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# Load the adwords hierarchy, because the gem doesn't
module AdWords
module V13
module TrafficEstimatorService
class KeywordRequest
......................................................................................................................................................ignoring attempt to close div with noscript
opened at byte 1851, line 79
closed at byte 3300, line 108
attributes at open: {"id"=>"sidebar"}
text around open: " </div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"sidebar\">\n "
text around close: " </form>\n </noscript>\n \n "
.ignoring attempt to close div with noscript
opened at byte 1746, line 76
closed at byte 3195, line 105
attributes at open: {"id"=>"sidebar"}
git clone fbolt_empty_dir_test
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/Jtalbot/projects/fbolt_empty_dir_test/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 22633, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8220/8220), done.
remote: Total 22633 (delta 13742), reused 22438 (delta 13619)
Receiving objects: 100% (22633/22633), 29.35 MiB | 339 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13742/13742), done.
Jtalbot@mac ~/projects> cd fbolt_empty_dir_test/
Jtalbot@mac ~/projects/fbolt_empty_dir_test> ls -la vendor/plugins/thinking-sphinx/
total 0
# Use a covering technique to cover first blacks, then whites
# At each step, anything covered is acccounted for.
# Anything uncovered at the end is just plain wrong
def guess(guess)
covered_result = @secret_code.dup
guess.each_with_index do |color, i|
covered_result[i] = 'b' if @secret_code[i] == color
guess.each_with_index do |color, i|
module Autotest::Growl
def self.growl title, msg, img, pri=0, stick=""
system "growlnotify -n autotest --image #{img} -p #{pri} -m #{msg.inspect} #{title} #{stick}"
def self.strip_command_line_format(text)
result = text.gsub(/\e\[(\d+)m/,"")