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Last active May 18, 2021 16:42
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Riker's Vec3 Header
#ifndef RKR_VEC3_HPP
#define RKR_VEC3_HPP
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
namespace rkr {
inline __m128d hsum256_128(__m256d v) {
__m128d vlow {_mm256_castpd256_pd128(v)};
__m128d vhigh {_mm256_extractf128_pd(v, 1)};
vlow = _mm_add_pd(vlow, vhigh);
vhigh = _mm_unpackhi_pd(vlow, vlow);
return _mm_add_sd(vlow, vhigh);
inline __m128d hsumsq256_128(__m256d v) {
return hsum256_128(_mm256_mul_pd(v, v));
class Vec3 {
Vec3() = default;
Vec3(double d) : ymm {_mm256_setr_pd(d, d, d, 0)} {}
Vec3(const double d[3]) : ymm {_mm256_setr_pd(d[0], d[1], d[2], 0)} {}
Vec3(double x, double y, double z) : ymm {_mm256_setr_pd(x, y, z, 0)} {}
Vec3(const __m256d m) : ymm {m} {}
Vec3& operator=(const __m256d m) {
ymm = m;
return *this;
double operator[](unsigned int index) const {
return xyz().at(index);
operator __m256d() const {
return ymm;
Vec3& set(double d, unsigned int idx) {
__m256d m {_mm256_broadcast_sd(&d)};
switch(idx) {
case 0:
ymm = _mm256_blend_pd(ymm, m, 1);
case 1:
ymm = _mm256_blend_pd(ymm, m, 2);
case 2:
ymm = _mm256_blend_pd(ymm, m, 4);
throw std::out_of_range(std::to_string(idx) + " >= Vec3 size of 3");
return *this;
double x() const {
return xyz()[0];
Vec3& x(double d) {
return set(d, 0);
double y() const {
return xyz()[1];
const Vec3 y(double d) {
return set(d, 1);
double z() const {
return xyz()[2];
Vec3& z(double d) {
return set(d, 2);
std::array<double, 3> xyz() const {
alignas(32) double s[4];
_mm256_store_pd(s, ymm);
return {s[0], s[1], s[2]};
Vec3& xyz(const std::array<double, 3>& da) {
alignas(32) double s[4] {da[0], da[1], da[2], 0};
ymm = _mm256_load_pd(s);
return *this;
double sq_dist() const {
return _mm_cvtsd_f64(hsumsq256_128(ymm));
double dist() const {
return _mm_cvtsd_f64(_mm_sqrt_pd(hsumsq256_128(ymm)));
Vec3 unit() const {
__m256d m {_mm256_broadcastsd_pd(_mm_sqrt_pd(hsumsq256_128(ymm)))};
return _mm256_div_pd(ymm, m);
__m256d ymm;
inline Vec3 operator+(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_add_pd(a, b);
inline Vec3 operator+(const Vec3 a, double b) {
return a + Vec3(b);
inline Vec3 operator+(double a, const Vec3 b) {
return Vec3(a) + b;
inline Vec3& operator+=(Vec3& a, const Vec3 b) {
a = a + b;
return a;
inline Vec3 operator++(Vec3& a, int) {
Vec3 b {a};
a = a + 1.0;
return b;
inline Vec3& operator++(Vec3& a) {
a = a + 1.0;
return a;
inline Vec3 operator-(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_sub_pd(a, b);
inline Vec3 operator-(const Vec3 a, double b) {
return a - Vec3(b);
inline Vec3 operator-(double a, const Vec3 b) {
return Vec3(a) - b;
inline Vec3 operator-(const Vec3 a) {
__m256i m {
_mm256_setr_epi32(0, 0x80000000u, 0, 0x80000000u, 0, 0x80000000u, 0, 0)};
return _mm256_xor_pd(a, _mm256_castsi256_pd(m));
inline Vec3& operator-=(Vec3& a, const Vec3 b) {
a = a - b;
return a;
inline Vec3 operator--(Vec3& a, int) {
Vec3 b {a};
a = a - 1.0;
return b;
inline Vec3& operator--(Vec3& a) {
a = a - 1.0;
return a;
inline Vec3 operator*(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_mul_pd(a, b);
inline Vec3 operator*(const Vec3 a, double b) {
return a * Vec3(b);
inline Vec3 operator*(double a, const Vec3 b) {
return Vec3(a) * b;
inline Vec3& operator*=(Vec3& a, const Vec3 b) {
a = a * b;
return a;
inline Vec3 operator/(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_mul_pd(a, b);
inline Vec3 operator/(const Vec3 a, double b) {
return a / Vec3(b);
inline Vec3 operator/(double a, const Vec3 b) {
return Vec3(a) / b;
inline Vec3& operator/=(Vec3& a, const Vec3 b) {
a = a / b;
return a;
enum AXIS { X_AXIS = 0x1, Y_AXIS = 0x2, Z_AXIS = 0x4 };
std::uint8_t operator==(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_cmp_pd(a, b, _CMP_EQ_OQ));
std::uint8_t operator!=(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_cmp_pd(a, b, _CMP_NEQ_UQ));
std::uint8_t operator<=(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_cmp_pd(a, b, _CMP_LE_OQ));
std::uint8_t operator<(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_cmp_pd(a, b, _CMP_LT_OQ));
std::uint8_t operator>=(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_cmp_pd(a, b, _CMP_NLT_UQ));
std::uint8_t operator>(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_cmp_pd(a, b, _CMP_NLE_UQ));
double dot_product(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
return _mm_cvtsd_f64(hsum256_128(a * b));
Vec3 cross_product(const Vec3 a, const Vec3 b) {
const std::uint8_t mm_yzx {_MM_SHUFFLE(3, 0, 2, 1)};
const std::uint8_t mm_zxy {_MM_SHUFFLE(3, 1, 0, 2)};
__m256d c {_mm256_mul_pd(
_mm256_permute4x64_pd(a, mm_yzx), _mm256_permute4x64_pd(b, mm_zxy))};
__m256d d {_mm256_mul_pd(
_mm256_permute4x64_pd(a, mm_zxy), _mm256_permute4x64_pd(b, mm_yzx))};
return _mm256_sub_pd(c, d);
} // namespace rkr
#endif // RKR_VEC3_HPP
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