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Created December 15, 2015 15:54
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import numpy as np
from neon.layers.layer import Layer, BranchNode, Dropout, DataTransform
from neon import NervanaObject
from operator import add
def flatten(item):
if hasattr(item, '__iter__'):
for i in iter(item):
for j in flatten(i):
yield j
yield item
class LayerContainer(Layer):
Layer containers are a generic class that are used to encapsulate groups of layers and
provide methods for propagating through the constituent layers, allocating memory
def layers_to_optimize(self):
lto = []
for l in self.layers:
if isinstance(l, LayerContainer):
lto += l.layers_to_optimize
elif l.has_params:
return lto
def nested_str(self, level=0):
padstr = '\n' + ' '*level
ss = ' ' * level + self.__class__.__name__ + padstr
ss += padstr.join([l.nested_str(level+1) for l in self.layers])
return ss
class Sequential(LayerContainer):
Layer container that encapsulates a simple linear pathway of layers.
layers (list): List of objects which can be either a list of layers (including layer
def __init__(self, layers, name='sequential'):
super(Sequential, self).__init__(name)
self.layers = [l for l in flatten(layers)]
self._layers = filter(lambda x: type(x) not in (BranchNode,), self.layers)
root = self._layers[0]
assert (root.owns_output or
type(root) in [Dropout, DataTransform]), "Sequential root must own outputs"
def configure(self, in_obj):
Must receive a list of shapes for configuration (one for each pathway)
the shapes correspond to the layer_container attribute
in_obj: any object that has an out_shape (Layer) or shape (Tensor, dataset)
config_layers = self.layers if in_obj else self._layers
in_obj = in_obj if in_obj else self.layers[0]
super(Sequential, self).configure(in_obj)
prev_layer = None
for l in config_layers:
in_obj = l.configure(in_obj)
if prev_layer is not None:
prev_layer = l
self.out_shape = in_obj.out_shape
return self
def allocate(self, shared_outputs=None):
# get the layers that own their outputs
alloc_layers = [l for l in self.layers if l.owns_output]
for l in self.layers:
def allocate_deltas(self, global_deltas=None):
if not global_deltas:
# See if we have any inception-ish layers:
ndelta_bufs = 4 if [l for l in self.layers if type(l) is MergeBroadcast] else 2
in_sizes = [ for l in self.layers[1:]]
if in_sizes:
self.global_deltas = [
max(in_sizes), parallelism="Data") for _ in range(ndelta_bufs)]
self.global_deltas = None
self.global_deltas = global_deltas
for l in self.layers:
def fprop(self, inputs, inference=False):
x = inputs
for l in self.layers:
x = l.fprop(x, inference)
return x
def bprop(self, error, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
for l in reversed(self._layers):
if type(l.prev_layer) is BranchNode or l is self._layers[0]:
error = l.bprop(error, alpha, beta)
error = l.bprop(error)
return self._layers[0].deltas
def get_description(self):
desc = super(Sequential, self).get_description()
return desc
def get_terminal(self):
terminal = self.layers[-1].get_terminal()
return terminal
class Tree(LayerContainer):
Layer container that encapsulates a simple linear pathway of layers.
layers (list): List of Sequential containers corresponding to the branches of the Tree.
The branches must be provided with main trunk first, and then the auxiliary
branches in the order the branch nodes are encountered
name (string, optional): Name for the container
alphas (list(float), optional): list of weighting factors to apply to each branch for
backpropagating error.
