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Created May 16, 2014 20:18
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Problem with `git add -p`
If I'm at the commit, have a file changed to the state as it is in the other file in this gist, and use `git add -p` on it with the selection
then `git add -p` fails with the output:
error: patch failed: pointcloudviewer/Main.hs:1903
error: pointcloudviewer/Main.hs: patch does not apply
diff --git a/pointcloudviewer/Main.hs b/pointcloudviewer/Main.hs
index d96e94e..088cb35 100644
--- a/pointcloudviewer/Main.hs
+++ b/pointcloudviewer/Main.hs
@@ -1896,6 +1943,7 @@ projTest2 state = do
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
@@ -1903,19 +1951,86 @@ projTest2 state = do
projTest3 :: State -> IO ()
projTest3 state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
+ sleep 1
+ autoAlignFloor state =<< (\(Just r) -> r) <$> getRoom state i
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 6 0 0))
+ Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
- autoAlignFloor state =<< (\(Just r) -> r) <$> getRoom state i
+ Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
+ sleep 1
+ changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
+ return ()
+projTest4 :: State -> IO ()
+projTest4 state = do
+ Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
+ sleep 1
+ changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 0 0 6))
+ sleep 1
+ changeRoom state i (rotateRoomAround (Vec3 0 0 0) (rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 10)))
Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
+projTest5 :: State -> IO ()
+projTest5 state = do
+ Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
+ sleep 1
+ changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 1 2 6))
+ Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
+ sleep 1
+ Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
+ sleep 1
+ changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
+projTest6 :: State -> IO ()
+projTest6 state = do
+ Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ sleep 1
+ let rotMat = rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 10)
+ changeRoom state i (rotateRoomAround (Vec3 0 0 0) rotMat)
+ Just Room{ roomProj = unusedProj } <- getRoom state i
+ let proj = linear rotMat
+ sleep 1
+ Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
+ changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
+ sleep 1
+ changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
+ Just Room{ roomProj = proj2 } <- getRoom state i2
+ assert (proj == proj2) $ return ()
+ putStrLn $ "proj " ++ show proj
+ putStrLn $ "unused " ++ show unusedProj
-- Chop of top 20% of points to peek inside
removeCeiling :: Room -> Room
removeCeiling r@Room{ roomCloud = c@Cloud{ cloudPoints = oldCloudPoints
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards, LambdaCase, MultiWayIf, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleContexts, TypeOperators, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Design notes:
-- * All matrices are right-multiplied: `v' = x .* A`.
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (assert, try)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (parseOnly, sepBy1', double, endOfLine, skipSpace)
import Data.Bits (unsafeShiftR)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (find, intercalate, sortBy, maximumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Packed.Matrix as Matrix
import Data.Packed.Matrix ((><))
import qualified Data.Packed.Vector as HmatrixVec
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Serialize.Get (runGet)
import Data.Serialize.Put (runPut)
import qualified Data.Vect.Double as Vect.Double
import Data.Vect.Float hiding (Vector)
import Data.Vect.Float.Util.Quaternion
import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import Foreign.Store (Store(..), newStore, lookupStore, readStore, deleteStore)
import GHC.Generics
import Graphics.GLUtil
import Graphics.UI.GLUT hiding (Plane, Normal3)
import Linear (V3(..))
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms (linearSolve)
import qualified PCD.Data as PCD
import qualified PCD.Point as PCD
import System.Endian (fromBE32)
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeFileName, takeDirectory)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import System.SelfRestart (forkSelfRestartExePollWithAction)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import FitCuboidBFGS hiding (main)
import TranslationOptimizer (lstSqDistances)
import HoniHelper (takeDepthSnapshot)
import VectorUtil (kthLargestBy)
-- Things needed to `show` the Generic representation of our `State`,
-- which we use to check if the State type changed when doing hot code
-- reloading in in-place restarts in ghci.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 706
deriving instance Show (V1 p)
deriving instance Show (U1 p)
deriving instance (Show c) => Show (K1 i c p)
deriving instance Show (f p) => Show (M1 i c f p)
deriving instance (Show (f p), Show (g p)) => Show ((f :*:g) p)
deriving instance (Show (f p), Show (g p)) => Show ((f :+:g) p)
deriving instance Show D
deriving instance Show C
deriving instance Show S
instance (Typeable a) => Show (IORef a) where
show x = "IORef " ++ show (typeOf x)
-- Orphan instance so that we can derive Eq
-- (Data.Vect.Float.Instances contains this but it also brings a Num instance
-- with it which we don't want)
deriving instance Eq Vec3
deriving instance Eq Vec4
deriving instance Eq Mat4
instance Eq Proj4 where
a == b = fromProjective a == fromProjective b
-- Orphan instance so that we can derive Ord
deriving instance Ord Vec3
deriving instance Ord Vec4
deriving instance Ord Mat4
instance Ord Proj4 where
a `compare` b = fromProjective a `compare` fromProjective b
-- Really questionable why this isn't there already
instance Eq Normal3 where
n1 == n2 = fromNormal n1 == fromNormal n2
instance Ord Normal3 where
n1 `compare` n2 = fromNormal n1 `compare` fromNormal n2
deriving instance Typeable Vec3
data CloudColor
= OneColor !(Color3 GLfloat)
| ManyColors (Vector Vec3) -- must be same size as `cloudPoints`
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data Cloud = Cloud
{ cloudID :: !ID
, cloudColor :: !CloudColor -- TODO maybe clean this interface up
, cloudPoints :: Vector Vec3
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DragMode = Rotate | Translate
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
class ShortShow a where
shortShow :: a -> String
shortPrint :: a -> IO ()
shortPrint = putStrLn . shortShow
instance ShortShow CloudColor where
shortShow = \case
c@OneColor{} -> show c
ManyColors cols -> "ManyColors (" ++ show (V.length cols) ++ " points)"
instance ShortShow Cloud where
shortShow (Cloud i col points) = "Cloud" ++ concat
[ " ", show i, " (", shortShow col, ")"
, " (", show (V.length points), " points)"
instance ShortShow Plane where
shortShow (Plane i eq col bounds) = "PlaneXXX" ++ concat
[ " ", show i, " (", show eq, ")"
, " (", show col, ") ", show bounds
instance ShortShow Room where
shortShow (Room i planes cloud corners proj name) = "Room" ++ concat
[ " ", show i, " ", shortShow planes, " (", shortShow cloud, ")"
, " ", show corners
, " ", show proj
, " ", name
instance ShortShow Word32 where
shortShow = show
instance (ShortShow a, ShortShow b) => ShortShow (a, b) where
shortShow (a,b) = "(" ++ shortShow a ++ "," ++ shortShow b ++ ")"
instance (ShortShow a) => ShortShow [a] where
shortShow l = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map shortShow l) ++ "]"
instance (ShortShow a, ShortShow b) => ShortShow (Map a b) where
shortShow = shortShow . Map.toList
-- TODO make all State/TransientState fields strict so that we get an error if not initialized
-- |Application state
data State = State
{ sMouse :: !(IORef ( GLint, GLint ))
, sDragMode :: !(IORef (Maybe DragMode))
, sSize :: !(IORef ( GLint, GLint ))
, sLookAtPoint :: !(IORef Vec3) -- ^ focus point around which we rotate
, sRotUp :: !(IORef Float) -- ^ view angle (degrees) away from the ground plane
, sRotY :: !(IORef Float) -- ^ angle (degrees) around the up axis (Y in OpenGL), orthogonal to ground plane
, sZoom :: !(IORef Float)
, queuedClouds :: !(IORef (Map ID Cloud))
, sFps :: !(IORef Int)
-- | Both `display` and `idle` set this to the current time after running
, sLastLoopTime :: !(IORef (Maybe Int64))
-- Things needed for hot code reloading
, sRestartRequested :: !(IORef Bool)
, sGlInitialized :: !(IORef Bool)
, sRestartFunction :: !(IORef (IO ()))
-- Object picking
, sPickingDisabled :: !(IORef Bool)
, sPickObjectAt :: !(IORef (Maybe ((Int,Int), Maybe ID -> IO ())))
, sUnderCursor :: !(IORef (Maybe ID))
, sDebugPickingDrawVisible :: !(IORef Bool)
, sDebugPickingTiming :: !(IORef Bool)
-- Room optimisation settings
, sWallThickness :: !(IORef Float)
-- Displaying options
, sDisplayPlanes :: !(IORef Bool)
, sDisplayClouds :: !(IORef Bool)
, sPointSize :: !(IORef Float)
-- Visual debugging
, sDebugProjectPlanePointsToEq :: !(IORef Bool)
-- Transient state
, transient :: !(TransientState)
} deriving (Generic)
data TransientState = TransientState
{ sNextID :: !(IORef ID)
, sPickingMode :: !(IORef Bool)
, sAllocatedClouds :: !(IORef (Map ID (Cloud, BufferObject, Maybe BufferObject))) -- second is for colours
, sPlanes :: !(IORef (Map ID Plane))
, sSelectedPlanes :: !(IORef [Plane])
, sRooms :: !(IORef (Map ID Room))
, sSelectedRoom :: !(IORef (Maybe Room))
, sConnectedWalls :: !(IORef [(Axis, WallRelation, ID, ID)])
instance Show TransientState where
show _ = "TransientState"
data Plane = Plane
{ planeID :: !ID
, planeEq :: !PlaneEq
, planeColor :: !(Color3 GLfloat)
, planeBounds :: Vector Vec3
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
-- Convenience
planeNormal :: Plane -> Vec3
planeNormal Plane{ planeEq = PlaneEq n _ } = fromNormal n
data Room_v1 = Room_v1 -- deprecated
{ roomID_v1 :: !ID
, roomPlanes_v1 :: ![Plane]
, roomCloud_v1 :: Cloud
, roomCorners_v1 :: [Vec3] -- TODO newtype this
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data Room_v2 = Room_v2 -- deprecated
{ roomID_v2 :: !ID
, roomPlanes_v2 :: ![Plane]
, roomCloud_v2 :: Cloud
, roomCorners_v2 :: [Vec3] -- TODO newtype this
, roomProj_v2 :: !Proj4 -- ^ How the room was moved/rotated versus the origin.
