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Created April 23, 2019 05:07
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Simplified SSSP-Gunrock
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Gunrock -- Fast and Efficient GPU Graph Library
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// This source code is distributed under the terms of LICENSE.TXT
// in the root directory of this source distribution.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* @file
* test_helpers.hxx
* @brief header file for application specific helpers.
* Note that we may not require all of the includes, most
* of these can be abstracted away to a single test_util.hxx.
#pragma once
// Utilities and Correctness-Checking
#include <gunrock/util/test_utils.cuh>
// Graph Definitions
#include <gunrock/graphio/graphio.cuh>
#include <gunrock/app/app_base.cuh>
#include <gunrock/app/test_base.cuh>
// #include <gunrock/app/problem_base.cuh>
#include <gunrock/app/enactor_base.cuh>
//#include <gunrock/app/enactor_iteration.cuh>
//#include <gunrock/app/enactor_loop.cuh>
#include <gunrock/app/frontier.cuh>
// Gunrock Operators
#include <gunrock/oprtr/oprtr.cuh>
using namespace gunrock;
* @brief Displays the SSSP result (i.e., distance from source)
* @tparam T Type of values to display
* @tparam SizeT Type of size counters
* @param[in] preds Search depth from the source for each node.
* @param[in] num_nodes Number of nodes in the graph.
template <typename T, typename SizeT>
void DisplaySolution(T *array, SizeT length) {
if (length > 40) length = 40;
util::PrintMsg("Solution:: [", true, false);
for (SizeT i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
util::PrintMsg(std::to_string(i) + ":" + std::to_string(array[i]) + " ",
true, false);
template <typename OprtrParametersT, typename SizeT, typename FrontierT>
cudaError_t SetupOprtrParameters(OprtrParametersT &oprtr_parameters,
util::Parameters &parameters,
FrontierT &frontier, SizeT gpu = 0,
int num_gpus = 1) {
cudaError_t retval = cudaSuccess;
std::string advance_mode = parameters.Get<std::string>("advance-mode");
std::string filter_mode = parameters.Get<std::string>("filter-mode");
int max_grid_size = parameters.Get<int>("max-grid-size");
cudaStream_t stream = 0;
cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, cudaStreamNonBlocking);
mgpu::ContextPtr context;
// Device properties
util::Array1D<SizeT, util::CudaProperties> cuda_props;
GUARD_CU(cuda_props.Allocate(num_gpus, util::HOST));
int mgpu_idx;
GUARD_CU2(cudaGetDevice(&mgpu_idx), "cudaGetDevice failed.");
context = mgpu::CreateCudaDeviceAttachStream(mgpu_idx, stream);
util::CudaProperties *cuda_properties = cuda_props + gpu;
GUARD_CU(oprtr_parameters.Init()); = stream;
oprtr_parameters.context = context; = &frontier;
oprtr_parameters.cuda_props = cuda_properties;
oprtr_parameters.advance_mode = advance_mode;
oprtr_parameters.filter_mode = filter_mode;
return retval;
template <typename FrontierT, typename GraphT>
cudaError_t SetupFrontier(FrontierT &frontier, GraphT &graph,
util::Parameters &parameters,
util::Location target = util::DEVICE) {
cudaError_t retval = cudaSuccess;
typedef typename GraphT::VertexT VertexT;
std::vector<double> queue_factors =
std::string frontier_name = "app::frontier[0]";
int num_queues = 3;
GUARD_CU(frontier.Init(num_queues, NULL, frontier_name, target));
GUARD_CU(frontier.Allocate(graph.nodes, graph.edges, queue_factors));
int peer_ = 0;
frontier.queue_length = (peer_ == 0) ? 1 : 0;
printf("frontier.queue_length: %lu\n", frontier.queue_length);
return retval;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Gunrock -- Fast and Efficient GPU Graph Library
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// This source code is distributed under the terms of LICENSE.TXT
// in the root directory of this source distribution.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
* @file
* @brief Simple test driver program for single source shortest path.
