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Created March 11, 2020 11:52
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Phantom Builder Pattern with Elm
module Main exposing (main, view)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
main =
{ init = ()
, update = \_ _ -> ()
, view = view
view : () -> Html a
view _ =
initButton "Click me!"
|> withColor Pink
|> withSize Large
-- |> withSize Small -- compile error
-- |> withColor Red -- compile error
|> buttonToHtml
type Color
= Pink
| Blue
| Red
type Size
= Small
| Medium
| Large
type Button a
= Button
{ text : String
, color : Maybe Color
, size : Maybe Size
initButton : String -> Button { canAddColor : (), canAddSize : () }
initButton text =
{ text = text
, color = Nothing
, size = Nothing
buttonToHtml : Button a -> Html msg
buttonToHtml (Button config) =
styles =
[ Just [ style "margin" "10px" ]
, colorToStyles config.color
, sizeToStyles config.size
|> List.filterMap identity
|> List.concat
button styles [ text config.text ]
withColor : Color -> Button { a | canAddColor : () } -> Button a
withColor color (Button config) =
Button { config | color = Just color }
withSize : Size -> Button { a | canAddSize : () } -> Button a
withSize size (Button config) =
Button { config | size = Just size }
colorToStyles : Color -> List (Html.Attribute msg)
colorToStyles color =
case color of
Pink ->
[ style "color" "pink" ]
Blue ->
[ style "color" "blue" ]
Red ->
[ style "color" "red" ]
sizeToStyles : Size -> List (Html.Attribute msg)
sizeToStyles size =
case size of
Small ->
[ style "padding" "0px", style "font-size" "0.5rem" ]
Medium ->
[ style "padding" "5px", style "font-size" "1rem" ]
Large ->
[ style "padding" "10px", style "font-size" "2rem" ]
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