (+6) vs
es = cycle [-1, 1]
primeTool n = do
table <- newArray (0,n+6) False :: IO (IOUArray Int64 Bool)
primes <- newIORef [3,2]
forM_ [1..((n+5) `div` 6)] $ \i -> do
let x = 6*i - 1
r <- readArray table x
unless r $ do
modifyIORef primes (x:)
forM_ [3,5..((n+5) `div` x)] $ \k -> do
writeArray table (k*x) True
let y = x + 2
q <- readArray table y
unless q $ do
modifyIORef primes (y:)
forM_ [3,5..((n+5) `div` y)] $ \k -> do
writeArray table (k*y) True
writeArray table (y+2) True
writeArray table 1 True
table <- freeze table :: IO (UArray Int64 Bool)
primes <- reverse <$> readIORef primes
let isPrime v | even v = v == 2
| v < n = not (table!v)
| otherwise = all ((/=0).mod v) $ takeWhile ((<=v).(^2)) primes
return (primes, isPrime)
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