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data Room = Room
{ roomID :: !ID
, roomPlanes :: ![Plane]
, roomCloud :: Cloud
, roomCorners :: [Vec3] -- TODO newtype this
, roomProj :: !Proj4 -- ^ How the room was moved/rotated versus the origin.
, roomName :: !String
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data Axis = X | Y | Z
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
data WallRelation = Opposite | Same
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
type ID = Word32
-- We pick maxBound as the ID for "there is no object there".
noID :: ID
noID = maxBound
genID :: State -> IO ID
genID State{ transient = TransientState{ sNextID } } =
atomicModifyIORef' sNextID (\i -> (i+1 `mod` noID, i))
-- |Sets the vertex color
color3 :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO ()
color3 x y z
= color $ Color4 x y z 1.0
-- |Sets the vertex position
vertex3 :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO ()
vertex3 x y z
= vertex $ Vertex3 x y z
getTimeUs :: IO Int64
getTimeUs = round . (* 1000000.0) <$> getPOSIXTime
withVar :: StateVar a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
withVar var val f = do
before <- get var
var $= val
x <- f
var $= before
return x
withDisabled :: [StateVar Capability] -> IO b -> IO b
withDisabled vars f = do
befores <- mapM get vars
mapM_ ($= Disabled) vars
x <- f
zipWithM_ ($=) vars befores
return x
upAxis :: Vec3
upAxis = Vec3 0 1 0
-- |Called when stuff needs to be drawn
display :: State -> DisplayCallback
display state@State{..} = do
( width, height ) <- get sSize
rotY <- get sRotY
rotUp <- get sRotUp
zoom <- get sZoom
lookAtPoint <- get sLookAtPoint
let buffers = [ ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer ]
matrixMode $= Projection
perspective 45.0 (fromIntegral width / fromIntegral height) 0.1 500.0
matrixMode $= Modelview 0
-- Moving around and rotating around the lookAtPoint
let eye = lookAtPoint &+ zoom *& (vec3Z .* rotMatrixX (toRad (-rotUp))
.* rotMatrixY (toRad (-rotY )))
lookAt (toGlVertex eye) (toGlVertex lookAtPoint) (toGlVector upAxis)
-- Do pick rendering (using color picking)
pickingDisabled <- get sPickingDisabled
get sPickObjectAt >>= \case
Just ((x,y), callback) | not pickingDisabled -> do
i <- colorPicking state (x,y)
sPickObjectAt $= Nothing
callback i
_ -> return ()
-- Do the normal rendering of all objects
clear buffers
preservingMatrix $ drawObjects state
getTimeUs >>= \now -> sLastLoopTime $= Just now
idToColor :: ID -> Color4 GLfloat
idToColor i = Color4 (fromIntegral r / 255.0)
(fromIntegral g / 255.0)
(fromIntegral b / 255.0)
(fromIntegral a / 255.0)
-- From
-- hash(i)=i*2654435761 mod 2^32
col32 = i `rem` noID -- (2654435761 * i) `rem` noID :: Word32 -- noID == maxBound itself is for "no ID" -- TODO find inverse
r = fromIntegral $ col32 `unsafeShiftR` 24 :: Word8
g = fromIntegral $ col32 `unsafeShiftR` 16 :: Word8
b = fromIntegral $ col32 `unsafeShiftR` 8 :: Word8
a = fromIntegral $ col32 :: Word8
-- | Render all objects with a distinct color to find out which object
-- is at a given (x,y) coordinate.
-- (x,y) must not be off-screen since `readPixels` is used.
-- Returns `Nothing` if the background is picked.
colorPicking :: State -> (Int, Int) -> IO (Maybe ID)
colorPicking state@State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} (x, y) = do
timeBefore <- getPOSIXTime
-- Draw background white
col <- get clearColor
clearColor $= Color4 1 1 1 1 -- this gives us 0xffffffff == maxBound == noID
clear [ ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer ] -- we need color and depth for picking
clearColor $= col
-- Note: We could probably use glScissor here to restrict drawing to the
-- one pixel requested.
i <- withDisabled [ texture Texture2D -- not sure if we should also disable other texture targets
, fog
, lighting
, blend
] $ do
sPickingMode $= True
preservingMatrix $ drawObjects state
sPickingMode $= False
flush -- so that readPixels reads what we just drew
( _, height ) <- get sSize
-- Get the ID
i <- alloca $ \(rgbaPtr :: Ptr Word32) -> do
-- We disable blending for the pick rendering so we can use the
-- full 32 bits of RGBA for color picking.
-- readPixels is undefined for off-screen coordinates, so we
-- require (x,y) to be on-screen.
readPixels (Position (i2c x) (height-(i2c y)-1)) (Size 1 1) (PixelData RGBA UnsignedByte rgbaPtr)
-- The color is stored in memory as R-G-B-A bytes, so we have to convert it to big-endian.
fromBE32 <$> peek rgbaPtr
-- For debugging we can actually draw the unique colors.
-- This must happen after readPixels becaus swapBuffers makes the buffer undefined.
on sDebugPickingDrawVisible swapBuffers
return i
on sDebugPickingTiming $ do
timeAfter <- getPOSIXTime
putStrLn $ "Picking took " ++ show (timeAfter - timeBefore) ++ " s"
return $ if i == noID then Nothing else Just i
on :: HasGetter a => a Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
on var f = get var >>= \enabled -> when enabled f
i2c :: Int -> CInt
i2c = fromIntegral
c2i :: CInt -> Int
c2i = fromIntegral
toFloat :: Double -> Float
toFloat = realToFrac
toDouble :: Float -> Double
toDouble = realToFrac
toGlVector :: Fractional a => Vec3 -> Vector3 a
toGlVector (Vec3 a b c) = Vector3 (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac c)
toGlVertex :: Fractional a => Vec3 -> Vertex3 a
toGlVertex (Vec3 a b c) = Vertex3 (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac c)
toRad :: Float -> Float
toRad d = d / 180 * pi
-- |Draws the objects to show
drawObjects :: State -> IO ()
drawObjects state@State{ sDisplayPlanes, sDisplayClouds, transient = TransientState{ sPickingMode } } = do
picking <- get sPickingMode
-- Objects must only be drawn in picking mode when they are colour picking
-- aware, that is they query the picking mode and draw themselves only in
-- colors generated by `idToColor <$> genID` if we are picking.
when (not picking) $ drawReferenceSystem
when (not picking) $ drawLookAtPoint state
when (not picking) $ on sDisplayClouds $ drawPointClouds state
when (not picking) $ drawRoomCorners state
when (not picking) $ drawWallConnections state
on sDisplayPlanes $ drawPlanes state
drawReferenceSystem :: IO ()
drawReferenceSystem = do
-- displayQuad 1 1 1
renderPrimitive Lines $ do
color3 1.0 0.0 0.0
vertex3 0.0 0.0 0.0
vertex3 20.0 0.0 0.0
color3 0.0 1.0 0.0
vertex3 0.0 0.0 0.0
vertex3 0.0 20.0 0.0
color3 0.0 0.0 1.0
vertex3 0.0 0.0 0.0
vertex3 0.0 0.0 20.0
drawLookAtPoint :: State -> IO ()
drawLookAtPoint State{ sLookAtPoint } = do
Vec3 x' y' z' <- get sLookAtPoint
let (x, y, z) = (realToFrac x', realToFrac y', realToFrac z' :: GLfloat)
renderPrimitive Lines $ do
color3 0.4 0.4 0.4
vertex3 (x - 0.5) y z
vertex3 (x + 0.5) y z
vertex3 x y (z - 0.5)
vertex3 x y (z + 0.5)
drawPointClouds :: State -> IO ()
drawPointClouds State{ sPointSize, transient = TransientState{ sAllocatedClouds } } = do
allocatedClouds <- get sAllocatedClouds
(pointSize $=) . realToFrac =<< get sPointSize
-- Render all clouds
forM_ (Map.elems allocatedClouds) $ \(Cloud{ cloudColor = colType, cloudPoints }, bufObj, m'colorObj) -> do
clientState VertexArray $= Enabled
case (colType, m'colorObj) of
(OneColor col, Nothing) -> color col
(ManyColors _, Just colorObj) -> do
clientState ColorArray $= Enabled
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Just colorObj
arrayPointer ColorArray $= VertexArrayDescriptor 3 Float 0 nullPtr
_ -> error $ "bad combination of CloudColor and buffer: " ++ show m'colorObj
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Just bufObj
arrayPointer VertexArray $= VertexArrayDescriptor 3 Float 0 nullPtr
drawArrays Points 0 (i2c $ V.length cloudPoints)
bindBuffer ArrayBuffer $= Nothing
clientState VertexArray $= Disabled
-- If we dont' disable this, a draw with only 1 color using `color` will segfault
clientState ColorArray $= Disabled
drawRoomCorners :: State -> IO ()
drawRoomCorners State{ transient = TransientState{ sRooms } } = do
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
withVar pointSize 8.0 $ do
renderPrimitive Points $ do
forM_ rooms $ \Room{ roomCorners } -> do
if (length roomCorners /= 8)
then do
color red
forM_ roomCorners vertexVec3
else do
let [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] = roomCorners
color3 0.3 0.6 0.3 >> vertexVec3 a
color3 0 0 1 >> vertexVec3 b
color3 0 1 0 >> vertexVec3 c
color3 0 1 1 >> vertexVec3 d
color3 1 0 0 >> vertexVec3 e
color3 1 0 1 >> vertexVec3 f
color3 1 1 0 >> vertexVec3 g
color3 1 1 1 >> vertexVec3 h
drawWallConnections :: State -> IO ()
drawWallConnections State{ transient = TransientState{ sConnectedWalls, sRooms } } = do
conns <- get sConnectedWalls
allRoomPlanes <- concatMap roomPlanes . Map.elems <$> get sRooms
forM_ conns $ \(axis, relation, pid1, pid2) -> do
-- Find the two planes with these plane IDs
case ( find ((== pid1) . planeID) allRoomPlanes
, find ((== pid2) . planeID) allRoomPlanes ) of
(Just p1, Just p2) -> do
case axis of
X -> color3 1.0 0.0 0.0
Y -> color3 0.0 1.0 0.0
Z -> color3 0.0 0.0 1.0
let withStyle = case relation of
Opposite -> id
Same -> withVar lineStipple (Just (1, 0x03ff))
withStyle $ do
renderPrimitive Lines $ do
vertexVec3 (planeMean p1)
vertexVec3 (planeMean p2)
_ -> putStrLn $ "Room planes not found: " ++ show (pid1, pid2)
drawPlanes :: State -> IO ()
drawPlanes State{ transient = TransientState{ sPlanes, sRooms, sPickingMode }, ..} = do
planePols <- Map.elems <$> get sPlanes
roomPlanes <- concatMap roomPlanes . Map.elems <$> get sRooms
debugProject <- get sDebugProjectPlanePointsToEq
let roomPols
-- This reveals bugs in the plane projection code: It uses the
-- actual plane equation for drawing the points.
