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Last active February 11, 2021 12:31
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MountainCar semi-gradient SARSA(0) - with neural network and experience replay
#improves the output of keras on Windows
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import logging
import numpy as np
import keras as K
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers.merge import concatenate
from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import math
import random
def build_model(lr):
state_input_layer = Input((2,))
action_input_layer = Input((3,))
merge = concatenate([state_input_layer, action_input_layer])
x = Dense(1200, activation="tanh")(merge)
x = Dropout(0.5)(x)
output_layer = Dense(1)(x)
model = Model(inputs=[state_input_layer, action_input_layer], outputs=[output_layer])
opt = SGD(lr=lr)
model.compile(opt, "mse")
return model
class MountainCar(object):
def __init__(self, alpha=.001, gamma=1.0, epsilon=0.1, boundaries=(-1.2, 0.5), velocity_boundaries=(-0.07, 0.07), model=None, experience=None):
self.position = np.random.rand()*0.2-0.6
self.velocity = 0.0
self.boundaries = boundaries
self.velocity_boundaries = velocity_boundaries
self.actions = {-1: "move left", 0: "idle", 1: "move right"}
self.action = 0
self.is_terminal = False
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.alpha = alpha
self.gamma = gamma
if experience is None:
experience = []
self.experienced_states = experience
if model is None:
model = build_model(lr=alpha)
self.model = model
self.action_encoder = OneHotEncoder().fit(np.array([0, 1, 2]).reshape((-1, 1)))
def process_action(self, action):
if self.position < self.boundaries[0]:
self.velocity = 0.0
self.position = np.clip(self.position+self.velocity, *self.boundaries)
self.velocity = np.clip(self.velocity + 0.001*action-0.0025*np.cos(3*self.position), *self.velocity_boundaries)
def choose_action(self):
if np.random.rand() < self.epsilon:
action = np.random.randint(-1, 2)
state = np.array([self.position, self.velocity])
actions = np.array([-1, 0, 1]).reshape(-1, 1)
actions = self.encode_action(actions)
q_prediction_input_state = np.tile(state, len(actions)).reshape((len(actions), -1))
q_predictions = self.model.predict([q_prediction_input_state, actions])
action = np.argmax(actions[np.argmax(q_predictions)])-1
return action
def encode_action(self, action):
return self.action_encoder.transform(np.array([action]).reshape((-1, 1))+1).A
def batch_samples(self, nsamples):
batch = random.sample(self.experienced_states, nsamples)
state_inputs = np.array([ x[0][0] for x in batch ])
action_inputs = np.array([ x[1][0] for x in batch ])
predictions = np.array( [ (x[2] + self.gamma*self.model.predict(x[3:5])[0]) for x in batch ] )
for i, x in enumerate(batch):
if x[3][0][0] >= self.boundaries[1]:
predictions[i,0] = 0
# print([state_inputs, action_inputs], predictions )
return ( [state_inputs, action_inputs], predictions)
def train_from_experience(self, nsamples):
inputs, predictions = self.batch_samples( nsamples )
fit_res = self.model.train_on_batch(inputs, predictions)
def move(self):
old_state = np.array([self.position, self.velocity]).reshape((-1, 2))
new_state = np.array([self.position, self.velocity]).reshape((-1, 2))
if self.position >= self.boundaries[1]:
reward = 0
prediction = [reward]
self.is_terminal = True
new_action = self.action
new_action_encoded = self.encode_action(self.action)
self.experienced_states.append([old_state, new_action_encoded, 0, new_state, new_action_encoded])
new_action = self.choose_action()
reward = -1
new_action_encoded = self.encode_action(new_action)
self.experienced_states.append([old_state, self.encode_action(self.action), -1, new_state, new_action_encoded])
# Until we get 1000 experience, we don't even bother training!
if len(self.experienced_states) > 1000:
self.train_from_experience( 20 )
self.action = new_action
def main():
nb_episodes = 5000
model = None
experience = None
steps = []
for n in range(nb_episodes):
car = MountainCar(model=model, experience=experience, epsilon=0.5/(n+1), alpha=0.001)
t = 0
positions = []
while (not car.is_terminal):
t+= 1
positions += [car.position]
print('Episode', n, 'finished in', t, 'steps')
#plot the position curve
steps += [t]
model = car.model
experience = car.experienced_states
# Don't fill up memory with too much experience . . .
if len(experience) > 100000:
experience = random.sample(experience, 75000)
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