def __init__(self, layers, name='tree', alphas=None):
self.layers = []
for l in layers:
if isinstance(l, Sequential):
elif isinstance(l, list):
elif isinstance(l, Layer):
ValueError("Incompatible element for Tree container")
self.alphas = [1.0 for _ in self.layers] if alphas is None else alphas
# alphas and betas are used for back propagation
# We want to ensure that the branches are ordered according to the origin of their roots
# then the betas will be 0 for the last appearance of the root, and 1 for the rest,
# but the trunk will always be 1 (since it contains all of the branch nodes)
self.betas = []
next_root = None
for l in reversed(self.layers):
root = l.layers[0]
beta = 1.0 if (root is next_root or type(root) is not BranchNode) else 0.0
next_root = root
def nested_str(self, level=0):
ss = self.__class__.__name__ + '\n'
ss += '\n'.join([l.nested_str(level+1) for l in self.layers])
return ss
def configure(self, in_obj):
super(Tree, self).configure(in_obj)
for l in self.layers[1:]:
self.out_shape = [l.out_shape for l in self.layers]
return self
def allocate(self, shared_outputs=None):
for l in self.layers:
self.outputs = [l.outputs for l in self.layers]
def allocate_deltas(self, global_deltas=None):
for l in reversed(self.layers):
def fprop(self, inputs, inference=False):
x = self.layers[0].fprop(inputs, inference)
if inference:
return x
out = [x] + [l.fprop(None) for l in self.layers[1:]]
return out
def bprop(self, error):
for l, e, a, b in reversed(zip(self.layers, error, self.alphas, self.betas)):
l.bprop(e, alpha=a, beta=b)
def get_terminal(self):
return [l.get_terminal() for l in self.layers]
class MergeBroadcast(LayerContainer):
Branches a single incoming layer or object (broadcast) into multiple output paths that are
then combined again (merged)
layers (list(list(Layer), LayerContainer): list of either layer lists,
or layer containers. Elements that are
lists will be wrapped in Sequential
alphas (list(float), optional): list of alpha values by which to weight the
backpropagated errors
name (str): Container name. Defaults to "MergeBroadcast"
def __init__(self, layers, merge, alphas=None, name='MergeBroadcast'):
super(MergeBroadcast, self).__init__(name)
# Input list of layers converts:
# lists to Sequential container
# singleton layers to Sequential containers of 1
# leaves Sequentials alone
self.layers = []
for l in layers:
if isinstance(l, Sequential):
elif isinstance(l, list):
elif isinstance(l, Layer):
ValueError("Incompatible element for MergeBroadcast Layer")
self.betas = [1.0 for _ in self.layers]
self.betas[-1] = 0.0
self.alphas = [1.0 for _ in self.layers] if alphas is None else alphas
self.merge = merge # How this MergeBroadcast gets merged
assert self.merge in ("recurrent", "depth", "stack")
self.error_views = None
self.owns_output = True
self.outputs = None
def __str__(self):
ss = '\n\t'.join([str(l) for l in self.layers])
ss = '\t' + self.__class__.__name__ + '\n\t' + ss
return ss
def get_partitions(self, x, slices):
given a partitioning, slices, of an activation buffer, x, determine which axis to slice
along depending on whether x is a sequential tensor or not
if x.shape[-1] != # This is the sequential case
return [x[:, sl] for sl in slices]
return [x[sl] for sl in slices]
def configure(self, in_obj):
sets shape based parameters of this layer given an input tuple or int
or input layer
in_obj (int, tuple, Layer or Tensor or dataset): object that provides shape
information for layer
(tuple): shape of output data
super(MergeBroadcast, self).configure(in_obj)
# Receiving from single source -- distribute to branches
for l in self.layers:
return self
def allocate(self, shared_outputs=None):
if self.outputs is None:
self.outputs =, shared=shared_outputs)
self.output_views = self.get_partitions(self.outputs, self.slices)
for l, out_view in zip(self.layers, self.output_views):
def set_deltas(self, delta_buffers):
assert len(delta_buffers) == 4, "Need extra delta buffer pool for merge broadcast layers"
for l in self.layers:
# Special case if originating from a branch node
if type(self.prev_layer) is BranchNode:
self.deltas =, shared=self.prev_layer.deltas)
self.deltas =, shared=delta_buffers[0])
def _configure_merge(self):
Helper function for configuring shapes depending on the merge concatenation type
in_shapes = [l.out_shape for l in self.layers]
# Figure out how to merge
if self.merge == "recurrent":
catdims = [xs[1] for xs in in_shapes]
self.out_shape = (in_shapes[0][0], sum(catdims))
stride_size =
elif self.merge == "depth":
catdims = [xs[0] for xs in in_shapes]
self.out_shape = (sum(catdims),) + in_shapes[0][1:]
stride_size =[0][1:])
elif self.merge == "stack":
catdims = [xs if isinstance(xs, int) else for xs in in_shapes]
self.out_shape = sum(catdims)
stride_size = 1
end_idx = [idx * stride_size for idx in np.cumsum(catdims)]
start_idx = [0] + end_idx[:-1]
self.slices = [slice(s, e) for s, e in zip(start_idx, end_idx)]
def fprop(self, inputs, inference=False):
for l in self.layers:
l.fprop(inputs, inference)
return self.outputs
def bprop(self, error, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
self.betas[-1] = beta
if self.error_views is None:
self.error_views = self.get_partitions(error, self.slices)
for l, e, a, b in reversed(zip(self.layers, self.error_views, self.alphas, self.betas)):
l.bprop(e, alpha=a*alpha, beta=b)
return self.deltas
def get_terminal(self):
terminals = [l.get_terminal() for l in self.layers]
return terminals
class MergeMultistream(MergeBroadcast):
Merging multiple input sources via concatenation. This container is similar to MergeBroadcast
except that it receives different streams of input directly from a dataset.