| debugProject = [ p{ planeBounds = (projectToPlane eq) points
} | p@(Plane _ eq _ points) <- roomPlanes ]
| otherwise = roomPlanes
let pols = planePols ++ roomPols
picking <- get sPickingMode
underCursor <- get sUnderCursor
let drawPolys = do
forM_ pols $ \(Plane i _ (Color3 r g b) points) -> do
renderPrimitive Polygon $ do
color $ if
| picking -> idToColor i
| underCursor == Just i -> Color4 r g b 0.8
| otherwise -> Color4 r g b 0.5
V.mapM_ vertexVec3 points
-- Get "real" transparency for overlapping polygons by drawing them last,
-- and disabling the depth test for their drawing
-- (transparency must be 0.5 for all polygons for this technique).
-- From
-- If we are picking, of course we don't want any color blending, so we
-- keep the depth test on.
if picking then drawPolys
else withDisabled [depthMask] drawPolys
processCloudQueue :: State -> IO ()
processCloudQueue State{ transient = TransientState{ sAllocatedClouds }, queuedClouds } = do
-- Get out queued clouds, set queued clouds to []
queued <- atomicModifyIORef' queuedClouds (\cls -> (Map.empty, Map.elems cls))
-- Go over the queue contents
forM_ queued $ \cloud@Cloud{ cloudID = i, cloudPoints, cloudColor } -> do
-- If the ID is already allocated, deallocate the corresponding buffers
allocatedClouds <- get sAllocatedClouds
for_ (Map.lookup i allocatedClouds) $ \(_, bufObj, m'colorObj) -> do
deleteObjectName bufObj
for_ m'colorObj deleteObjectName
sAllocatedClouds $~ Map.delete i
-- Allocate buffer object containing all these points
bufObj <- fromVector ArrayBuffer cloudPoints
-- Allocate color buffer if we don't use only 1 color
m'colorObj <- case cloudColor of
OneColor _ -> return Nothing
ManyColors pointColors -> Just <$> fromVector ArrayBuffer pointColors
sAllocatedClouds $~ Map.insert i (cloud, bufObj, m'colorObj)
atomicModifyIORef_ :: IORef a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
atomicModifyIORef_ ref f = atomicModifyIORef' ref (\x -> (f x, ()))
addPointCloud :: State -> Cloud -> IO ()
addPointCloud State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} cloud@Cloud{ cloudID = i } = do
-- Make sure a cloud with that id doesn't already exist
queued <- get queuedClouds
allocated <- get sAllocatedClouds
when (i `Map.member` queued || i `Map.member` allocated) $
error $ "Cloud with id " ++ show i ++ " already exists"
atomicModifyIORef_ queuedClouds (Map.insert i cloud)
updatePointCloud :: State -> Cloud -> IO ()
updatePointCloud State{ queuedClouds } cloud@Cloud{ cloudID = i } = do
atomicModifyIORef_ queuedClouds (Map.insert i cloud)
initializeObjects :: State -> IO ()
initializeObjects _state = do
return ()
-- |Displays a quad
displayQuad :: GLfloat -> GLfloat -> GLfloat -> IO ()
displayQuad w h d = preservingMatrix $ do
scale w h d
renderPrimitive Quads $ do
color3 1.0 0.0 0.0
vertex3 (-1.0) ( 1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) (-1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) (-1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) ( 1.0) ( 1.0)
color3 1.0 0.0 0.0
vertex3 (-1.0) (-1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) ( 1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) ( 1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) (-1.0) (-1.0)
color3 0.0 1.0 0.0
vertex3 ( 1.0) (-1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) (-1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) ( 1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) ( 1.0) ( 1.0)
color3 0.0 1.0 0.0
vertex3 (-1.0) (-1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) (-1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) ( 1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) ( 1.0) (-1.0)
color3 0.0 0.0 1.0
vertex3 (-1.0) (-1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) (-1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) (-1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) (-1.0) ( 1.0)
color3 0.0 0.0 1.0
vertex3 (-1.0) ( 1.0) (-1.0)
vertex3 (-1.0) ( 1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) ( 1.0) ( 1.0)
vertex3 ( 1.0) ( 1.0) (-1.0)
-- |Called when the sSize of the viewport changes
reshape :: State -> ReshapeCallback
reshape State{..} (Size width height) = do
sSize $= ( width, height )
viewport $= (Position 0 0, Size width height)
postRedisplay Nothing
-- |Animation
idle :: State -> IdleCallback
idle state@State{..} = do
-- Allocate BufferObjects for all queued clouds
processCloudQueue state
get sLastLoopTime >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just lastLoopTime -> do
now <- getTimeUs
fps <- get sFps
let sleepTime = max 0 $ 1000000 `quot` fps - fromIntegral (now - lastLoopTime)
threadDelay sleepTime
postRedisplay Nothing
getTimeUs >>= \now -> sLastLoopTime $= Just now
-- If a restart is requested, stop the main loop.
-- The code after the main loop will do the actual restart.
shallRestart <- get sRestartRequested
when shallRestart leaveMainLoop
-- | Called when the OpenGL window is closed.
close :: State -> CloseCallback
close State{..} = do
putStrLn "window closed"
-- | Mouse motion (with buttons pressed)
motion :: State -> Position -> IO ()
motion State{..} (Position posx posy) = do
( oldx, oldy ) <- get sMouse
let diffH = fromIntegral $ posx - oldx
diffV = fromIntegral $ posy - oldy
sMouse $= ( posx, posy )
get sDragMode >>= \case
Just Rotate -> do
let clamp (l,u) x = min u (max l x)
sRotY $~! (+ diffH)
sRotUp $~! (clamp (-89.999, 89.999) . (+ diffV)) -- full 90 gives non-smooth rotation behaviour
Just Translate -> do
zoom <- get sZoom
rotY <- get sRotY
rotUp <- get sRotUp
-- Where left/right/up/down is depends on the rotation around the
-- up axis (rotY), and how much to move depends on the zoom.
