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Created November 27, 2012 06:57
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Factoring context action
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.CSharp.Tree;
namespace ActiveMesa.R2P.Maths.Factor
using System;
using JetBrains.Application.Progress;
using JetBrains.ProjectModel;
using JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Bulbs;
using JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.CSharp.Bulbs;
using JetBrains.ReSharper.Intentions.Extensibility;
using JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.CSharp;
using JetBrains.TextControl;
using JetBrains.Util;
[ContextAction(Name = "Factor", Description = "Factors out common terms in an expression", Group = "C#")]
public class FactorCA : ContextActionBase
private readonly ICSharpContextActionDataProvider provider;
private Dictionary<string, int[]> histogram;
private KeyValuePair<string, int> bestTerm;
private int timesToExtract;
private IAdditiveExpression root;
private readonly HashSet<int> affectedTerms = new HashSet<int>();
private List<List<ICSharpExpression>> flatStructure;
public FactorCA(ICSharpContextActionDataProvider provider)
this.provider = provider;
public override bool IsAvailable(IUserDataHolder cache)
root = provider.GetSelectedElement<IAdditiveExpression>(true, true);
// make sure we're on the root
if (root == null) return false;
while (root.Parent is IAdditiveExpression)
root = (IAdditiveExpression)root.Parent;
// get all the parts of an addition as a list
var partsOfAddition = Flatten<IAdditiveExpression>(root).ToList();
flatStructure = FlattenMultiplications(partsOfAddition);
// build a frequencyTable of the most useful terms
int elementCount = flatStructure.Count;
histogram = new Dictionary<string, int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i)
var group = flatStructure[i];
for (int index = 0; index < group.Count; index++)
string termText = group[index].GetText();
if (!histogram.ContainsKey(termText))
histogram.Add(termText, new int[elementCount]);
// find out the term with largest frequency
bestTerm = histogram.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value.Count(z => z > 0))
.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).First();
if (bestTerm.Value < 2) return false;
// find out how many times we're going to take it out
timesToExtract = histogram[bestTerm.Key].Where(z => z > 0).Min();
var e = histogram[bestTerm.Key];
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; ++i)
if (e[i] > 0)
e[i] -= timesToExtract;
return true;
private IEnumerable<ICSharpExpression> Flatten<T>(IBinaryExpression expr)
where T : class, IBinaryExpression
Func<ICSharpExpression, List<ICSharpExpression>> yieldAll = t =>
var result = new List<ICSharpExpression>();
var op = t as T;
if (op != null)
foreach (var e in Flatten<T>(op))
else result.Add(t);
return result;
return yieldAll(expr.LeftOperand).Concat(yieldAll(expr.RightOperand));
private List<List<ICSharpExpression>> FlattenMultiplications(List<ICSharpExpression> parts)
var result = new List<List<ICSharpExpression>>();
foreach (var part in parts)
var ops = new List<ICSharpExpression>();
var expr = part as IMultiplicativeExpression;
if (expr != null)
return result;
protected override Action<ITextControl> ExecutePsiTransaction(ISolution solution, IProgressIndicator progress)
CSharpElementFactory factory = CSharpElementFactory.GetInstance(provider.PsiModule);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
// first, append the first term a suitable number of times
sb.Append(Enumerable.Repeat(bestTerm.Key, timesToExtract).Join("*"));
// brace the terms
// (very dubious predicate lambda here)
Action<Func<HashSet<int>, int, bool>> processTerms = predicate =>
for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < flatStructure.Count; ++groupIndex)
// is this term even affected?
if (predicate(affectedTerms, groupIndex))
// go through each of the terms that's included in this group
foreach (string term in histogram.Keys)
if (histogram[term][groupIndex] > 0)
// suddenly this is relevant
sb.Append(Enumerable.Repeat(term, histogram[term][groupIndex]).Join("*"));
sb.Append(" + ");
// if you know a better way, let me know
processTerms((set, i) => set.Contains(i));
bool haveExtras = Enumerable.Range(0, flatStructure.Count).Any(x => !affectedTerms.Contains(x));
if (haveExtras)
sb.Append(" + ");
processTerms((set, i) => !set.Contains(i));
var expr = factory.CreateExpressionAsIs(sb.ToString());
return null;
public override string Text
get { return "Factor out " + Enumerable.Repeat(bestTerm.Key, timesToExtract).Join("*"); }
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