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Created December 12, 2014 08:22
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My emacs manifest for Boxen
class people::nhocki::emacs {
notice("Setting up ${::boxen_user}'s emacs repo")
package { 'cask':
ensure => present
$home = "/Users/${::boxen_user}"
$src = "${home}/src"
$emacs = "${src}/emacsdotd"
$homebrew = "${boxen::config::home}/homebrew/opt"
$emacsIns = "pull emacs config"
file { $emacs:
ensure => directory
repository { $emacs:
source => 'nhocki/dotemacs',
require => File[$emacs]
exec { $emacsIns:
command => 'git pull origin master',
cwd => $emacs
file { "${home}/.cask":
ensure => 'link',
target => "${homebrew}/cask",
require => Package['cask']
file { 'create symlink':
path => "${home}/.emacs.d",
target => $emacs,
ensure => 'link'
exec { 'install emacs dependencies':
command => 'cask install',
cwd => $emacs,
require => Exec[$emacsIns],
tries => 3,
try_sleep => 1
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