-- rotUp allows us to go below the ground plane; since we always want to
-- "drag the ground plane around", we have to invert the Z component then.
let movVec = Vec3 (-diffH) 0 (-diffV * signum rotUp)
sLookAtPoint $~! (&+ (0.0025 * zoom) *& (movVec .* rotMatrixY (toRad $ -rotY)))
_ -> return ()
-- | Mouse motion (without buttons pressed)
passiveMotion :: State -> Position -> IO ()
passiveMotion state@State{..} (Position posx posy) = do
sPickObjectAt $= Just ((c2i posx, c2i posy), objectHover state)
changeFps :: State -> (Int -> Int) -> IO ()
changeFps State{ sFps } f = do
sFps $~ f
putStrLn . ("FPS: " ++) . show =<< get sFps
-- |Button input
input :: State -> Key -> KeyState -> Modifiers -> Position -> IO ()
input state@State{..} (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ (Position x y) = do
sPickObjectAt $= Just ((c2i x, c2i y), objectClick state)
sMouse $= ( x, y )
sDragMode $= Just Translate
input State{..} (MouseButton LeftButton) Up _ (Position x y) = do
sMouse $= ( x, y )
sDragMode $= Nothing
input State{..} (MouseButton RightButton) Down _ (Position x y) = do
sMouse $= ( x, y )
sDragMode $= Just Rotate
input State{..} (MouseButton RightButton) Up _ (Position x y) = do
sMouse $= ( x, y )
sDragMode $= Nothing
input state (MouseButton WheelDown) Down _ pos
= wheel state 0 120 pos
input state (MouseButton WheelUp) Down _ pos
= wheel state 0 (-120) pos
input state (Char '[') Down _ _ = changeFps state pred
input state (Char ']') Down _ _ = changeFps state succ
input state (Char '\r') Down _ _ = addDevicePointCloud state
input state (Char 'm') Down _ _ = addCornerPoint state
input state (Char 'f') Down _ _ = fitCuboidToSelectedRoom state
input state (Char 'r') Down _ _ = rotateSelectedPlanes state
input state (Char 's') Down _ _ = save state
input state (Char 'l') Down _ _ = load state
input state (Char '/') Down _ _ = devSetup state
input state (Char 'd') Down _ _ = sDisplayPlanes state $~ not
input state (Char 'p') Down _ _ = sDisplayClouds state $~ not
input state (Char '+') Down _ _ = sPointSize state $~ (+ 1.0)
input state (Char '-') Down _ _ = sPointSize state $~ (abs . subtract 1.0)
input state (Char 'c') Down _ _ = clearRooms state
input state (Char '#') Down _ _ = swapRoomPositions state
input state (Char 'w') Down _ _ = connectWalls state Opposite
input state (Char 'W') Down _ _ = connectWalls state Same
input state (Char '\^W') Down _ _ = disconnectWalls state
input state (Char 'o') Down _ _ = optimizeRoomPositions state
input state (Char 'e') Down _ _ = exportRoomProjection state
input _state key Down _ _ = putStrLn $ "Unhandled key " ++ show key
input _state _ _ _ _ = return ()
-- | Called when picking notices a hover over an object
objectHover :: State -> Maybe ID -> IO ()
objectHover State{..} m'i = do
sUnderCursor $= m'i
-- | Called when picking notices a click on an object
objectClick :: State -> Maybe ID -> IO ()
objectClick _ Nothing = putStrLn $ "Clicked: Background"
objectClick State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} (Just i) = do
putStrLn $ "Clicked: " ++ show i
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
allPlanes <- do
planes <- Map.elems <$> get sPlanes
return (planes ++ concatMap roomPlanes rooms)
selected <- get sSelectedPlanes
case findRoomContainingPlane rooms i of
Nothing -> sSelectedRoom $= Nothing
Just r -> do
putStrLn $ "Room: " ++ show (roomID r)
sSelectedRoom $= Just r
for_ (find (\Plane{ planeID } -> planeID == i) allPlanes) $ \p -> do
putStrLn $ "Plane: " ++ show (planeID p)
putStrLn $ "PlaneEq: " ++ show (planeEq p)
when (p `notElem` selected) $ do -- could compare by ID only
sSelectedPlanes $~ (p:)
-- |Mouse wheel movement (sZoom)
wheel :: State -> WheelNumber -> WheelDirection -> Position -> IO ()
wheel State{..} _num dir _pos
| dir > 0 = get sZoom >>= (\x -> sZoom $= clamp (x * 1.2))
| otherwise = get sZoom >>= (\x -> sZoom $= clamp (x / 1.2))
clamp x = 0.5 `max` (300.0 `min` x)
-- | Creates the default state
createState :: IO State
createState = do
sMouse <- newIORef ( 0, 0 )
sDragMode <- newIORef Nothing
sSize <- newIORef ( 0, 1 )
sRotUp <- newIORef 30
sRotY <- newIORef (- 30)
sZoom <- newIORef 20.0
sLookAtPoint <- newIORef zero
queuedClouds <- newIORef Map.empty
sFps <- newIORef 30
sLastLoopTime <- newIORef Nothing
sRestartRequested <- newIORef False
sGlInitialized <- newIORef False
sRestartFunction <- newIORef (error "restartFunction called before set")
sPickingDisabled <- newIORef False
sPickObjectAt <- newIORef Nothing
sUnderCursor <- newIORef Nothing
sDebugPickingDrawVisible <- newIORef False
sDebugPickingTiming <- newIORef False
sWallThickness <- newIORef 0.1
sDisplayPlanes <- newIORef True
sDisplayClouds <- newIORef True
sPointSize <- newIORef 2.0
sDebugProjectPlanePointsToEq <- newIORef True -- It is a good idea to keep this on, always
transient <- createTransientState
return State{..} -- RecordWildCards for initialisation convenience
createTransientState :: IO TransientState
createTransientState = do
sNextID <- newIORef 1
sPickingMode <- newIORef False
sAllocatedClouds <- newIORef Map.empty
sPlanes <- newIORef Map.empty
sSelectedPlanes <- newIORef []
sRooms <- newIORef Map.empty
sSelectedRoom <- newIORef Nothing
sConnectedWalls <- newIORef []
return TransientState{..}
-- |Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
state <- createState
mainState state
-- | Run `main` on a state.
mainState :: State -> IO ()
mainState state@State{..} = do
_ <- forkSelfRestartExePollWithAction 1.0 $ do
putStrLn "executable changed, restarting"
threadDelay 1500000
-- Initialize OpenGL
_ <- getArgsAndInitialize
-- Enable double buffering
initialDisplayMode $= [RGBAMode, WithDepthBuffer, DoubleBuffered]
-- Create window
_ <- createWindow "3D cloud viewer"
sGlInitialized $= True
clearColor $= Color4 0 0 0 1
shadeModel $= Smooth
depthMask $= Enabled
depthFunc $= Just Lequal
blend $= Enabled
blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha)
lineWidth $= 3.0
lineSmooth $= Enabled
-- Callbacks
displayCallback $= display state
reshapeCallback $= Just (reshape state)
idleCallback $= Just (idle state)
mouseWheelCallback $= Just (wheel state)
motionCallback $= Just (motion state)
passiveMotionCallback $= Just (passiveMotion state)
keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (input state)
closeCallback $= Just (close state)
initializeObjects state
-- Let's get started
actionOnWindowClose $= ContinueExecution
mainLoop -- blocks while windows are open
sGlInitialized $= False
putStrLn "Exited OpenGL loop"
-- Restart if requested
on sRestartRequested $ do
putStrLn "restarting"
sRestartRequested $= False -- Note: This is for the new state;
-- works because this is not transient.
-- We can't just call `mainState state` here since that would (tail) call
-- the original function instead of the freshly loaded one. That's why the
-- function is put into the IORef to be updated by `restart`.
f <- get sRestartFunction
-- | For debugging / ghci only.
getState :: IO State
getState = lookupStore _STORE_STATE >>= \case
Just store -> readStore store
Nothing -> error "state not available; call restart first"
-- | For debugging / ghci only.
run :: (State -> IO a) -> IO a
run f = getState >>= f
-- Store IDs for Foreign.Store
-- For restarting the program in GHCI while keeping the `State` intact.
restart :: (State -> IO ()) -> IO ()
restart mainStateFun = do
-- Note: We have to pass in the `mainState` function from the global
-- ghci scope as `mainStateFun` instead of just calling the
-- `mainState` already visible from here - that would call the
-- old `mainState`, not the freshly loaded one.
lookupStore _STORE_STATE >>= \case
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "restart: starting for first time"
state <- createState
-- Store the state
newStore state >>= \(Store i) -> when (i /= _STORE_STATE) $
error "state store has bad store id"
-- Store the type representation string of the state.
-- This way we can detect whether the state changed when doing hot code
-- reloading in in-place restarts in ghci.
-- Using Generics, this really works on the *structure* of the `State`
-- type, so hot code reloading even works when the name of a field in
-- the `State` record changes!
newStore (show $ from state) >>= \(Store i) -> when (i /= _STORE_STATE_TYPE_STRING) $
error "state type representation string store has bad store id"
void $ forkIO (mainStateFun state)
Just store -> do
putStrLn "restart: having existing store"
-- Check state type. If it changed, abort reloading
-- (otherwise we get a segfault since the memory layout changed).
lookupStore _STORE_STATE_TYPE_STRING >>= \case
Nothing -> error "restart: State type representation string missing"
Just stateTypeStore -> do
stateTypeString <- readStore stateTypeStore
tmpState <- createState -- something we can compare with
-- TODO This might fail to reload even if the types are the same
-- if we have e.g. an Either in our state:
-- Flipping it from Left to Right will change the type string.
-- For now this is fine since our State only has IORefs.
when (stateTypeString /= show (from tmpState)) $
-- `error` is fine here since this can only be called from
-- ghci anyway, and `error` won't terminate ghci.
error "cannot restart in-place: the State type changed"
-- All clear, state is safe to load.
oldState <- readStore store
-- Only store an empty transient state so that we can't access
-- things that cannot survive a reload (like GPU buffers).
emptyTransientState <- createTransientState
let newState = oldState{ transient = emptyTransientState }
deleteStore store
_ <- newStore newState
-- If OpenGL is (still or already) initialized, just ask it to
-- shut down in the next `idle` loop.
get (sGlInitialized oldState) >>= \case
True -> do -- Ask the GL loop running on the old state to
-- restart for us.
sRestartRequested oldState $= True
sRestartFunction oldState $= mainStateFun newState
-- TODO We should also deallocate all BufferObjects.
