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Last active August 29, 2022 03:14
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Updated script, will go in JEB 4.4
from import AbstractDOptimizer, IDVisitor
from import JavaOperatorType
This JEB's dexdec IR optimizer will attempt to resolve artificial Android library invocations added
by Android app protectors, designed to hamper the string auto-decryption process.
This Python plugin is executed during the decompilation pipeline of a method.
Needs JEB 4.2 or above.
private static String a(String str, int key) {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
char c = (char)(str.charAt(i) - key + 0xFF);
return out.toString();
public String get() {
int key = 0x100 -; // 0x100 - 0 = 0x100, the key value
return a("ifmmp", key); // would return "hello""
Problem: Here, JEB cannot auto-decrypt and inline a(), because of the invocation.
Solution: This IR plugin finds such calls, evaluates them, and replaces the IR by a constant, thereby allowing
further optimizers in the decompilation pipeline to proceed and eventually auto-decrypt and decompile this method to:
public String get() {
return "hello";
How to use:
- Drop this file in your JEB's coreplugins/python/ sub-directory
- Make sure to have the setting `.LoadPythonPlugins = true` in your JEB's bin/jeb-engines.cfg file
For additional information regarding dexdec IR optimizer plugins, refer to:
- the Manual (
- the API documentation:
class DGReplaceApiCalls(AbstractDOptimizer): # note that we extend AbstractDOptimizer for convenience, instead of implementing IDOptimizer from scratch
def perform(self):
# create our instruction visitor
vis = AndroidUtilityVisitor(self.ctx)
# visit all the instructions of the IR CFG
for insn in self.cfg.instructions():
# Reset deobfuscators counters, generally updated by IR optimizers that rely on IR emulation.
# Counters are used to track emulation successes and failures for methods. Some optimizers may
# check the counters to avoid attempting to emulate methods for which too many failures were
# reported. Calling this method resets such counters, allowing emulation to be re-attempted.
# (requires JEB 4.4)
if vis.cnt > 0:
# return the count of replacements
return vis.cnt
class AndroidUtilityVisitor(IDVisitor):
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
self.cnt = 0
def process(self, e, parent, results):
repl = None
if not repl and e.isCallInfo():
sig = e.getMethodSignature()
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/graphics/Color;->red(I)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm():
color = e.getArgument(0).toLong()
# extract the red value
val = (color >> 16) & 0xFF
# replace the IDCallInfo by an IDImm
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(val)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/graphics/Color;->green(I)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm():
color = e.getArgument(0).toLong()
val = (color >> 8) & 0xFF
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(val)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/graphics/Color;->blue(I)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm():
color = e.getArgument(0).toLong()
val = color & 0xFF
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(val)
# TextUtils.getOffsetBefore("", 0) => 0
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/text/TextUtils;->getOffsetBefore(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm() and e.getArgument(1).isImm():
buf = e.getArgument(0).getStringValue(self.ctx.getGlobalContext())
val = e.getArgument(1).toLong()
if buf == '' and val == 0:
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(0)
# TextUtils.indexOf("", 'x') => -1
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/text/TextUtils;->indexOf(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;C)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm():
buf = e.getArgument(0).getStringValue(self.ctx.getGlobalContext())
if buf == '':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(-1)
# TextUtils.indexOf("", "", [start=0, [end]]) => start
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/text/TextUtils;->indexOf(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)I' and e.getArgument(1).isImm():
needle = e.getArgument(1).getStringValue(self.ctx.getGlobalContext())
if needle == '':
start = 0
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(start)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/text/TextUtils;->indexOf(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)I' and e.getArgument(1).isImm() and e.getArgument(2).isImm():
needle = e.getArgument(1).getStringValue(self.ctx.getGlobalContext())
if needle == '':
start = e.getArgument(2).toLong()
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(start)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/text/TextUtils;->indexOf(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;II)I' and e.getArgument(1).isImm() and e.getArgument(2).isImm():
needle = e.getArgument(1).getStringValue(self.ctx.getGlobalContext())
if needle == '':
start = e.getArgument(2).toLong()
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(start)
#, 0)
if not repl and sig == 'Ljava/lang/Long;->compare(JJ)I' and e.getArgument(1).isImm() and e.getArgument(1).toLong() <= 0:
v0 = None
v1 = e.getArgument(1).toLong()
if e.getArgument(0).isCallInfo():
sig2 = e.getArgument(0).getMethodSignature()
if sig2 == 'Landroid/os/Process;->getElapsedCpuTime()J':
# elapsed time always >0, value does not matter since we are comparing against 0
v0 = 1
elif sig2 == 'Landroid/os/SystemClock;->currentThreadTimeMillis()J':
v0 = 1
if v0 != None:
r = 1 if v0 > v1 else (-1 if v0 < v1 else 0)
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(r)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/view/ViewConfiguration;->getFadingEdgeLength()I':
# always a small positive integer, normally set to FADING_EDGE_LENGTH (12)
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(12)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/view/ViewConfiguration;->getZoomControlsTimeout()J':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createLong(3000)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/view/ViewConfiguration;->getEdgeSlop()I':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(12)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/view/ViewConfiguration;->getJumpTapTimeout()I':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(500)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/media/AudioTrack;->getMinVolume()F':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createFloat(0)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/util/TypedValue;->complexToFloat(I)F' and e.getArgument(0).isImm():
val = e.getArgument(0).toLong()
if val == 0:
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createFloat(0)
if not repl and sig == 'Ljava/lang/Long;->compare(JJ)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm() and e.getArgument(1).isImm():
v0 = e.getArgument(0).toLong()
v1 = e.getArgument(1).toLong()
r = 1 if v0 > v1 else (-1 if v0 < v1 else 0)
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(r)
if not repl and sig == 'Ljava/lang/Float;->compare(FF)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm() and e.getArgument(1).isImm():
v0 = e.getArgument(0).toFloat()
v1 = e.getArgument(1).toFloat()
r = 1 if v0 > v1 else (-1 if v0 < v1 else 0)
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(r)
if not repl and sig == 'Ljava/lang/Double;->compare(DD)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm() and e.getArgument(1).isImm():
v0 = e.getArgument(0).toDouble()
v1 = e.getArgument(1).toDouble()
r = 1 if v0 > v1 else (-1 if v0 < v1 else 0)
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createDouble(r)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/view/ViewConfiguration;->getGlobalActionKeyTimeout()J':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createLong(500L)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/view/ViewConfiguration;->getMaximumDrawingCacheSize()I':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(480 * 800 * 4)
if not repl and sig == 'Landroid/os/Process;->getGidForName(Ljava/lang/String;)I' and e.getArgument(0).isImm():
name = e.getArgument(0).getStringValue(self.ctx.getGlobalContext())
if name == '':
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(-1)
# (android.os.Process.getThreadPriority(?) + 20) >> 6 ==> should be 0 since priority is in [-19, 20]
if not repl and e.isOperation() and e.getOperator().is(JavaOperatorType.SHR):
if e.getLeft().isOperation() and e.getRight().isImm():
if e.getRight().toLong() >= 6:
l = e.getLeft()
if l.getOperator().is(JavaOperatorType.ADD):
if l.getLeft().isCallInfo() and l.getLeft().getMethodSignature() == 'Landroid/os/Process;->getThreadPriority(I)I':
if l.getRight().isImm() and l.getRight().toLong() >= 20:
repl = self.ctx.getGlobalContext().createInt(0)
if repl != None and parent.replaceSubExpression(e, repl):
#print('*** CUSTOM REPLACE *** %s -> %s' % (e, repl))
# success (this visitor is pre-order, we need to report the replaced node)
self.cnt += 1
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