#include "test_helpers.hxx"
using namespace gunrock;
cudaError_t UseParameters(util::Parameters &parameters) {
cudaError_t retval = cudaSuccess;
"<Vertex-ID|random|largestdegree> The source vertices\n"
"\tIf random, randomly select non-zero degree vertices;\n"
"\tIf largestdegree, select vertices with largest degrees",
__FILE__, __LINE__));
"seed to generate random sources", __FILE__, __LINE__));
return retval;
template <typename GraphT, typename FrontierT, typename OprtrParametersT>
cudaError_t SSSP(GraphT &graph, util::Parameters &parameters,
FrontierT &frontier, OprtrParametersT &oprtr_parameters,
util::Location target = util::DEVICE) {
cudaError_t retval = cudaSuccess;
typedef typename GraphT::VertexT VertexT;
typedef typename GraphT::VertexT LabelT;
typedef typename GraphT::SizeT SizeT;
typedef typename GraphT::ValueT ValueT;
typedef typename GraphT::CsrT CsrT;
bool quiet = parameters.Get<bool>("quiet");
std::vector<VertexT> srcs = parameters.Get<std::vector<VertexT>>("srcs");
util::CpuTimer cpu_timer;
auto &stream =;
auto nodes = graph.nodes;
auto edges = graph.edges;
int num_srcs = srcs.size();
VertexT src = srcs[0];
util::Array1D<SizeT, ValueT> distances; // source distance
util::Array1D<SizeT, LabelT>
labels; // labels to mark latest iteration the vertex been visited
auto &weights = graph.CsrT::edge_values;
GUARD_CU(graph.Move(util::HOST, target, stream));
// Allocate memory for distances and labels on the GPU (or target)
GUARD_CU(distances.Allocate(nodes, util::HOST | target));
GUARD_CU(labels.Allocate(nodes, target));
// Reset data
[] __host__ __device__(ValueT & distance) {
distance = util::PreDefinedValues<ValueT>::MaxValue;
nodes, target, stream));
[] __host__ __device__(LabelT & label) {
label = util::PreDefinedValues<LabelT>::InvalidValue;
nodes, target, stream));
[src] __host__ __device__(ValueT * distances_, const SizeT &pos) {
distances_[src] = 0;
1, target));
[src] __host__ __device__(VertexT & v) { v = src; }, 1, target, stream));
SizeT iteration = 0;
while (frontier.queue_length > 0) {
// The advance operation
auto advance_op = [distances, weights] __host__ __device__(
const VertexT &src, VertexT &dest,
const SizeT &edge_id, const VertexT &input_item,
const SizeT &input_pos, SizeT &output_pos) -> bool {
ValueT src_distance = Load<cub::LOAD_CG>(distances + src);
ValueT edge_weight = Load<cub::LOAD_CS>(weights + edge_id);
ValueT new_distance = src_distance + edge_weight;
// Check if the destination node has been claimed as someone's child
ValueT old_distance = atomicMin(distances + dest, new_distance);
if (new_distance < old_distance) {
return true;
return false;
// The filter operation
auto filter_op = [labels, iteration] __host__ __device__(
const VertexT &src, VertexT &dest,
const SizeT &edge_id, const VertexT &input_item,
const SizeT &input_pos, SizeT &output_pos) -> bool {
if (!util::isValid(dest)) return false;
if (labels[dest] == iteration) return false;
labels[dest] = iteration;
return true;
oprtr_parameters.label = iteration + 1;
// Call the advance operator, using the advance operation
graph.csr(), frontier.V_Q(), frontier.Next_V_Q(), oprtr_parameters,
advance_op, filter_op));
if (oprtr_parameters.advance_mode != "LB_CULL" &&
oprtr_parameters.advance_mode != "LB_LIGHT_CULL") {
frontier.queue_reset = false;
// Call the filter operator, using the filter operation
graph.csr(), frontier.V_Q(), frontier.Next_V_Q(), oprtr_parameters,
// Get back the resulted frontier length
frontier.queue_index, frontier.queue_length, false,, true));
float elapsed_time = cpu_timer.ElapsedMillis();
util::PrintMsg("Elapsed Time: " + std::to_string(elapsed_time) + " ms", !quiet);
GUARD_CU(distances.Move(util::DEVICE, util::HOST));
DisplaySolution(distances.GetPointer(util::HOST), nodes);
return retval;
* Main
* @brief Enclosure to the main function
struct main_struct {
* @brief the actual main function, after type switching
* @tparam VertexT Type of vertex identifier
* @tparam SizeT Type of graph size, i.e. type of edge identifier
* @tparam ValueT Type of edge values
* @param parameters Command line parameters
* @param v,s,val Place holders for type deduction
* \return cudaError_t error message(s), if any
template <typename VertexT, // Use int as the vertex identifier
typename SizeT, // Use int as the graph size type
typename ValueT> // Use int as the value type
cudaError_t operator()(util::Parameters &parameters, VertexT v, SizeT s,
ValueT val) {
typedef typename app::TestGraph<VertexT, SizeT, ValueT,
graph::HAS_EDGE_VALUES | graph::HAS_CSR>
typedef typename GraphT::CsrT CsrT;
typedef typename GraphT::VertexT LabelT;
typedef app::Frontier<VertexT, SizeT> FrontierT;
typedef oprtr::OprtrParameters<GraphT, FrontierT, LabelT> OprtrParametersT;
cudaError_t retval = cudaSuccess;
std::vector<int> gpu_idx = parameters.Get<std::vector<int>>("device");
bool quiet = parameters.Get<bool>("quiet");
int num_gpus = gpu_idx.size();
if (num_gpus > 1 || num_gpus < 1) num_gpus = 1;
util::CpuTimer cpu_timer;
GraphT graph;
GUARD_CU(graphio::LoadGraph(parameters, graph));
float load_time = cpu_timer.ElapsedMillis();
parameters.Set("load-time", load_time);
GUARD_CU(app::Set_Srcs(parameters, graph));
FrontierT frontier;
SetupFrontier(frontier, graph, parameters);
OprtrParametersT oprtr_parameters;
SetupOprtrParameters(oprtr_parameters, parameters, frontier, gpu_idx[0],
util::PrintMsg("[ SSSP Application Statistics ]", !quiet);
util::PrintMsg("-------------------------------", !quiet);
SSSP(graph, parameters, frontier, oprtr_parameters);
util::PrintMsg("Total Time: "
+ std::to_string(cpu_timer.ElapsedMillis()) + " ms", !quiet);
util::PrintMsg("Load Time: "
+ std::to_string(load_time) + " ms", !quiet);
return retval;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
cudaError_t retval = cudaSuccess;
util::Parameters parameters("test sssp");
GUARD_CU(parameters.Parse_CommandLine(argc, argv));
if (parameters.Get<bool>("help")) {
return cudaSuccess;
return app::Switch_Types<app::VERTEXT_U32B | app::VERTEXT_U64B |
app::SIZET_U32B | app::SIZET_U64B |
app::VALUET_U32B | app::DIRECTED | app::UNDIRECTED>(
parameters, main_struct());
// Leave this at the end of the file
// Local Variables:
// mode:c++
// c-file-style: "NVIDIA"
// End:
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