False -> void $ forkIO $ mainStateFun newState
getRandomColor :: IO (Color3 GLfloat)
getRandomColor = Color3 <$> randomRIO (0,1)
<*> randomRIO (0,1)
<*> randomRIO (0,1)
-- Add some random points as one point cloud
addRandomPoints :: State -> IO ()
addRandomPoints state = do
x <- randomRIO (0, 10)
y <- randomRIO (0, 10)
z <- randomRIO (0, 10)
i <- genID state
let points = map mkVec3 [(x+1,y+2,z+3),(x+4,y+5,z+6)]
colour = Color3 (realToFrac $ x/10) (realToFrac $ y/10) (realToFrac $ z/10)
addPointCloud state $ Cloud i (OneColor colour) (V.fromList points)
-- addPointCloud globalState Cloud{ cloudColor = Color3 0 0 1, cloudPoints = V.fromList [ Vec3 x y z | x <- [1..4], y <- [1..4], let z = 3 ] }
addDevicePointCloud :: State -> IO ()
addDevicePointCloud state = do
putStrLn "Depth snapshot: start"
s <- takeDepthSnapshot
putStrLn "Depth snapshot: done"
case s of
Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "WARNING: " ++ err
Right (depthVec, (width, _height)) -> do
r <- randomRIO (0, 1)
g <- randomRIO (0, 1)
b <- randomRIO (0, 1)
let points = scalePoints
. V.filter (\(Vec3 _ _ d) -> d /= 0) -- remove 0 depth points
. V.imap (\i depth -> -- convert x/y/d to floats
let (y, x) = i `quotRem` width
in Vec3 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral depth)
$ depthVec
i <- genID state
addPointCloud state $ Cloud i (OneColor $ Color3 r g b) points
-- Scale the points from the camera so that they appear nicely in 3D space.
-- TODO remove X/Y scaling by changing the camera in the viewer
-- TODO Use camera intrinsics + error correction function
scalePoints (Vec3 x y d) = Vec3 (x / 10.0)
(y / 10.0)
(d / 20.0 - 30.0)
vertexVec3 :: Vec3 -> IO ()
vertexVec3 (Vec3 x y z) = vertex (Vertex3 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) (realToFrac z) :: Vertex3 GLfloat)
loadPCDFileXyzFloat :: FilePath -> IO (Vector Vec3)
loadPCDFileXyzFloat file = v3toVec3 <$> PCD.loadXyz file
v3toVec3 (V3 a b c) = Vec3 a b c
loadPCDFileXyzNormalFloat :: FilePath -> IO (Vector Vec3, Vector Vec3)
loadPCDFileXyzNormalFloat file = do
ps <- PCD.loadXyzRgbNormal file
return ( (v3toVec3 . ps, (rgbToFloats . PCD.rgb) ps)
rgbToFloats (V3 r g b) = Vec3 (fromIntegral r / 255.0) (fromIntegral g / 255.0) (fromIntegral b / 255.0)
v3toVec3 (V3 a b c) = Vec3 a b c
cloudFromFile :: State -> FilePath -> IO Cloud
cloudFromFile state file = do
-- TODO this switching is nasty, pcl-loader needs to be improved
i <- genID state
p1 <- loadPCDFileXyzFloat file
if not (V.null p1)
then return $ Cloud i (OneColor $ Color3 1 0 0) p1
else do
(p2, colors) <- loadPCDFileXyzNormalFloat file
return $ Cloud i (ManyColors colors) p2
loadPCDFile :: State -> FilePath -> IO ()
loadPCDFile state file = do
addPointCloud state =<< cloudFromFile state file
-- | Plane equation: ax + by + cz = d, or: n*xyz = d
-- (Hessian normal form). It matters that the d is on the
-- right hand side since we care about plane normal direction.
data PlaneEq = PlaneEq !Normal3 !Float -- parameters: a b c d
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
mkPlaneEq :: Vec3 -> Float -> PlaneEq
mkPlaneEq abc d = PlaneEq (mkNormal abc) (d / norm abc)
mkPlaneEqABCD :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> PlaneEq
mkPlaneEqABCD a b c d = mkPlaneEq (Vec3 a b c) d
flipPlaneEq :: PlaneEq -> PlaneEq
flipPlaneEq (PlaneEq n d) = PlaneEq (flipNormal n) (-d)
signedDistanceToPlaneEq :: PlaneEq -> Vec3 -> Float
signedDistanceToPlaneEq (PlaneEq n d) p = fromNormal n `dotprod` p - d
projectToPlane :: PlaneEq -> Vec3 -> Vec3
projectToPlane eq@(PlaneEq n _) p = p &- (signedDistanceToPlaneEq eq p *& fromNormal n)
planeEqsFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [PlaneEq]
planeEqsFromFile file = do
let float = realToFrac <$> double
floatS = float <* skipSpace
-- PCL exports plane in the form `ax + by + cz + d = 0`,
-- we need `ax + by + cz = d`.
planesParser = (mkPlaneEqABCD <$> floatS <*> floatS <*> floatS <*> (negate <$> float))
`sepBy1'` endOfLine
parseOnly planesParser <$> BS.readFile file >>= \case
Left err -> error $ "Could not load planes: " ++ show err
Right planes -> return planes
planesFromDir :: State -> FilePath -> IO [Plane]
planesFromDir state dir = do
eqs <- planeEqsFromFile (dir </> "planes.txt")
forM (zip [0..] eqs) $ \(x :: Int, eq) -> do
let name = "cloud_plane_hull" ++ show x ++ ".pcd"
file = dir </> name
putStrLn $ "Loading " ++ file
points <- loadPCDFileXyzFloat file
col <- getRandomColor
i <- genID state
return $ Plane i eq col points
loadPlanes :: State -> FilePath -> IO ()
loadPlanes state dir = do
planes <- planesFromDir state dir
forM_ planes (addPlane state)
planeCorner :: PlaneEq -> PlaneEq -> PlaneEq -> Vec3
planeCorner (PlaneEq n1 d1)
(PlaneEq n2 d2)
(PlaneEq n3 d3) = Vec3 (f x) (f y) (f z)
-- TODO Figure out how to detect when the system isn't solvable (parallel planes)
Vec3 a1 b1 c1 = fromNormal n1
Vec3 a2 b2 c2 = fromNormal n2
Vec3 a3 b3 c3 = fromNormal n3
f = realToFrac :: Double -> Float
d = realToFrac :: Float -> Double
[x,y,z] = HmatrixVec.toList . Matrix.flatten $ linearSolve lhs rhs
lhs = (3><3)[ d a1, d b1, d c1
, d a2, d b2, d c2
, d a3, d b3, d c3 ]
rhs = (3><1)[ d d1, d d2, d d3 ]
red :: Color3 GLfloat
red = Color3 1 0 0
addCornerPoint :: State -> IO ()
addCornerPoint state@State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} = do
get sSelectedPlanes >>= \case
[p1,p2,p3]-> do
let corner = planeCorner (planeEq p1) (planeEq p2) (planeEq p3)
-- First check if p1 is part of a room.
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
case [ r | pid <- map planeID [p1, p2, p3]
, Just r <- [findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid] ] of
[r@Room{ roomID = i },r2,r3] | roomID r2 == i && roomID r3 == i -> do
case roomCorners r of
corners | length corners < 8 -> do
putStrLn $ "Merging planes of room to corner " ++ show corner
sRooms $~ Map.insert i r{ roomCorners = corner : roomCorners r }
_ -> putStrLn $ "Room " ++ show i ++ " already has 8 corners"
_ -> do
putStrLn $ "Merged planes to corner " ++ show corner
i <- genID state
addPointCloud state $ Cloud i (OneColor red) (V.fromList [corner])
ps -> putStrLn $ show (length ps) ++ " planes selected, need 3"
sSelectedPlanes $= []
-- | Calculates the rotation matrix that will rotate plane1 into the same
-- direction as plane 2.
-- Note that if you actually want to rotate plane 2 onto plane 1, you have
-- to take the inverse or pass them the other way around!
rotationBetweenPlaneEqs :: PlaneEq -> PlaneEq -> Mat3
rotationBetweenPlaneEqs (PlaneEq n1 _) (PlaneEq n2 _) = o -- TODO change this to take Normal3 directly instead of planeEqs
-- TODO Use
o = rotMatrix3' axis theta
axis = crossprod n1 n2
costheta = dotprod n1 n2 / (norm n1 * norm n2)
theta = acos costheta
rotatePlaneEq :: Mat3 -> PlaneEq -> PlaneEq
rotatePlaneEq rotMat (PlaneEq n d) = mkPlaneEq n' d'
n' = fromNormal n .* rotMat
d' = d -- The distance from plane to origin does
-- not change when rotating around origin.
rotatePlaneEqAround :: Vec3 -> Mat3 -> PlaneEq -> PlaneEq
rotatePlaneEqAround rotCenter rotMat (PlaneEq n d) = mkPlaneEq n' d'
-- See
n' = fromNormal n .* rotMat
o = d *& fromNormal n
o' = rotateAround rotCenter rotMat o
d' = o' `dotprod` n' -- distance from origin along NEW normal vector
-- | Rotates a point around a rotation center.
rotateAround :: Vec3 -> Mat3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3
rotateAround rotCenter rotMat p = ((p &- rotCenter) .* rotMat) &+ rotCenter
rotatePlaneAround :: Vec3 -> Mat3 -> Plane -> Plane
rotatePlaneAround rotCenter rotMat p@Plane{ planeEq = oldEq, planeBounds = oldBounds }
= p{ planeEq = rotatePlaneEqAround rotCenter rotMat oldEq
, planeBounds = (rotateAround rotCenter rotMat) oldBounds }
rotatePlane :: Mat3 -> Plane -> Plane
rotatePlane rotMat p = rotatePlaneAround (planeMean p) rotMat p
pointMean :: Vector Vec3 -> Vec3
pointMean points | V.null points = error "pointMean: empty"
| otherwise = c
n = V.length points
c = V.foldl' (&+) zero points &* (1 / fromIntegral n) -- bound center
cloudMean :: Cloud -> Vec3
cloudMean Cloud{ cloudPoints } = pointMean cloudPoints
planeMean :: Plane -> Vec3
planeMean Plane{ planeBounds } = pointMean planeBounds
findRoomContainingPlane :: [Room] -> ID -> Maybe Room
findRoomContainingPlane rooms i = find (\r -> any ((i == ) . planeID) (roomPlanes r)) rooms
rotateSelectedPlanes :: State -> IO ()
rotateSelectedPlanes state@State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} = do
get sSelectedPlanes >>= \case
[p1,p2] -> do
-- We want to rotate p1.
let pid1 = planeID p1
-- First check if p1 is part of a room.
