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Created February 16, 2021 12:03
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A zero dependency Python 3 CLI script to increment file names. This script is explained on video at:
# 1. Create the file inc-file-names anywhere on your dev box
touch inc-file-names
# 2. Make it executable
chmod +x inc-file-names
# 3. Copy the script below into the file you just created
# 4. Move it onto your system path
sudo mv inc-file-names /usr/local/bin
# 5. Verify it works
inc-file-names --help
# -------------------------------
# An example of using the script:
# -------------------------------
# Create a temporary directory to mess around in
mkdir /tmp/inctest
cd /tmp/inctest
# Set up a few sample files to test the script with
touch 1-hello 2-another-title 3-another-new-file 4-this-happened \
5-check-that-out 6-very-cool 7-yeah-that-exists 8-seriously 9-the-end
# Add a new file in the middle of the list
touch 3-just-adding-another-file
# Increment the files (remove the -n to not do a dry run)
inc-file-names . -i 3 -p 2 -n
# Remove the temporary directory
rm -rf /tmp/inctest
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (c) 2021 - Nick Janetakis <>
# This code is licensed under the MIT license
import argparse
import os
import textwrap
def check_path(path):
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
msg = f'path does not exist: "{path}"'
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
def check_positive_int(val):
int_val = int(val)
if int_val >= 0:
return int_val
msg = f'must be a positive integer: "{val}"'
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
def get_files(dirname):
sorted_files = sorted(os.scandir(dirname), key=lambda e:
return [ for f in sorted_files if f.is_file()]
def inc_by(current_index, start_index):
When adding a new item, you'll end up with a duplicate number before the
renaming is done. For example, let's say we have:
And now we want to insert a new item between 02 and 03, as such:
We need to increment everything by 1 except when the current file in the
loop matches the number we want to start renaming from.
Using the above example, the logic below produces files named like this:
This is a pretty limited approach as it only supports adding 1 new file at
a time. If you added let's say 3 new items at once and wanted to re-index
everything this function won't properly increment the files.
amount = 1
if current_index == start_index:
amount = 0
return amount
def increment_files(source_path, start_index, delimiter, pad_len, dry_run):
files = get_files(source_path)
for index, file in enumerate(files, 1):
file_name = os.path.basename(file)
# Let's skip files that don't have the delimiter.
if delimiter not in file_name:
# We only want to split once in case the delimiter is used elsewhere
# in the file name, ie. 01-hello-world with a - delimiter.
file_name_parts = file_name.split(delimiter, 1)
prefix = file_name_parts[0]
name = file_name_parts[1]
# Let's also ignore any files that happen to contain the prefix but
# aren't a numbered file, such as: hey-this-file-should-be-skipped
prefix_int = int(prefix)
except ValueError:
# Only increment the files we want to.
increment_amount = 0
if prefix_int >= start_index:
increment_amount = inc_by(index, start_index)
# zfill pads the string with N number of characters.
new_prefix = str(prefix_int + increment_amount).zfill(pad_len)
new_file_name = f'{new_prefix}{delimiter}{name}'
if dry_run:
print(f'{file_name} -> {new_file_name}')
os.rename(file_name, new_file_name)
return None
def parseargs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
Increment file prefixes starting at a specific index.'''))
parser.add_argument('path', default=None,
metavar='PATH', type=check_path,
help='source path to look for files')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--index', type=check_positive_int,
metavar='VAL', required=True,
help='start incrementing at this prefix number')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--delimiter', type=str, default='-',
help='prefix delimiter (defaults to a hyphen)')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pad-len', type=check_positive_int,
metavar='VAL', required=True,
help='pad prefixes by this amount of zeros')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
help='print the results instead of renaming the files')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parseargs()
increment_files(args.path, args.index, args.delimiter, args.pad_len,
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