def __init__(self, layers, merge, name='multistream'):
super(MergeMultistream, self).__init__(layers, merge=merge, name=name)
def configure(self, in_obj):
Must receive a list of shapes for configuration (one for each pathway)
the shapes correspond to the layer_container attribute
in_obj (list(Tensor)): list of Data tensors provided to each sequential container
self.prev_layer = None
if not isinstance(in_obj, list):
assert hasattr(in_obj, 'shape') and isinstance(in_obj.shape, list)
in_obj = in_obj.shape
assert isinstance(in_obj, list), "Multistream inputs must be interpretable as shapes"
for inp, l in zip(in_obj, self.layers):
return self
def set_deltas(self, delta_buffers):
for l in self.layers:
def fprop(self, inputs, inference=False):
for l, inp in zip(self.layers, inputs):
l.fprop(inp, inference)
return self.outputs
def bprop(self, error, alpha=1.0, beta=0.0):
if self.error_views is None:
self.error_views = self.get_partitions(error, self.slices)
for l, e in zip(self.layers, self.error_views):
class Multicost(NervanaObject):
Class used to compute cost from a Tree container with multiple outputs.
The number of costs must match the number of outputs. Costs will be applied to the outputs
in the same order that they occur in the Tree.
The targets used for the cost can either be provided from the dataset as a list or tuple,
one for each cost, or, if only a single target is provided, the same target is used for all
costs. This is useful for providing multiple cost branches computing the same error at
different stages of the network as in GoogLeNet.
def __init__(self, costs, weights=None, name=None):
super(Multicost, self).__init__(name)
self.costs = costs
self.weights = [1.0 for c in costs] if weights is None else weights
self.errors = None
self.inputs = None
self.costfunc = costs[0].costfunc # For displaying during callbacks
def initialize(self, in_obj):
assert hasattr(in_obj, 'layers'), "MultiCost must be passed a layer container"
terminals = in_obj.get_terminal()
for c, ll in zip(self.costs, terminals):
def cost(self):
return self.costs[0].cost
def outputs(self):
return self.costs[0].outputs
def get_cost(self, inputs, targets):
Compute the cost function over a list of inputs and targets.
inputs (list(Tensor)): list of Tensors containing input values to be compared to
targets (Tensor, list(Tensor)): either a list of Tensors containing target values, or
a single target Tensor that will be mapped to each
Tensor containing cost
if not isinstance(inputs, list):
return self.costs[0].get_cost(inputs, targets)
ltargets = targets if type(targets) in (tuple, list) else [targets for c in self.costs]
costvals = [c.get_cost(i, t) for c, i, t in zip(self.costs, inputs, ltargets)]
sum_optree = reduce(add, [w * c for w, c in zip(self.weights, costvals)])
costvals[0][:] = sum_optree
return costvals[0]
def get_errors(self, inputs, targets):
Get a list of errors for backpropagating to a Tree container that has multiple output
inputs (list(Tensor)): list of Tensors containing input values to be compared to
targets (Tensor, list(Tensor)): either a list of Tensors containing target values, or
a single target Tensor that will be mapped to each
list of Tensors containing errors for each input
l_targets = targets if type(targets) in (tuple, list) else [targets for c in self.costs]
if self.errors is None:
self.errors = [c.deltas for c in self.costs]
for c, i, t in zip(self.costs, inputs, l_targets):
c.get_errors(i, t)
return self.errors
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