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
case findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid1 of
Just oldRoom -> do
let rot = rotationBetweenPlaneEqs (planeEq p1) (flipPlaneEq $ planeEq p2)
putStrLn $ "Rotating room by " ++ show rot
updateRoom state (rotateRoom rot oldRoom)
Nothing -> do
let p1' = rotatePlane rot p1
rot = rotationBetweenPlaneEqs (planeEq p1) (planeEq p2)
putStrLn $ "Rotating plane"
addPlane state p1'
ps -> putStrLn $ show (length ps) ++ " planes selected, need 2"
-- Reset selected planes in any case
sSelectedPlanes $= []
rotateCloudAround :: Vec3 -> Mat3 -> Cloud -> Cloud
rotateCloudAround rotCenter rotMat c@Cloud{ cloudPoints = oldPoints }
= c { cloudPoints = (rotateAround rotCenter rotMat) oldPoints }
roomMean :: Room -> Vec3
roomMean Room{ roomCloud } = cloudMean roomCloud
rotateRoomAround :: Vec3 -> Mat3 -> Room -> Room
rotateRoomAround rotCenter rotMat r@Room{ roomPlanes = oldPlanes, roomCloud = oldCloud, roomCorners = oldCorners, roomProj = oldProj }
= r{ roomPlanes = map (rotatePlaneAround rotCenter rotMat) oldPlanes
, roomCloud = rotateCloudAround rotCenter rotMat oldCloud
, roomCorners = map (rotateAround rotCenter rotMat) oldCorners
-- `linear rotMat` is right-multiplied since we use right-multiplication
-- for everything else as well (otherwise we'd have to transpose it).
, roomProj = translate4 rotCenter . (.*. linear rotMat) . translate4 (neg rotCenter) $ oldProj
rotateRoom :: Mat3 -> Room -> Room
rotateRoom rotMat r = rotateRoomAround (roomMean r) rotMat r
translatePlaneEq :: Vec3 -> PlaneEq -> PlaneEq
-- translatePlaneEq off (PlaneEq n d) = PlaneEq n d' -- TODO this is ok but needs comment
translatePlaneEq off (PlaneEq n d) = mkPlaneEq (fromNormal n) d'
-- See
o = d *& fromNormal n
o' = o &+ off
d' = o' `dotprod` fromNormal n -- distance from origin along normal vector
translatePlane :: Vec3 -> Plane -> Plane
translatePlane off p@Plane{ planeEq = oldEq, planeBounds = oldBounds }
= p{ planeEq = translatePlaneEq off oldEq
, planeBounds = (off &+) oldBounds }
translateCloud :: Vec3 -> Cloud -> Cloud
translateCloud off c@Cloud{ cloudPoints = oldPoints }
= c { cloudPoints = (off &+) oldPoints }
translateRoom :: Vec3 -> Room -> Room
translateRoom off room@Room{ roomPlanes = oldPlanes, roomCloud = oldCloud, roomCorners = oldCorners, roomProj = oldProj }
= room{ roomPlanes = map (translatePlane off) oldPlanes
, roomCloud = translateCloud off oldCloud
, roomCorners = map (off &+) oldCorners
, roomProj = translate4 off oldProj
projectRoom :: Proj4 -> Room -> Room
projectRoom proj room@Room{ roomPlanes = oldPlanes, roomCloud = oldCloud, roomCorners = oldCorners, roomProj = oldProj }
= room -- `roomProj` is always a projection versus the origin, so rotate around that.
{ roomPlanes = map (translatePlane off . rotatePlaneAround zero rotMat) oldPlanes
, roomCloud = (translateCloud off . rotateCloudAround zero rotMat) oldCloud
-- TODO Change this so that it doesn't assume the scaling factor is 1 (so scale the result)
, roomCorners = map (myTrim . (.* fromProjective proj) . (extendWith 1 :: Vec3 -> Vec4)) oldCorners
, roomProj = oldProj .*. proj
myTrim (Vec4 x y z 1) = Vec3 x y z
myTrim _ = error "myTrim"
Mat4 (Vec4 a b c 0)
(Vec4 d e f 0)
(Vec4 g h i 0)
(Vec4 tx ty tz 1) = fromProjective proj
off = Vec3 tx ty tz
rotMat = Mat3 (Vec3 a b c) (Vec3 d e f) (Vec3 g h i)
-- Clouds recored with Kinfu clouds are always heads-up.
rotateKinfuRoom :: Room -> Room
rotateKinfuRoom = rotateRoom (rotMatrixX (toRad 180))
loadRoom :: State -> FilePath -> IO Room
loadRoom state dir = do
cloud <- cloudFromFile state (dir </> "cloud_downsampled.pcd")
-- Make all plane normals inward facing
let roomCenter = cloudMean cloud
makeInwardFacing p@Plane{ planeEq = PlaneEq n d }
= p{ planeEq = let inwardVec = roomCenter &- planeMean p -- TODO use one point on plane instead of planeMean
pointsInward = inwardVec `dotprod` fromNormal n > 0
in if pointsInward then PlaneEq n d
else PlaneEq (flipNormal n) (-d)
planes <- map makeInwardFacing <$> planesFromDir state dir
i <- genID state
let room = Room i planes cloud [] one (dir </> "cloud_downsampled.pcd")
updateRoom state room
-- Note that we should not further modify the room in this function,
-- since we desire that loadRoom returns it both as represented in
-- the data file and with `roomProj` set to identity.
putStrLn $ "Room " ++ show i ++ " loaded"
return room
getRoom :: State -> ID -> IO (Maybe Room)
getRoom State{ transient = TransientState { sRooms } } i = Map.lookup i <$> get sRooms
changeRoom :: State -> ID -> (Room -> Room) -> IO ()
changeRoom state@State{ transient = TransientState { sRooms } } i f = do
getRoom state i >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "no room loaded"
Just r -> do
let r' = f r
sRooms $~ Map.insert i r'
updatePointCloud state (roomCloud r')
updateRoom :: State -> Room -> IO ()
updateRoom state@State{ transient = TransientState{ sRooms } } room = do
sRooms $~ Map.insert (roomID room) room
updatePointCloud state (roomCloud room)
addPlane :: State -> Plane -> IO ()
addPlane State{ transient = TransientState{ sPlanes } } p@Plane{ planeID = i } = do
sPlanes $~ (Map.insert i p)
fitCuboidToSelectedRoom :: State -> IO ()
fitCuboidToSelectedRoom state@State{ transient = TransientState{ sSelectedRoom } } = do
get sSelectedRoom >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "no room selected"
Just r -> fitCuboidToRoom state r
fitCuboidToRoom :: State -> Room -> IO ()
fitCuboidToRoom state Room{ roomID, roomCorners } = do
putStrLn $ "fitting cuboid to room " ++ show roomID
if length roomCorners < 8
then putStrLn "not enough room corners; need 8"
else do
putStrLn $ "Room corners: " ++ show roomCorners
let points = map toDoubleVec roomCorners
(params, steps, err, _) = fitCuboidFromCenterFirst points
putStrLn $ "fit cuboid in " ++ show steps ++ " steps, RMSE: " ++ show (sqrt err)
-- Replace room planes and corners by those of the cuboid
let cuboidPoints = map toFloatVec $ cuboidFromParams params
[x,y,z, a,b,c, q1,q2,q3,q4] = map toFloat params
cuboidPlanes <- makePlanesFromCuboid state cuboidPoints
(Vec3 x y z) (Vec3 a b c)
(mkU (Vec4 q1 q2 q3 q4))
changeRoom state roomID (\r -> r{ roomCorners = cuboidPoints
, roomPlanes = cuboidPlanes })
makePlanesFromCuboid :: State -> [Vec3] -> Vec3 -> Vec3 -> UnitQuaternion -> IO [Plane]
makePlanesFromCuboid state cuboidPoints cuboidCenter _cuboidDims@(Vec3 a b c) rotQuat = do
px1 <- fromOriginPlane (mkPlaneEq (Vec3 1 0 0 ) (a/2))
px2 <- fromOriginPlane (mkPlaneEq (Vec3 (-1) 0 0 ) (a/2))
py1 <- fromOriginPlane (mkPlaneEq (Vec3 0 1 0 ) (b/2))
py2 <- fromOriginPlane (mkPlaneEq (Vec3 0 (-1) 0 ) (b/2))
pz1 <- fromOriginPlane (mkPlaneEq (Vec3 0 0 1 ) (c/2))
pz2 <- fromOriginPlane (mkPlaneEq (Vec3 0 0 (-1)) (c/2))
return [px1, px2, py1, py2, pz1, pz2]
rotMat = fromOrtho $ rightOrthoU rotQuat
-- We first construct the planes as if the room was centered at
-- the origin and the planes orthogonal to the axes, and then
-- adjust the room to the center and rotation we got from the
-- cuboid fitting.
