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Created May 4, 2018 01:12
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『Recursion Scheme テクニック』 (@eldesh) の内容の一部を OCaml で書きました。
(* general definition of signature using recursion scheme *)
module type TYP = sig
type t
type 'a f
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a f -> 'b f
val inj : t f -> t
val prj : t -> t f
module Rec (T : TYP) : sig
val fold : ('a T.f -> 'a) -> T.t -> 'a
val unfold : ('a -> 'a T.f) -> 'a -> T.t
end = struct
let wrap f g h x = f (T.fmap h (g x))
let rec fold f x = wrap f T.prj (fold f) x
let rec unfold g x = wrap T.inj g (unfold g) x
module Injs (T : TYP) = struct
open T
let inj_succ inj_pred x = inj (fmap inj_pred x)
let inj1 = inj
let inj2 = inj_succ inj1
let inj3 = inj_succ inj2
let inj4 = inj_succ inj3
let inj5 = inj_succ inj4
module Prjs (T : TYP) = struct
open T
let prj_succ prj_pred x = fmap prj_pred (prj x)
let prj1 = prj
let prj2 = prj_succ prj1
let prj3 = prj_succ prj2
let prj4 = prj_succ prj3
let prj5 = prj_succ prj4
module AuxDefs (T : TYP) : sig
val inj1 : T.t T.f -> T.t
val inj2 : T.t T.f T.f -> T.t
val inj3 : T.t T.f T.f T.f -> T.t
val inj4 : T.t T.f T.f T.f T.f -> T.t
val inj5 : T.t T.f T.f T.f T.f T.f -> T.t
val inj_succ : ('a -> T.t) -> 'a T.f -> T.t
val prj1 : T.t -> T.t T.f
val prj2 : T.t -> T.t T.f T.f
val prj3 : T.t -> T.t T.f T.f T.f
val prj4 : T.t -> T.t T.f T.f T.f T.f
val prj5 : T.t -> T.t T.f T.f T.f T.f T.f
val prj_succ : (T.t -> 'a) -> T.t -> 'a T.f
val fold : ('a T.f -> 'a) -> T.t -> 'a
val unfold : ('a -> 'a T.f) -> 'a -> T.t
end = struct
include Injs(T)
include Prjs(T)
include Rec(T)
(* definition of Nat module *)
module type NAT_TYP = sig
type t
type 'a f = ZERO | SUCC of 'a
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a f -> 'b f
val inj : t f -> t
val prj : t -> t f
module NatOp (NatTyp : NAT_TYP) : sig
val add : NatTyp.t -> NatTyp.t -> NatTyp.t
val fib : NatTyp.t -> NatTyp.t
val toInt : NatTyp.t -> int
val fromInt : int -> NatTyp.t
end = struct
include AuxDefs(NatTyp)
open NatTyp
let one = inj2 @@ SUCC(ZERO)
let rec add n m =
match prj n, prj m with
| ZERO, _ -> m
| _, ZERO -> n
| SUCC(nn), SUCC(mm) ->
inj2 @@ SUCC(SUCC(add nn mm))
let rec fib n =
match prj2 n with
| ZERO -> one
| SUCC(ZERO) -> one
| SUCC(SUCC(n)) ->
add (fib @@ inj @@ SUCC(n)) (fib n)
let toInt n =
let f = function
ZERO -> 0
| SUCC(n) -> n + 1
in fold f n
let fromInt nn =
let g nn =
if nn < 0 then failwith "Negative number"
else if nn = 0 then ZERO
else SUCC(nn - 1)
in unfold g nn
module Nat1Typ : NAT_TYP = struct
type t = Z | S of t
type 'a f = ZERO | SUCC of 'a
let fmap f = function
| SUCC(n) -> SUCC(f n)
let inj = function
| SUCC(n) -> S(n)
let prj = function
| S(n) -> SUCC(n)
module Nat1 = NatOp(Nat1Typ)
module Nat2Typ : NAT_TYP = struct
type t = int
type 'a f = ZERO | SUCC of 'a
let fmap f = function
| SUCC(n) -> SUCC(f n)
let inj = function
ZERO -> 0
| SUCC(n) -> n + 1
let prj n =
if n < 0 then failwith "Negative value"
else if n = 0 then ZERO
else SUCC(n - 1)
module Nat2 = NatOp(Nat2Typ)
let timeit f count =
let rec run count =
if count <= 0 then ()
else (f (); run (count - 1)) in
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
run count;
let finish = Unix.gettimeofday () in
(finish -. start) /. (float_of_int count)
let nat_time () =
let n = 25 in
let count = 100 in
(* Nat1 *)
let f1 () =
let open Nat1 in
ignore @@ fib @@ fromInt n
print_string "Nat1: ";
print_float @@ timeit f1 count;
print_newline ();
(* Nat2 *)
let f2 () =
let open Nat2 in
ignore @@ fib @@ fromInt n
print_string "Nat2: ";
print_float @@ timeit f2 count;
print_newline ()
(* definition of boolean operations *)
module type BOOL_TYP = sig
type t
type 'a f = TRUE
| VAR of string
| AND of 'a * 'a
| OR of 'a * 'a
| NOT of 'a
val fmap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a f -> 'b f
val inj : t f -> t
val prj : t -> t f
module BoolTyp : BOOL_TYP = struct
type t = True
| False
| Var of string
| And of t * t
| Or of t * t
| Not of t
type 'a f = TRUE
| VAR of string
| AND of 'a * 'a
| OR of 'a * 'a
| NOT of 'a
let fmap f = function
| VAR(x) -> VAR(x)
| AND(p, q) -> AND(f p, f q)
| OR(p, q) -> OR(f p, f q)
| NOT(p) -> NOT(f p)
let inj = function
TRUE -> True
| FALSE -> False
| VAR(x) -> Var(x)
| AND(p, q) -> And(p, q)
| OR(p, q) -> Or(p, q)
| NOT(p) -> Not(p)
let prj = function
True -> TRUE
| False -> FALSE
| Var(x) -> VAR(x)
| And(p, q) -> AND(p, q)
| Or(p, q) -> OR(p, q)
| Not(p) -> NOT(p)
module Simplify (BoolTyp : BOOL_TYP) = struct
module BoolDefs = AuxDefs(BoolTyp)
include BoolTyp
include BoolDefs
let simplify p =
let rewrite = function
| NOT(NOT(p)) -> prj1 p
| OR(TRUE, _) -> TRUE
| OR(_, TRUE) -> TRUE
(* ... more rules here ... *)
| p -> fmap inj1 p
in unfold (fun p -> rewrite @@ prj2 p) p
module Bool = Simplify(BoolTyp)
let print p =
let rec print_it p =
(match Bool.prj1 p with
| TRUE -> print_string "True"
| FALSE -> print_string "False"
| VAR(x) -> print_string x
| AND(p, q) -> print_bi "and" p q
| OR(p, q) -> print_bi "or" p q
| NOT(p) -> begin
print_string "(not ";
print_it p;
print_string ")"
and print_bi op p q = begin
print_string "(";
print_it p;
print_string @@ " " ^ op ^ " ";
print_it q;
print_string ")"
in (print_it p; print_newline ())
let () =
let open Bool in
let p = inj3 @@ AND(TRUE, NOT(FALSE)) in
let p = simplify p in
print p
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