fromOriginPlane originEq = do
i <- genID state
col <- getRandomColor
let eq = translatePlaneEq cuboidCenter . rotatePlaneEqAround zero rotMat $ originEq
reorderPolygon corners = let c1:rest = corners
[c2,c3,c4] = sortBy (comparing (distance c1)) rest
in [c1,c2,c4,c3]
bounds = V.fromList
. reorderPolygon
. (\l -> assert (length l == 4) l)
. filter ((< 1e-4) . abs . signedDistanceToPlaneEq eq)
$ cuboidPoints
return $ Plane i eq col bounds
toFloatVec :: Vect.Double.Vec3 -> Vec3
toFloatVec (Vect.Double.Vec3 a b c) = Vec3 (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac c)
toDoubleVec :: Vec3 -> Vect.Double.Vec3
toDoubleVec (Vec3 a b c) = Vect.Double.Vec3 (realToFrac a) (realToFrac b) (realToFrac c)
-- TODO change this to use the lowest plane instead of the one most parallel to the floor
autoAlignFloor :: State -> Room -> IO ()
autoAlignFloor state room@Room{ roomID, roomPlanes } = do
putStrLn $ "auto aligning floor of room " ++ show roomID
case roomPlanes of
[] -> putStrLn "room has no planes"
ps -> do
let floorPlane = maximumBy (comparing (dotprod vec3Y . planeNormal)) ps
rot = rotationBetweenPlaneEqs (planeEq floorPlane) (mkPlaneEq vec3Y 1)
updateRoom state (rotateRoom rot room)
newEmptyCloud :: State -> IO Cloud
newEmptyCloud state = do
i <- genID state
return $ Cloud i (OneColor red) (V.empty)
save :: State -> IO ()
save state = saveTo state "save.safecopy"
saveTo :: State -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveTo State{ transient = TransientState{ sRooms } } path = do
putStrLn $ "Saving rooms to " ++ path
rooms <- get sRooms
BS.writeFile path $ runPut (safePut rooms)
putStrLn "saved"
load :: State -> IO ()
load state = loadFrom state "save.safecopy"
loadFrom :: State -> FilePath -> IO ()
loadFrom state@State{ transient = TransientState{ sRooms } } path = do
putStrLn $ "Loading rooms from " ++ path
try (BS.readFile path) >>= \case
Left (e :: IOError) -> print e
Right bs -> case runGet safeGet bs of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Failed loading " ++ path ++ ": " ++ err
Right rooms -> do
sRooms $= rooms
forM_ (Map.elems rooms) (updateRoom state) -- allocates room clouds
clearRooms :: State -> IO ()
clearRooms State{ transient = TransientState{ sRooms, sConnectedWalls, sAllocatedClouds } } = do
putStrLn "Clearing"
roomClouds <- map roomCloud . Map.elems <$> get sRooms
sRooms $= Map.empty
forM_ roomClouds $ \Cloud{ cloudID } -> do
putStrLn $ "Deallocating room cloud " ++ show cloudID
allocatedClouds <- get sAllocatedClouds
case Map.lookup cloudID allocatedClouds of
Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Warning: clearRooms: cloud " ++ show cloudID ++ " does not exist"
Just (_, bufObj, m'colorObj) -> do
deleteObjectName bufObj
for_ m'colorObj deleteObjectName
sAllocatedClouds $~ Map.delete cloudID
sConnectedWalls $= []
swapRoomPositions :: State -> IO ()
swapRoomPositions state@State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} = do
get sSelectedPlanes >>= \case
[p1,p2] -> do
let pid1 = planeID p1
pid2 = planeID p2
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
case (findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid1, findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid2) of
(Just room1, Just room2) -> do
putStrLn $ "Swapping rooms " ++ show (roomID room1, roomID room2)
let m1 = roomMean room1
m2 = roomMean room2
-- Swap the two rooms
changeRoom state (roomID room1) (translateRoom (m2 &- m1))
changeRoom state (roomID room2) (translateRoom (m1 &- m2))
_ -> do
putStrLn $ "The planes " ++ show (pid1, pid2) ++ " are not walls of different rooms!"
ps -> putStrLn $ show (length ps) ++ " walls selected, need 2"
-- Reset selected planes in any case
sSelectedPlanes $= []
connectWalls :: State -> WallRelation -> IO ()
connectWalls State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} relation = do
get sSelectedPlanes >>= \case
[p1,p2] -> do
let pid1 = planeID p1
pid2 = planeID p2
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
case (findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid1, findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid2) of
(Just room1, Just room2) -> do
putStrLn $ "Connecting rooms " ++ show (roomID room1, roomID room2) ++ " via wall planes " ++ show (pid1, pid2)
let PlaneEq n1 _ = planeEq p1
PlaneEq n2 _ = planeEq p2
let bestAxis n = snd $ maximum [ (abs (fromNormal n `dotprod` v), ax) | (v, ax) <- [(vec3X, X), (vec3Y, Y), (vec3Z, Z)] ]
case (bestAxis n1, bestAxis n2) of
(a, a') | a /= a' -> putStrLn $ "Could not guess axis of wall connection"
(axis, _) -> do
-- TODO improve the duplicate check
sConnectedWalls $~ \ws -> if [ () | (_, _, pidA, pidB) <- ws, (pidA, pidB) `elem` [(pid1,pid2),(pid2,pid1)] ] /= []
then ws
else (axis, relation, pid1, pid2):ws
_ -> do
putStrLn $ "The planes " ++ show (pid1, pid2) ++ " are not walls of different rooms!"
ps -> putStrLn $ show (length ps) ++ " walls selected, need 2"
-- Reset selected planes in any case
sSelectedPlanes $= []
disconnectWalls :: State -> IO ()
disconnectWalls State{ transient = TransientState{..}, ..} = do
get sSelectedPlanes >>= \case
[p1,p2] -> do
let pid1 = planeID p1
pid2 = planeID p2
putStrLn $ "Disconnecting walls " ++ show (pid1, pid2)
-- Keep all the other connections that are not (pid1,pid2)
connectedWalls <- get sConnectedWalls
sConnectedWalls $= [ ws | ws@(_, _, pidA, pidB) <- connectedWalls
, (pidA,pidB) `notElem` [(pid1,pid2),(pid2,pid1)] ]
ps -> putStrLn $ show (length ps) ++ " walls selected, need 2"
-- Reset selected planes in any case
sSelectedPlanes $= []
optimizeRoomPositions :: State -> IO ()
optimizeRoomPositions state@State{ sWallThickness, transient = TransientState{..} } = do
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
conns <- get sConnectedWalls
let wallsRooms = [ (p1, p2, r1, r2, axis, relation)
| (axis, relation, pid1, pid2) <- conns
, let Just r1 = findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid1
, let Just r2 = findRoomContainingPlane rooms pid2
, let [p1] = [ p | p <- roomPlanes r1, planeID p == pid1 ]
, let [p2] = [ p | p <- roomPlanes r2, planeID p == pid2 ]
when ([ () | (_, _, r1, r2, _, _) <- wallsRooms, roomCorners r1 == [] || roomCorners r2 == [] ] /= []) $
error "some room in position optimization has no corners!"
wallThickness <- get sWallThickness
-- We optimize translations along the 3 axes separately (they are independent).
-- That means that we we only have to work on one component of any 3D point
-- involved, which we get with `getComponent axis`.
forM_ [X,Y,Z] $ \axis -> do
let -- Each connected wall expresses a desired distance between two rooms.
desiredCenterOffsets :: [ ((ID, ID), Double) ]
desiredCenterOffsets =
[ ((roomID r1, roomID r2), realToFrac $ o + signum o * wallDistance)
| (p1, p2, r1, r2, ax, relation) <- wallsRooms, ax == axis
, let o = roomCenterOffsetFromWalls r1 r2 p1 p2 axis
, let wallDistance = case relation of Opposite -> wallThickness
Same -> 0
-- Find the optimal position of the rooms along `axis`.
-- This returns the first room being 0 along the axis, and the other rooms
-- at positions that minimize the square error from the desired distances.
newRoomCenters :: Map ID Float
newRoomCenters = realToFrac <$> lstSqDistances (Map.fromList desiredCenterOffsets)
-- TODO If we are working on an axis and have 4 rooms that are connected
-- pairwise and independent of each other, say A-B C-D, then
-- lstSqDistances will set both A and C to 0 and thus have them
-- fall together. Deal with that e.g. by doing optimisation
-- separately on connected components.
-- Check if there is any room to move on this axis
case [ r | (_,_,r,_,ax,_) <- wallsRooms, ax == axis ] of
[] -> putStrLn $ "Don't need to align along " ++ show axis ++ " axis"
firstRoom:_ -> do
-- We want the first room to be at its original position instead of at 0,
-- so shift the optimized room positions by that original position.
let firstRoomCenterComp = getComponent axis $ cornerMean firstRoom
newRoomCentersFromFirst = (+ firstRoomCenterComp) <$> newRoomCenters
-- Translate all rooms to their new positions.
forM_ (Map.toList newRoomCentersFromFirst) $ \(rid, newRoomCenterComp) -> do
changeRoom state rid $ \r ->
let oldRoomCenterComp = getComponent axis (cornerMean r)
in translateRoom ( (newRoomCenterComp - oldRoomCenterComp) `along` axis) r
getComponent :: Axis -> Vec3 -> Float
getComponent X (Vec3 x _ _) = x
getComponent Y (Vec3 _ y _) = y
getComponent Z (Vec3 _ _ z) = z
along :: Float -> Axis -> Vec3
d `along` X = Vec3 d 0 0
d `along` Y = Vec3 0 d 0
d `along` Z = Vec3 0 0 d
cornerMean :: Room -> Vec3
cornerMean = pointMean . V.fromList . roomCorners
-- Assumes rooms are perfect cuboids.
roomCenterOffsetFromWalls :: Room -> Room -> Plane -> Plane -> Axis -> Float
roomCenterOffsetFromWalls r1 r2 p1 p2 axis
= getComponent axis $ (planeMean p1 &- cornerMean r1) &- (planeMean p2 &- cornerMean r2)
exportRoomProjection :: State -> IO ()
exportRoomProjection State{ transient = TransientState{ sSelectedRoom } } = do
get sSelectedRoom >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn "no room selected"
Just r -> do
putStrLn $ roomProjectionToString r
roomProjectionToString :: Room -> String
roomProjectionToString Room{ roomProj }
= intercalate "," $ map show [a,b,c,d
-- `roomProj :: Proj4` uses right-multiplication and so stores the
-- 4x4 transposed to how most applications deal with it. We want to
-- export the left-multiplicative form, so we have to transpose.
Mat4 (Vec4 a b c d)
(Vec4 e f g h)
(Vec4 i j k l)
(Vec4 m n o p) = transpose $ fromProjective roomProj
exportAllRoomPCLTransforms :: State -> IO ()
exportAllRoomPCLTransforms State{ transient = TransientState{ sRooms } } = do
rooms <- Map.elems <$> get sRooms
forM_ rooms $ \r -> do
putStrLn $ "~/src/pcl/pcl/build/bin/pcl_transform_point_cloud "
++ roomName r ++ " " ++ (takeFileName . takeDirectory . takeDirectory $ roomName r) ++ "-placed.pcd"
++ " -matrix " ++ roomProjectionToString r
-- Infinite list of Cantor pairs:
-- `(0 0) (0 1) (1 0) (0 2) (1 1) (2 0) (0 3) (1 2) (2 1) ...`
diagonalPairs :: [ (Int, Int) ]
diagonalPairs = [ (a, n-1-a) | n <- [1..], a <- [0..n-1] ]
devSetup :: State -> IO ()
devSetup state = do
-- Coord planes
pid1 <- genID state
pid2 <- genID state
pid3 <- genID state
addPlane state (Plane pid1 (PlaneEq (mkNormal $ Vec3 1 0 0) 0) (Color3 1 0 0) (V.fromList [Vec3 0 0 0, Vec3 0 5 0, Vec3 0 5 5, Vec3 0 0 5]))
addPlane state (Plane pid2 (PlaneEq (mkNormal $ Vec3 0 1 0) 0) (Color3 0 1 0) (V.fromList [Vec3 0 0 0, Vec3 5 0 0, Vec3 5 0 5, Vec3 0 0 5]))
addPlane state (Plane pid3 (PlaneEq (mkNormal $ Vec3 0 0 1) 0) (Color3 0 0 1) (V.fromList [Vec3 0 0 0, Vec3 0 5 0, Vec3 5 5 0, Vec3 5 0 0]))
let baseDir = "/home/niklas/uni/individualproject/recordings/rec3"
roomNames = [ "elabathroom1"
, "elakitchen1"
, "elamiddle1"
, "elaroom1"
, "elarooma2"
, "elaroomb3"
ids <- forM (zip roomNames diagonalPairs) $ \(roomName, (x,z)) -> do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state (baseDir </> roomName </> "walls")
changeRoom state i $ rotateKinfuRoom
autoAlignFloor state =<< (\(Just r) -> r) <$> getRoom state i
changeRoom state i $ translateRoom (Vec3 (6 * fromIntegral x) 0 (6 * fromIntegral z))
-- when (roomName == "elamiddle1") $ do
-- -- changeRoom state i $ translateRoom (Vec3 0 10 0)
-- changeRoom state i $ rotateRoomAround (Vec3 0 10 0) (rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 90))
-- changeRoom state i $ removeCeiling
return i
forM_ (zip roomNames ids) $ \(roomName, i) -> do
projStr <- roomProjectionToString . (\(Just r) -> r) <$> getRoom state i
putStrLn $ "~/src/pcl/pcl/build/bin/pcl_transform_point_cloud"
++ " ../" ++ roomName ++ "/cloud_bin.pcd " ++ roomName ++ "-placed.pcd"
++ " -matrix " ++ projStr
return ()
sleep :: Double -> IO ()
sleep t = threadDelay $ floor (t * 1e6)
elaroom1corners :: [Vec3]
= [ Vec3 0.5213087 1.3714368 0.9477334
, Vec3 0.6015281 0.7033132 4.419407
, Vec3 4.8369703 1.2523801 4.0971937
, Vec3 4.4101005 1.8874655 0.5908974
, Vec3 0.3593011 4.1540117 0.914716
, Vec3 4.14219 4.488981 1.1421864
, Vec3 4.5736876 3.750552 4.565998
, Vec3 0.46467793 3.254958 4.8851647
projTest :: State -> IO ()
projTest state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 6 0 0))
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (rotateRoom (rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 90)))
Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
projTest2 :: State -> IO ()
projTest2 state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (rotateRoom (rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 10)))
Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
projTest3 :: State -> IO ()
projTest3 state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
autoAlignFloor state =<< (\(Just r) -> r) <$> getRoom state i
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 6 0 0))
Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
return ()
projTest4 :: State -> IO ()
projTest4 state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 0 0 6))
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (rotateRoomAround (Vec3 0 0 0) (rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 10)))
Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
projTest5 :: State -> IO ()
projTest5 state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i (translateRoom (Vec3 1 2 6))
Just Room{ roomProj = proj } <- getRoom state i
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
projTest6 :: State -> IO ()
projTest6 state = do
Room{ roomID = i } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
sleep 1
let rotMat = rotMatrix3 vec3X (toRad 10)
changeRoom state i (rotateRoomAround (Vec3 0 0 0) rotMat)
Just Room{ roomProj = unusedProj } <- getRoom state i
let proj = linear rotMat
sleep 1
Room{ roomID = i2 } <- loadRoom state "/mnt/3d-scans/rec3/elaroom1/walls/"
changeRoom state i2 (\x -> x{ roomCorners = elaroom1corners })
sleep 1
changeRoom state i2 (projectRoom proj)
Just Room{ roomProj = proj2 } <- getRoom state i2
assert (proj == proj2) $ return ()
putStrLn $ "proj " ++ show proj
putStrLn $ "unused " ++ show unusedProj
-- Chop of top 20% of points to peek inside
removeCeiling :: Room -> Room
removeCeiling r@Room{ roomCloud = c@Cloud{ cloudPoints = oldCloudPoints
, cloudColor = oldCloudColor } }
= r{ roomCloud = c{ cloudPoints = newCloudPoints
, cloudColor = newCloudColor } }
n = V.length oldCloudPoints
nDiscard = n `quot` 5 -- 20%
yComp = getComponent Y
-- Throw away points above this limit
yLimit = yComp $ kthLargestBy yComp nDiscard oldCloudPoints
| V.null oldCloudPoints = V.empty
| otherwise = V.filter ((<= yLimit) . yComp) oldCloudPoints
newCloudColor = case oldCloudColor of
col@OneColor{} -> col
ManyColors cols -> ManyColors $ if
| V.null cols -> V.empty
| otherwise -> V.ifilter (\i _ -> yComp (oldCloudPoints ! i) <= yLimit) cols
-- | For debugging / ghci only.
dfl :: [Vec3] -> IO ()
dfl ps = do
state <- getState
i <- genID state
col <- getRandomColor
addPointCloud state (Cloud i (OneColor col) (V.fromList ps))
-- SafeCopy instances
instance SafeCopy GLfloat where
putCopy f = contain $ safePut (realToFrac f :: Float)
getCopy = contain $ (realToFrac :: Float -> GLfloat) <$> safeGet
instance SafeCopy a => SafeCopy (Color3 a) where
putCopy (Color3 r g b) = contain $ do safePut r; safePut g; safePut b
getCopy = contain $ Color3 <$> safeGet <*> safeGet <*> safeGet
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Vec3
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Vec4
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Mat4
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Proj4
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''CloudColor
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Cloud
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Normal3
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''PlaneEq
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Plane
deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Room_v1
deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''Room_v2
instance Migrate Room_v2 where
type MigrateFrom Room_v2 = Room_v1
migrate (Room_v1 i planes cloud corners) = Room_v2 i planes cloud corners one
deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''Room
instance Migrate Room where
type MigrateFrom Room = Room_v2
migrate (Room_v2 i planes cloud corners proj) = Room i planes cloud corners proj "ANON"
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